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  1. D

    22M Rimfire single shot?

    H&R makes one... You can get the Handi-Rifle in .22, .22 Mag & .17 HMR. site & page: Probably the least expensive way to go. The trigger can be cleaned up.
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    Look out for spiders!

    Back to AdamSgt... Well, if you don't sleep, maybe your wife can. Just goofing. My Brother-In-Law has that and the family all suffer. Maybe leave a large zip-lok bag for the mask when not in use ? I did read we all intake some small spiders etc. while sleeping. Best not to dwell on it.
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    Velocity Loss from reduced barrel length???

    Lyman reloading manual gives estimates I seem to remember the estimates were broken down into velocity ranges. I think at your velocities they estimated 25 fps per barrel inch. So cutting eight inches off may result in 200 fps slower. Maybe if you go to a faster buring powder some of that...
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    Look out for spiders!

    Reincarnated shooters... after death, some of us shooters come back in insect form and frequent the ranges we so loved. As John observes "It's even worse here in Australia. The rotten little @#**&%s get inside beer bottles." And if I come back in similar form, loving beer as I do, it may be...
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    Look out for spiders!

    Look down the barrel too... I have got myself in the habit of looking down the barrel to be sure it's clear every time. Probably nothing will crawl in, but better safe than sorry.
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    How do we increase membership today?

    Getting new folks and keeping them... Getting new folks and keeping them are two different things. Back in July you will find this post in this thread by Newbie01 tired of the crap "I can see why people are hesitant to post on this website. You make a suggestion and you get pounced on by a...
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    Belted vs non-belted !!!

    Knowing what to feed it important Thanks Jay, That is a good point about the potential for mix ups with belted cases. One I had not thought of. I have read that belted cases don't feed from a magazine as well as non-belted cases, but my experience has not shown that in the rifles I have owned.
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    Belted vs non-belted !!!

    Discussion I found this on and it explains better than non-belted needs to wear suspenders. Dolphin Optics Master Joined: October/05/2006 Location: North Carolina Topic: New cartridge designs, belted vs. non-belted Posted: December/09/2007 at 08:12 This post has...
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    3X9 and accuracy

    Enough already ??? Eight pages of posts. I can't see anything new being said. I think time to put this to bed. My 2¢. David
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    What's up with PS? part two

    Varmint Hunter worth reading too Varmint Hunter is also worth reading. Might want to read an issue.
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    3X9 and accuracy

    Eyes play a part in this too I agree more power helps a lot. And I will add that a young person with very good eyes can probably do better with a scope of any power than an old person with poor eyes with the same scope. And, the youngster with a 9x scope will probably do better than I will...
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    Anyone Else Get This Suspicious E-mail?

    I read his letter as honest Here is a person who reads our posts, reading and writing in English, not his native language, and asks to be invited to a shoot. "Could You help to get my ATF F 6NIA approved by inviting me to a competitive target shooting event?" I guess you can read that as...
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    2 firing pins I had a Savage, NRA Model 19 I believe. It had 2 firing pins. I think it was to insure the rifle went bang rather than for uniform flame into the powder.
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    Matches & Rifle ownership

    Back again to Mr. Pappas Mr. Pappas writes: "David,thanks again for sharing your thoughts with us. I especially like the sentence where you compare us to the Mafia. Are you sure you want to shoot with us? I don't think you quite understand rimfire br. More than a few people on this board spent...
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    Matches & Rifle ownership

    Reply to J. Pappas... J. Pappas writes: "There is a rimfire br game for everyone." and that is correct. The problem is that these choices are often hundreds or thousands of miles from where you might live. That may be excluding lots of shooters. I fully realize this board is made up of...
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    Intersting question

    Light and sight changes I do not know, relative to scopes. But I do know relative to iron sights that light plays a big part in point of aim and where to hold. More so with a front bead as opposed to a target ring front sight. Also, the more light hitting your eye, the more it will "stop...
  17. D

    Matches & Rifle ownership

    Shooting matches in general and the relationship to rifle ownership. I have owned firearms for over fifty years but only recently been taking part in shooting matches. Looking at all of the differing rules governing equipment and reading the opinions of others on the subject caused me to think...
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    A good .22 round

    Texas Regulation on Blackbirds If you Google Texas Parks and Wildlife and read the regulations you will find: "Yellow-headed, red-winged, rusty, or Brewer's blackbirds and all grackles, cowbirds (does not include cattle egret), crows, or magpies may be controlled without a federal or state...
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    A good .22 round

    A bit more on Grackles Google produced this, from a Brownsville paper: During breeding season, the males typically will drop their wings, spread their tails, make mating sounds and strut for prospective females. Males can give their sperm to more than one female at a time. They are usually...
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    A good .22 round

    Language & spelling... I wonder if he meant shooting pheasant or pleasant shooting ?