Good morning,
Just a reminder that the Bluebonnet is coming up next weekend, April 30th -May 1st. This is our LV/SP Match at 100 & 200 yards. Registration is $100.00. We will shoot 100 yards on Saturday and 200 yards on Sunday. Lunch will be Available for purchase.
Practice is open Friday...
This coming Sunday (4-10-22) is our April match. The match will start at 9:00 as usual. Please bring a friend. Hope to see you there.
Speedy has graciously donated two 6mm barrels for the club to raffle off. We will sell $5 raffle tickets at the club matches for one of the barrels that will be...
I am sad to say I got a call from John Verhagen's daughter to tell me he passed away yesterday. He was a great friend of mine. We started shooting benchrest together, as well as worked at Allstate together. He made some awesome stocks as well.
This coming Sunday (6-20-21) is our Father’s Day match. The match will start at 9:00 as usual. Please bring a friend. Hope to see you there.
For those that don’t know our web site is
Chris Covell,
This coming Sunday (4-18-21) is our first match. It will be held at the Dietz range in New Braunfels TX. The match will start at 9:00 as usual. Please bring a friend. Hope to see you there.
Anyone is welcome. Shoot will cost $40.00 for non members, and $30.00 for Members
For those that don’t...
This coming Sunday, March 21'st (3-21-21) will be our first Group Bench Rest match of the year located at the Dietz Range in New Braunfels, TX. The match will start at 9:00 a.m. Come join us and bring these matches back to their former glory! If you have ever wanted or thought of group shooting...