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  1. S

    8208 Pulldown powder

    Lee, Save the 8208XBR, at least most lots of it, for your 6 BR. There is one lot, I think the first, that was fast enough for the PPC. The others are almost as slow as 4895 or Varget and suitable for larger volume cases and heavier bullets. I shoot 30.5 grains of 8208 XBR in my 6 BR behind...
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    Bullet Jackets

    Especially with Berger more than doubling bullet production capacity.
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    Is this brass any good for reloading?

    If it's true that you can get a quarter a case for it, you have $450 in your hands.
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    March Scopes keep on winning

    Hey, no problem. Just speaking in the interest of full disclosure. There are a ton of people that visit the site that don't know that you are the only source of March scopes in the US and have a built-in conflict of interest.
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    March Scopes keep on winning

    This advertisement brought to you by those with a financial incentive for you to shoot March. BTW, I have Leupolds, Nightforces...and a March. I like them all.
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    US World Team

    That's good thinking! Greg J.
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    Scope Power

    If you want to shoot varmints, get a 6-24 or thereabouts. If you want to shoot paper, accurately, you'll appreciate the 36X. It's hard to do justice with something like a 222 that has the potential to make one ragged hole when you can't tell what's going on. If you have a strong Leupold...
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    US World Team

    Rob, At the event in South Africa, I seem to remember that the shooters had to use a local, somewhat unfamiliar, powder. How does that work down under? Greg J.
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    30 BR no turn neck?

    If you are turning the high spots off, it isn't a "no turn" neck. It's a "skim turn" or "cleanup" neck.
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    30 BR no turn neck?

    Lay the tuner on a gallon ziplock bag of ice in between cases. Or, if you are really hard over about it, rest it in a bucket of ice water between. I have used both, but no longer do. The pumpkin stays cool enough as long as I lube well and keep the speed slow.
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    30 cal bullet jacket availability

    I don't mean to be hateful, but rather I am voting with my dollar. I refuse to shoot a Berger bullet, unless there is no compeitive alternative. At any price.
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    30 BR no turn neck?

    Run a case over your expanding mandrel, run it through the loosest 30 BR bushing you have, lube the inside of the neck a bit. seat the bullet you want to use in increments till it is half way in the neck, send it to Dave Kiff and ask that he make a reamer for it, then wait. Or, just buy brass...
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    UBR at BGSL

    Oh, I know that it will be tough. Didn't say that at all. Anytime that you put several guys together, declare winners and losers and give them some time to work at it, the going *will* get tough. That's the way of the world. *All* that I said was that I would enjoy shooting UBR more...
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    UBR at BGSL

    Dang it! Already committed to the varmint match in Wabash. Had much rather shoot UBR.
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    What is the Magic Cloth?

    Dave hit the nail on the head. Thank you very much. Looks like it's called "ScotchLite". Maybe. Won't know till I do more research. Best, Greg J.
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    What is the Magic Cloth?

    Anyone know the name of the super-slick magic cloth? I've seen it before, can't remember and can't find it using search.
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    Equipping my new Daniel Defense M4 Carbine for optimized accuracy

    Keep the AR a varmint rifle, spend the difference on a used benchrest rifle. It will be a gift that keeps on giving.
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    UBR question

    Thanks, George. If one will shoot, it's a good solution. Guess that's my Christmas present.
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    UBR question

    I agree, but I'm not going to roll $2,500 on one. I do this for fun and that would take the fun out of it. If anyone knows where I could get a decent price on a LRPV or even what a decent price is, I'd appreciate it. I googled up everything from $896 (out of stock) to an auction with a...