IR50/50 Indoor Unlimited Nationals 2024 @ Piney HIll $$$

I dearly loved both IR50/50 and RBA 3-gun when I was shooting, I'd like to see IR50/50 continue to exist, but only the shooters can make that happen, Tony Harper is the only man I ever see promoting matches, and the game, Maybe that's because there are so few competitors any more, I don't know, Many of the locals in this region are still actively shooting and are having turnouts of 25-30 per match, and using high end equipment as well, But they aren't shooting sanctioned matches, And they can shoot. LOL I wish IR50/50 well and would like to see it grow, I ran matches for 10 years, until it got to the point I wasn't physically able to continue, Being a match director is no fun at all, I tried to do my best, but still heard of some criticism behind my back, but that's going to happen, I made zero money, gave club all, and sometimes spent my own money for food as well, In 2010 I averaged having 24 shooters per match, Match director is a thankless job, be sure and thank yours!
Kent, we don't know each other, but I can guarantee Tony Harper is not the only one promoting IR50/50. Brian Voelker and I have recruited and added several new shooters to 3-Gun (at least 10) in the last several years. Also, we both MD for the sanctioning body and run four 3-Gun matches a month between the three clubs we run. Of the two clubs I run, I dropped ARA UL for the 2024 season and made that club an IR 3-Gun club. In addition to the above, I have had a loaner equipment offer to anyone wanting to try 3-Gun, first at my Illinois club in 2023, and this season at either of the clubs I run and I have posted this on this forum......every month. If someone wants to try it, I have the extra equipment for them to field a competitive setup, including rifles. I loaned 2 of my rifles to a gentleman for almost the entire season in 2024 until we could get him setup with his own rifles, which he did. I let him have the Sporter in March so he could get familiar with shooting the Sporter, as he already had experience shooting a heavy rifle in a 2 piece sandbag rest. He never shot the 10.5lb rifle until his first match, which he took 2nd in. I also promote my matches on this forum EVERY month during the outdoor season. I also see several other clubs that promote their IR matches on this forum. So, Harper is not, by any stretch, the only one promoting the sanctioning body. Don't get me wrong either, I love the fact that Tony promotes the sanctioning body, but he is far from the only one.

3-Gun and Sporter classes are what made IR the toughest sanctioned RFBR out there. They are also the most rewarding classes when you do good on the scoreline, and I have shot ABRA, ARA, PSL, N50, and IR.

Scott Albury
Chief City Shooters Cornell, IL (Pontiac) IR 3-Gun MD
Oak Hill GC Bluegrass, IA IR 3-Gun MD
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Bruce, working off your last sentence, where do you go from here? For UL there are other options, but knowing how much you enjoy sporters, you’re left with zero options. At least for now.


There are no realistic options for me George. I can understand the "just have fun and shoot" mentality but traveling 4-5 hours to shoot for fun isn't in the cards for me.

Looks like I'll have some World Record rifles for sale soon.
Kent, we don't know each other, but I can guarantee Tony Harper is not the only one promoting IR50/50. Brian Voelker and I have recruited and added several new shooters to 3-Gun (at least 10) in the last several years. Also, we both MD for the sanctioning body and run four 3-Gun matches a month between the three clubs we run. Of the two clubs I run, I dropped ARA UL for the 2024 season and made that club an IR 3-Gun club. In addition to the above, I have had a loaner equipment offer to anyone wanting to try 3-Gun, first at my Illinois club in 2023, and this season at either of the clubs I run and I have posted this on this forum......every month. If someone wants to try it, I have the extra equipment for them to field a competitive setup, including rifles. I loaned 2 of my rifles to a gentleman for almost the entire season in 2024 until we could get him setup with his own rifles, which he did. I let him have the Sporter in March so he could get familiar with shooting the Sporter, as he already had experience shooting a heavy rifle in a 2 piece sandbag rest. He never shot the 10.5lb rifle until his first match, which he took 2nd in. I also promote my matches on this forum EVERY month during the outdoor season. I also see several other clubs that promote their IR matches on this forum. So, Harper is not, by any stretch, the only one promoting the sanctioning body. Don't get me wrong either, I love the fact that Tony promotes the sanctioning body, but he is far from the only one.

3-Gun and Sporter classes are what made IR the toughest sanctioned RFBR out there. They are also the most rewarding classes when you do good on the scoreline, and I have shot ABRA, ARA, PSL, N50, and IR.

