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  1. Turboman

    Bob Pekaar

    Just wanted to give a quick update,Bobs home now had some health issues but is now home and getting back to normal.Many thank you for all the Prayers.
  2. Turboman

    Bob Pekaar

    Just wondering if anyones heard from bob?I havent been able to get ahold of him for a couple months now,Heard he was in a home someplace maybe I had lunch with him few months back his neighbors dont know anything he just seems to have vanished.
  3. Turboman

    The worth while changes to IR 50/50 / attendance increase

    Points are counted first x"s are the tiebreaker
  4. Turboman

    John Palso passed away

    We lost a good shooter and friend this past week,Anyone who shot south fl knew him,He always had a smile and a sparkel in his eye when we met,I became very good friends with john we kept in touch even after getting out of the rimfire game,John passed away tuesday morning,There is a celebration...
  5. Turboman

    RIP Gary Mitchell

    Rip in Peace my friend,You taught me many things in the years we knew one another,I will remember you in my heart always,I will cherish the time and friendship we enjoyed together,Ive never forgotten what you told me at the nationals that year,I will cherrish that thought forever,My heart and...
  6. Turboman

    The Purdy Prescription

    mount How are you mounting it to the barrel?
  7. Turboman

    Gulf Coast Regionals Unlimited 6-16-2012 at Camp Sumter!!!

    Phill Its been a long time since ive seen you guys,Maybe when doc gets better I can sneak up with him for a visit,I still got a 52 to shoot,Doubt ill hit anything but it would be good to see you guys,Bob if ya need anything let your old turbo buddy know ok?
  8. Turboman

    Stockade Long Range Benchrest Stock

    I have one on a 6br savage action,Its a top notch stock that tracks excellant.
  9. Turboman

    Savage Bolt Lift

    Does anyone have the directions on how to do the mod that was in Precision Shooting?
  10. Turboman


    What happened to the Whats for sale ?
  11. Turboman

    Gary Mitchell’s Mother

    Gary You and your Family are in our Prayers, Jeff
  12. Turboman

    The Catfish - USMC gives some lessons

    Way to go phil,Its been awhile since we have shot together,But I still remeber all that you have taught me.Some time some place somewhere You will be seeing me at the bench again,:D Until than you keep up the good work. Jeff
  13. Turboman

    Gateway Rifle & Pistol Club. 8/01 Results

    250,s Bob,Bill What can I say guys?WAYYYYYYYYYYYYYY TOOOOO GOOOOOOOOOOO Your old bud Turboman
  14. Turboman

    Leonard Worthy Makes Gold

    Good shooting buddy,Way to go.
  15. Turboman

    Testing of eley

    Having been out of the rimfire game for a few years now,I DIDNT KNOW what to expect from the new ammo,I WAS lucky enough to be invited for a testing day from my old buddy Bob Collins today,Im here to tell ya the ammo shot so well it was almost hard to pick the lot I WANTED to buy.But pick I DID...
  16. Turboman

    Crawfish 2009???

    Im gonna do my best to make it,Im just hopeing I CAN STILL HIT SOMETHING.:)
  17. Turboman

    Ammo of Choice

    Been out of the rimfire game for a few years,Use to shoot lapua L ,Than the last several years Tenex was my choice of ammo before I gave it a rest. Ive seen and read alot about ammo the last several years,Im thinking about shooting alittle again this year and was wondering,Whats what with...
  18. Turboman

    Congratulations Bob Collins

    Way to go BOB :)
  19. Turboman

    Bob Pekaar Shoots His First 250 In Sporter!!!

    Way to go Doc,Thats some dang good shooting buddy.
  20. Turboman

    Bench Mark barrels

    Anyone got contact info for benchmark barrels? thanks jeff