Adjusting poundage on a wilha torque driver


Jason Shore

This may be a silly question but I need to know.
When you are adjusting the poundage on the screw driver with the supplied tool is there anything that you have to loosen first before adjusting it:confused:
Or do you just put the tool in and adjust it up and down:confused:
I dont want to damage anything
Both of the torque drivers I purchased Never came with any instructions
Thanks for any imput and answers to my Questions
Just put the adjuster in and turn it to the setting you want. I've had one for about 4 years, never had a problem. I always back mine off to the lowest setting when done.
I bought mine as a set which included many bits and was packaged in a steel box with a lid. All the bits were in a foam retainer so they didn't rattle around.
Under the foam on the lid were the instructions for setting the torque as noted above.
Additionally, there were the calibrations for my driver. Note, they[WIHA] only guarantees +/- 6% on the torques. Mine was pretty good, max of 3%.
Back off

Just put the adjuster in and turn it to the setting you want. I've had one for about 4 years, never had a problem. I always back mine off to the lowest setting when done.

That's a good tip: always back off to the lowest setting when done. This practice will minimize any 'spring set' that could occur when leaving in a loaded condition.

Lou Baccino