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  1. michaelthomas

    Grande Prix Australia RBA first selection team trial for 2017 World Cup Slovenia Air

    Good shooting, Harry.....and congrats to your fellow shooters as well! Mike
  2. michaelthomas

    Three Outdoor Cards Through the Scope....Thomas BR HV

    It's about 29.5" from the end of the reservoir to the end of the strike adjuster. Mike
  3. michaelthomas


    Hi Paul... Garrett shot my spare rifle. Mike
  4. michaelthomas

    AOA Windicator

    For a L to R wind...... Drag stabilized projectiles rise, while Spin stabilized projectiles drop. They are showing a rimfire/centerfire chart....which is not particularly helpful for airgun pellet shooting. If a pellet shooter takes those hold off suggestions to heart.... they will be very...
  5. michaelthomas

    AOA Windicator

    Sweet... It even comes with a rimfire/center fire hold off chart so you can learn the opposite of what really happens.
  6. michaelthomas

    Need to better understand

    I would agree that it probably has nothing to do with your fill pressure. You can test that by simply tethering a large tank set to 200bar to your gun. If it is truly the fill pressure......the gun should group forever. For what it's worth.....shooting 1000fps is not a good idea for accuracy...
  7. michaelthomas

    Three Outdoor Cards Through the Scope....Thomas BR HV

    I would definitely enjoy visiting. Those little hills are no impediment to the determined...:D. Mike
  8. michaelthomas

    Three Outdoor Cards Through the Scope....Thomas BR HV

    Hi Landy, We experience the same thing you guys do.....but a left to right raises our "fin stabilized projectile".....while your spin stabilized projectile drops. This particular combination I am shooting has all but eliminated it, though.....and that has been a huge help to me. If I just hold...
  9. michaelthomas

    Three Outdoor Cards Through the Scope....Thomas BR HV

    Thanks guys. I edited the videos to combine all 3 into 1. I didn't know how to do that yesterday. I wanted to say that I was being purposely cavalier about my holdoffs to illustrate a point...... if your gun shoots tight enough groups and doesn't fall apart in the wind, you can ignore...
  10. michaelthomas

    Three Outdoor Cards Through the Scope....Thomas BR HV

    I headed out to the outdoor range today to check out a rifle.....Thomas BR HV. I was shooting JSB Monsters .177 at 810fps. Conditions were variable with 1-5 mph wind. It's not a whole lot of fun to shoot through my I honestly do feel that I could have shot a little better through...
  11. michaelthomas

    Photographs of 2015 USARB Nationals

    Great pictures, Garrett. Thanks Mike
  12. michaelthomas

    USARB Nationals 1st day US Open Final Results

    Ron kicked some ass in HV...outstanding shooting with a pair of 250's. The world should know that Dick Strever won LV class, but was ultimately disqualified for being overweight. He was 1/10th of a pound over. He could have easily shed the extra weight prior to shooting, but he thought he was...
  13. michaelthomas

    Barrel stiffening

    I think, at the minimum, a good barrel is one that will shoot a minimum average of 250 16x indoors. For really doesn't matter if your gun can shoot a tiny 3-5 shot group at 55yards once in a while. It needs to shoot a .150 ctc 25 shot group every time....indoors. Of course...
  14. michaelthomas

    Barrel stiffening

    The sleeves I tried with the grease in between were just loose enough to allow turning them while on the barrel. Typical POI changes with a 1/2 turn of the sleeve were 1-1 1/2 So if you go that route.....make sure you don't turn it any between cards. Make a mark on it or...
  15. michaelthomas

    Barrel stiffening

    I've tried a lot of things with Lothar Walthers. Bonded sleeves of carbon fiber, aluminum, and well as looser fitting with grease to take up the space. Even tensioned barrels. The tensioned barrels showed improvement over nothing when using mediocre pellets. With good...
  16. michaelthomas

    Does LV shoot better than HV?

    Wilbur, The classes are also governed by all up weight. LV limit is 10.5 lbs.....HV is 15 lbs....USA Open is 25 lbs. All 3 of my rifles weigh less than 10 lbs with scope.....additional weight has not made any detectable difference for me. Some claim that it does. Mike
  17. michaelthomas

    Does LV shoot better than HV?

    Kim, I think it would be more interesting to me if you studied the probability of scores over each class considering proposed holdoffs based on the wind drift associated with each power level.....independent of the shooters decision, first. You could use a given mph of wind and assess holdoffs...
  18. michaelthomas

    Does LV shoot better than HV?

    Up until a few months ago....I would have (and did) chosen my LV gun for any condition and class. For me, that is no longer the case. A 3 ring holdoff for my HV gun is a 2 ring with my Open, and 5-6 for my LV. Currently, my LV, HV, and Open setups are equally reliable in the wind, and will...
  19. michaelthomas

    Does LV shoot better than HV?

    Kim, I think you may have to go a lot deeper than just LV, and HV rifles being responsible for the scores that were produced. 1. So far, your analysis is assuming equal competency for all shooters. 2. It's also assuming that each shooting position is equal (bench). 3. It assumes that each...
  20. michaelthomas

    Love my New LV Class Air Rifle!

    The rifles used were mechanical strike....but otherwise similar to the electronic guns that were only around for a short time. About the same time I came out with the electronic guns.....the WRABF rules were updated and disallowed any use of electronics. They have been evolving as I go. New...