Scott Albury
Chief City Shooters Cornell, IL (Pontiac) IR 3-Gun MD
Oak Hill GC Bluegrass, IA IR 3-Gun MD
Scott, I was mostly referring to this website, and not the game as a whole, Back when I was shooting many rangemasters and shooters kept this site jumping, talking about upcoming matches and shooting in genera, and also some good natured ribbing now and then, I surmise there aren't enough shooters left to make that happen, Good for all of you who try and keep the game going and hopefully it will stay alive,

There are no realistic options for me George. I can understand the "just have fun and shoot" mentality but traveling 4-5 hours to shoot for fun isn't in the cards for me.

Looks like I'll have some World Record rifles for sale soon.
Bruce, although I understand, I truly hope you will think about this a little more before making a final decision. Those world record rifles are bought and paid for. And I know they are record holders, as I had to sign 12 cards of yours as a ref at Kettlefoot one year before sending them in to be validated, which they were, and there are many more I had no influence on. Keeping those rifles a little longer will not affect a thing.

I have learned many things that has helped me every time I have shot with you. You do give back when people show an interest, and I was one of your recipients of that. I have enjoyed your company and knowledge of the game, both at the range, and when we have spoken privately. There are most assuredly many others who feel the same. If you do ultimately quit, I will be bummed, but I will always be grateful for the opportunity I had to be able to shoot with you. You are definitely at the top of your game and perhaps with a little time off, you may feel different. I will hope so.


There are no realistic options for me George. I can understand the "just have fun and shoot" mentality but traveling 4-5 hours to shoot for fun isn't in the cards for me.

Looks like I'll have some World Record rifles for sale soon.
You’re correct, the shoot and have fun is kinda my deal. I totally understand however where you’re coming from. The HOF points, the list…… is what drives you and others to participate in these sanctioned events. It is sad that IR50/50 cannot seem to keep up with the results, points, list and the other record keeping in a timely manner. Maybe someday it will get better, let’s hope so.

Like Scott, I would advise you to hang on to your equipment and maybe wait it out a little longer, but that’s something you need to decide. Frankly, I think the sport would be greatly diminished without you and others that have set the records that exist today. You just don’t strike me a quilter.

I go to very few sanctioned events, but when I do go, I want to shoot with the best of the best, if I can finish upper mid pack shooting with people of your caliber, I consider it a win of sorts. Sadly, I was not able to attend this year’s Indoor Nationals, may not be able to attend any in the future, but time will tell.

IR50/50 is not going away. had it not been purchased in 2019 it was going away forever, but since it was purchase din 2019, it is not going away, and it also doe snto have quite the decline as it keeps getting talked about. Just becasue there are so many clubs shooting ARA and especially ARA factory does not mean that IR5050 is going away. Kent is correct that it takes the match directors and the shooters to keep all the posative chatter going and to get shooters interested. Scott and Brian has recruited several 3-Gun participants in thier area and thier clubs seem to be doing very well in the rankings and having fun. To give Bruce the credit he deserves he is an excellent competitor, and was an excellent match director. There is at least one club not particpating since his departure as match director, and another club falling since he has departed as match director. This is a prime example of what a good match director means to the sport as a whole. I encourage anyone that wants to see more clubs and more matches to be held to become a match director in your area, and you can make it as much as you want it to be. Just inviting sportmen to aprticipate and give it a try to see what level of cempetition there is drives this sport.

As for the psoting of results. I know that macth results get posted now faster than they ever were. List points and scoreline points are updated everytime match results are psoted. There are times that updates apply and the points are not present on the site, but with a quick text or emial, that is corrected. Hall of Fame points are being worked on and almost there. It has been a major chore with the webmaster who has no idea what a 250, or even a match consists of. he is actively working on it as he has been. There were setbacks where a bunch of code had to be re written to get correct results. Once this coding is complete without any other setbacks all points will be displayed immediately for all years. All hsitory is now maitined in the site starting january 2023, and will forever be moving forward. Never before could you view last years results or any other year other than the current year. Now you can. the growth of IR5050 and of the Sport is in the shooters, match directors, and the clubs. Dont worry about lsoing 3-Gun and Sporters, its not going away. Join a club, become a match director, and invite all your shooting friends to compete. Clubs and shooters are welcome to participate in the toughest rimfire game there is. and if Unlimited isnt tough enough, try 3-Gun.

