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  1. Renegade

    Follow the BIG World Event

    Doug and Vipha Miller arrived in Ljubljana this morning and report that passage through Slovenian Customs was a breeze, even though they had incorrect firearms forms. Their GPS took them through the countryside instead of the freeway for the 1.5hr ride to the range and they said Slovenia is...
  2. Renegade

    2017 Northeast Regional Results

    No Mistake Dave, While I'll continue to sanction Salem as a USARB club for the few shooters who attend our matches, I choose not to participate in the Scoreline. I'll shoot you an email to explain why when I get a chance. Todd
  3. Renegade

    Airguns of Arizona's Donation to the USARB Nationals Prize table

    Not only is AOA supplying Team USA some very nice Team shirts for the WRABF World Cup in Slovenia, they have also sent us an Aztec Emerald 5.5-25X50 scope, 3 sets of Sportsmatch scope rings and a Sportsmatch Spirit Level kit worth well over $500. Please thank AOA for their support of Air Rifle...
  4. Renegade

    USARB Nationals Registration Deadline

    Folks, the deadline for registrations for the Nationals is Sat, July 15th. The Registration form is available on the USARB website and on the Nationals sticky thread on the Air Rifle forum. There has been some confusion about the form on the USARB website, which apparently...
  5. Renegade

    Sightron knocks one out of the park for the USARB Nationals

    Many more companies have ignored requests for donations for the Nationals prize table than have stepped up to the plate to support air rifle benchrest and the USARB Nationals. Sightron not only stepped up, but hit a home run with their donation. I received a Siii 10-50x60 FTIRMOA, model # 25010...
  6. Renegade

    2017 USARB Nationals, Salem NY Sept. 1, 2, 3

    Thanks Paul!! Got your registration, along with Chas, Chris, Mark and another shooters' yesterday. Sightron sent us a $1700 Siii 10-50x60 FTIRMOA scope with side wheel, eye cup and neoprene scope coat to give away, and is willing to swap it for a model more suitable for BR if the winner...
  7. Renegade

    A Message from ABRA Match Direct Robert Eaton

    ABRA is a semi-automatic rimfire benchrest organization. Some folks have more money into Ruger 10/22 variants than the cost of a brand new RAW! Original poster just made a mistake on which forum to post on.
  8. Renegade

    Salem Pistol and Rifle Club Match, Sat. 7/1

    The Salem Pistol and Rifle Club will host a double match this coming Saturday, July 1st beginning at 9am. Shooters can choose any USARB class to shoot for each of the two 3-target matches, but are also welcome to shoot outside of those classes as well. If you've got an air rifle you think is...
  9. Renegade

    2017 USARB Nationals, Salem NY Sept. 1, 2, 3

    Dave, I have 21 people on the list of possible participants at this point, and about a third of those are people I've heard might be attending from other shooters. I have received 3 registration forms so far, with the deadline for registration just about 3 weeks off... We have had a few...
  10. Renegade

    2017 Northeast Regional Results

    We had a great weekend for the Northeast Regional Air Rifle Championship at the Salem Pistol and Rifle Club. Saturday was warm with temps topping out in the mid 80’s. The wind was mild and steady at start time for the LV match and increased to 7-10mph, getting switchy as the day progressed into...
  11. Renegade

    2017 USARB Nationals, Salem NY Sept. 1, 2, 3

    Beat you to it. I just sent the program to your Redwoods club email, Dick:)
  12. Renegade

    2017 USARB Nationals, Salem NY Sept. 1, 2, 3

    Dick, Send me an email at TKBanks98 at and I'll send it to you. It is available to any USARB sanctioned club.
  13. Renegade

    Salem Results for 5/20

    Oh, I remember Pinnacle alright. That damn range still owes me a 250, lol. I mounted a scope on my old Suhl, recently reacquired, grabbed some of Bob Holbrunners favorite lot of SK Pistol Match Special and joined Pete and the other RF guys for the 13.5lb target at todays IR50/50 match. What a...
  14. Renegade

    Salem Results for 5/20

    Well, we had an interesting day at Salem for our match yesterday. The weatherman was calling for 6mph winds, but he was off by about 15mph, with constant 5-10mph very switchy winds with gusts to 20+mph that blew our target stands over several times, even with 3' lengths of pressure treated 4x6...
  15. Renegade

    Northeast Regional- Springer or Open 50

    Here's what we'll do... The 50yard votes were nearly double the Springer votes, but I think I've come up with a decent compromise. We'll run the 50y and Springer matches at the same time, and I've purchased plaques for the top three finishers for each class. Just 3 weeks to go! Todd
  16. Renegade

    First Outdoor Match of the Year at Salem, Sat. 5/20

    The Salem Pistol and Rifle Club will be hosting it's first outdoor match of the year this coming Sat., 5/20. Registration will start at 8:00am with the first of two matches beginning at 9:30. All USARB classes are available for shooters to choose from. The match will happen rain or shine, but...
  17. Renegade

    USARB NorthEast Regional Benchrest Championship, Salem NY, June 10-11

    Schedule of Events Here's the schedule of events for the NE Regional: Fri, 6/9- Open practice 10am-? Sat, 6/10- 9am LV Class begins. 11:30am-1pm Lunch available for shooters to eat between relays -Open 25m to follow LV BBQ dinner, LV and Open 25...
  18. Renegade

    2017 USARB Nationals, Salem NY Sept. 1, 2, 3

    Sponsors list We're hoping to have a prize table stocked with enough donations from shooting related distributors to give every participant something to take home. I will list those donors as we receive confirmation from them. Sightron- Siii10-50x60 FTIRMOA scope with side wheel, eye piece and...
  19. Renegade

    Northeast Regional- Springer or Open 50

    I need to order the awards for the NE Regional soon, and have a decision to make before I do so. We have time for 4 matches, three are predetermined. We will shoot LV, HV and Open 25. I need a show of hands on whether to have Springer or Open 50 yard Class to fill out the weekend. Lets hear your...
  20. Renegade

    Bench Rotation at the Nationals

    I've received a couple of inquiries about bench rotation at the Nationals over the past couple of days and I'd like to answer those questions here on the forum just so everyone is clear on this. We are going to do this the correct way and will be rotating benches between every target. You will...