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  1. W

    Chamber Cleaning Rod?

    Beau, I have always felt that a cleaning rod probably hits the bore in the cleaning process. Maybe not every time but sometimes, even with a good bore guide. Tolerances are just too close! However I thought that was the approved method of cleaning. If you wanted a clean barrel thats how you took...
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    tuning and tempatures.

    Marty, Let me Guess The next thing on your will have a book coming out for sale!:D
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    My New Sporter

    garrisone PM sent We'll try it this way!
  4. W

    Windows 7 for Xmass

    I guess it's the old Apples & Oranges or Fords and Chevy thing. I bought Vista the first week it came out already installed on a new computer. It has acted perfectly. Family member has several computers in his house running Vista. Nary a problem.........He has used nearly every operating system...
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    My New Sporter

    garrisone did you get my email? about the CZ?
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    More Rimfire "Drama"

    Mr. Nobody Just a question? Do you believe there's a tuning procedure that can be followed and will work on all rifles? Just a thought here. Most shooters like and use the Hopewell method for getting their Harrell style tuner dialed in. I read it. It made sense to me! But I couldn't get it to...
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    Shilen Octagon

    Having experience with a Desert Eagle .44 back in the 80's. (That's 1980's for you Beau) I know they had what was called Polygonal rifling. It sure was a shooter. The barrel was also very easy to clean and different to look down, being used to the tradition lands and grooves. If you look at Wiki...
  8. W

    Looking Back on 2009

    As I was reading your post an thinking ahead......What bonehead move would have caused those results? I'll have to admit I did think about mis-reading the flags but not shooting them! I guess you were lucky to have gotten a score at all on those shots! That's actually pretty
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    Veterans Day

    for once I agree with Martin!:D .........A big Thanks to all the Vets.
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    Money Match

    Who's packed the Jack away from Dave's Place Sat? Nobody that was shootin (or might have won some money) owes me a thing:(........ Just kind of rootin for a couple of friends!!!:D
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    october challenge

    EAL says I can name that bolt in 8 minutes! Is he right Martin?
  12. W

    to pinch or not to pinch

    I have played with this but was apprehensive about bringing it up on this forum! As you know I have never shot in a match and am now just shooting to sort out a few things and hopefully make me a little more consistent for the big day. Do many use the slap or do you want to use the more...
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    thinking about my new barrel.

    Can you explain why? not questioning your method just want to know your thinking? Why only the SS wghts?
  14. W

    anybody going to courtdays tomorrow?

    Last time I went the traffic was backed up onto I-64. I decided then if I ever think about going again someone have me comitted! Actually I enjoy it once you get parked and start walking around! 404bang got it right "enjoy a tradition". It's like the TV advertisement, "It aint don't...
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    Mr Nobody This is the link to open range. They have out to 100yd rifle and an active pistol. I don't know the distance on the pistol range. They use the mancom(sp) system, just select the distance you want and it takes your target out for you. There is a...
  16. W

    One piece rests...

    Mr Nobody I tried to post several times in response to your above post but internet troubles prevented it. They got it fixed this morning! We've discussed this before (shooting at BuckCreek) and I couldn't agree more. I know your plan is to get me down there so you and Beau, Jackie, Danny...
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    One piece rests...

    My wife never forgets a birthday or special occasion. Well she surprised me this yr. for sure. A one piece rest. I have very limited experience on a one piece rest, about 10 min. I didn't realize the difference they made. She bought it from my local bullet dealer. Its built by K. Fulghum I have...
  18. W

    No news????

    Whoops!!! I wasn't aware of the storms, makes a mess of everything, Nothing worse than wet targets! Thanks Fred for the info, I'll wait till something comes thru just like everybody else. Like I said just a little anxious! I guess it's like Mom used to say. A watched Pot never boils?:D It...
  19. W

    No news????

    I'll bet most stayed in motels over night and they all have internet access. They could have gave us a little info Sat night! Fred we're just can understand that. That's good for the sport. Most of my friends have jobs. Unfortunatly the job doesn't pay enough for us to...
  20. W

    Boat tail vs Flat base bullets

    Thanks for the replys and remarks. Sorry for the delay in responding but internet has been down.