Im not quitting, and everything is moving forward. See you on the range.

IR50/50 is not going away. had it not been purchased in 2019 it was going away forever, but since it was purchase din 2019, it is not going away, and it also doe snto have quite the decline as it keeps getting talked about. Just becasue there are so many clubs shooting ARA and especially ARA factory does not mean that IR5050 is going away. Kent is correct that it takes the match directors and the shooters to keep all the posative chatter going and to get shooters interested. Scott and Brian has recruited several 3-Gun participants in thier area and thier clubs seem to be doing very well in the rankings and having fun. To give Bruce the credit he deserves he is an excellent competitor, and was an excellent match director. There is at least one club not particpating since his departure as match director, and another club falling since he has departed as match director. This is a prime example of what a good match director means to the sport as a whole. I encourage anyone that wants to see more clubs and more matches to be held to become a match director in your area, and you can make it as much as you want it to be. Just inviting sportmen to aprticipate and give it a try to see what level of cempetition there is drives this sport.

As for the psoting of results. I know that macth results get posted now faster than they ever were. List points and scoreline points are updated everytime match results are psoted. There are times that updates apply and the points are not present on the site, but with a quick text or emial, that is corrected. Hall of Fame points are being worked on and almost there. It has been a major chore with the webmaster who has no idea what a 250, or even a match consists of. he is actively working on it as he has been. There were setbacks where a bunch of code had to be re written to get correct results. Once this coding is complete without any other setbacks all points will be displayed immediately for all years. All hsitory is now maitined in the site starting january 2023, and will forever be moving forward. Never before could you view last years results or any other year other than the current year. Now you can. the growth of IR5050 and of the Sport is in the shooters, match directors, and the clubs. Dont worry about lsoing 3-Gun and Sporters, its not going away. Join a club, become a match director, and invite all your shooting friends to compete. Clubs and shooters are welcome to participate in the toughest rimfire game there is. and if Unlimited isnt tough enough, try 3-Gun.

Im not quitting, and everything is moving forward. See you on the range.

Jason, it's nice to know you're working on improvements as outlined in your note above, but folks have heard that before, with nothing showing up yet. I suggest you make an announcement to everyone once the website updates have been completed, so everyone can understand that improvements have actually been made. Also, and don't commit to a timeline that you can't meet, but do you have an expectation on when the work will be completed (month/year) that you're willing to share with folks?

Good luck and I hope the work gets completed soon...
Jason, it's nice to know you're working on improvements as outlined in your note above, but folks have heard that before, with nothing showing up yet. I suggest you make an announcement to everyone once the website updates have been completed, so everyone can understand that improvements have actually been made. Also, and don't commit to a timeline that you can't meet, but do you have an expectation on when the work will be completed (month/year) that you're willing to share with folks?

Good luck and I hope the work gets completed soon...
No specific time frame will be given as I cannot myself do the programming. But it t is being worked on and will be announced as soon as it’s complete. Just wanted to update that the lists and match results as stated previously are there and have been there. Hall of fame will be soon and I assure everyone it’s not lost nor won’t be lost. Posts will be made with updates.
Like so many other things in my life, I sure miss competing in IR 50/50. I miss all those who are no longer with us and the venues I use to shoot at that no longer hold matches. There came a point in my life where I felt I had to choose what was easiest for me to do, basically because of my age and my physical conditions. I chose to step away from Rimfire. It was just easier for me to do that. I still miss shooting RF though as I do flying airplanes, riding dirt bikes, downhill skiing and tennis. Life goes on. At 80 I'm just pleased to wake up every morning and being healthy.

Like so many other things in my life, I sure miss competing in IR 50/50. I miss all those who are no longer with us and the venues I use to shoot at that no longer hold matches. There came a point in my life where I felt I had to choose what was easiest for me to do, basically because of my age and my physical conditions. I chose to step away from Rimfire. It was just easier for me to do that. I still miss shooting RF though as I do flying airplanes, riding dirt bikes, downhill skiing and tennis. Life goes on. At 80 I'm just pleased to wake up every morning and being healthy.

Pete I know exactly how you feel. I'll be 80 next month. I wear hearing aids that don't work, have had a knee replacement that went South, and my other knee is shot. I don't want to go through another operation at my age. I still shoot ABRA but mostly at my club as traveling a distance doesn't work for me anymore. But we are still on the green side of the grass.👌