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  1. C

    what is the new trend

    Computer assisted tuning? Nice try Beau Good one Charlie!..HahaHa Colt.45:D
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    my new toy!!

    new toy derek Congratulations on the new Suhl,it looks great! Everyone says they are real shooters too! Also i notice you have "Rusty Duck" on the bench,Butch Hongisto says that's the only stuff to use. Colt.45
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    To my dear friend!!Chet Amick !!

    Your Friend........ Lugnuts Was this the gentleman you were discussing just last season? I am very sorry for your loss and that of his family. Alan
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    New Here

    Pappas Same here ....Pappas is #1 Colt.45
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    Ammo Costs, etc.. is it time?????

    the pound Single Shot I really don't think the ratio of dollar to pound is the cause either. When i was in England in 1977 the pound was worth about$1.75 so.... not much difference now? Colt.45
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    lapua ammo

    Hey Bob Are you having shoots at Hawk Hill this year? It's my favorite place to shoot. Colt.45
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    Cabin Fever

    unseasonably warm weather lately??? What part of Missouri you live in inspireart? Or are you talking about the "last few years"? This year has been more like the Winters when i was a kid,cold,icy,snowy and seems like 6 months long! Since the last week of Nov. we have had ice or snow at least...
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    Cabin Fever

    Cold......... usmc69 Sir,you should not tease the animals! Here it got up to a balmy 20 deg. today after last nites low of about -9 below. It warmed up so much i went out to the un-heated garage and fired up the lead pot and cast about 25 .45 cal. bullets out of 1/16 tin/lead to be paper...
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    Cooper TRP-3

    think..... dts I "think" you should save your money and get a Rem 40x. A few people report some success with the TRP but i have read no reports of wins with them and have never seen one at any match i have been to[with the exception of the times i took mine].As a plinker i reckon they would be...
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    Ammo Costs, etc.. is it time?????

    cheaper ammo pacecil You are right,i DO think the more expensive ammo is better for competition.Last year due to high costs i shot only SK Standard.With that i finished 65th out of 734 on the A-Line and 91st. out of 734 on the Agg. Line. So....the cheaper ammo will allow a person to go and...
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    Ammo Costs, etc.. is it time?????

    Rising costs Yup,the prices to shoot and get to somewhere to shoot are getting worse all the time.Now i know there are some out there to whom the costs are not a deterrant and i'm happy for them but....they may one day find themselves shooting alone? My plan for this year is to try and shoot...
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    have a good new year

    New Year Happy New Year to all! God bless you all. Alan
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    Merry Christmas

    Tis the Season Merry Christmas to everyone! I hope we all have a Happy and Healthy New Year! Alan Fisher Missouri