www.myeley.com - Eley Lot Analyzer



Have you ever wondered how your ammunition performed prior to purchasing? ELEY has made it possible for the .22LR shooter to see the performance before they buy. With the ELEY lot analyzer you will now be able to enter an ELEY lot number into the website and see many different statistics about the particular lot of ammunition entered. Visit www.eleyammunition.com, scroll to the ELEY lot analyzer and click to enter your lot number.

ELEY is dedicated to producing the most accurate and consistent .22LR at all price levels and by introducing the ELEY lot analyzer a consumer can see how accurate and consistent each lot performs. The ELEY lot analyzer will give information such as quantity loaded, group size, percentage of shots within tenths of inches from center, velocity and much more.

It is now possible to be standing in your local sporting goods store, enter an ELEY lot number that is on the shelf and instantly see the performance of the ammunition. This service will be available for all ELEY lot numbers in the United States from 2015 forward. You can find the year of your ammunition by the third and fourth numbers in the lot. For example, if your lot number is 3016-30xxx, it is from the year 2016.

It is exciting to be able to offer this service to consumers to gain their trust in ELEY ammunition across every product and pricing level. To analyze your lot of ammunition please visit www.eleyammunition.com and click the lot analyzer button to discover your possibilities. ELEY .22LR ammunition is accuracy defined.
I would suppose so. They likely test it before the labels are applied. That said, I really don't know what I'm talkin' about.
Wilbur, that is correct it is tested before the label is applied. So, that does mean the best performing lots are more expensive.
And why?

Wilbur, that is correct it is tested before the label is applied. So, that does mean the best performing lots are more expensive.

Dan, that one puzzles me...
If I have to try, say, around 20 lots to find a good one, why the good one should be more expensive to me? Because on other rifle it could be not even good enough... if you know what I mean.
yes, more expensive because it is Tenex. Tenex and Match are the same and are made on the same machines. How it performs in the tests determines if it goes into a Tenex Box or a Match Box. Match has standards as well, if it doesn't shoot good enough to be Match then it goes to Team.
Also, all of the Tenex is really good ammunition or it would not have passed all of the quality control measures. All of us competitors are looking for Great ammunition and that is dependent on how it matches to your barrel/chamber. What many competitors call 'Junk' would be great ammo in a different barrel. I know this for a fact because we have never had a lot of Tenex in the Test Range that we could not sell. We always eventually find a few barrels that it shoots good in. If the lot was 'Junk' then it would not shoot in any rifle.
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Would seem that the "lot" would be a single number and would be labeled as to how it tested...the entire lot.
Lot numbers start over every year. The only change is the number for the year. For example, on the first day of production in January 2017 the components that met the Tenex specs will be loaded on a machine and will be lot number 1017-08001. The first lot on machine 8 in 2018 will be 1018-08001. After it is loaded then 200 rounds will be fired in the Proofing range and give the groups that you see with the Lot Analyzer website. After it has gone through the proof range and goes through another series of quality control checks if it still is within the Tenex specs then it will be put in Tenex boxes, if it falls below the specs then it will go into Match boxes. You will only have one lot number 1017-08001, it could be Match or it could be Tenex. You will not see two lot numbers of 1017-08001.
It would be very interesting (and very nice) if Eley would publish all of the manufactured lot numbers with all of the test data. We could make decisions based on published data at home prior to purchasing. What they have done is convenient but I think they need to finish the cycle.
They have done that for ammo manufactured since 2015 and sold in the U.S.
Number of Cases per Lot

How can we tell how many cases of each lot is Manufactured and available?
Dan runs the Eley test range in Texas so I believe he is in constant contact with them.
So if he said all the ammo shipped to to the USA since 2015 is in the database I will take him at his word.
Every lot I have tried has shown up if I entered the right lot numbers in, some of the lots on Bert's garage list should be 1016-xxxxx instead of 1116-xxxxx he has on his list. Other than that I have found all lots I have laying around fromantic testing.
Can you point me to the source?
Dan would qualify as the source. His company is the number one Eley retailer in the United States. He has been to the Eley factory in England several times and has not lost his Texas accent. Beyond that Dan is one of the nicest people I know and his word is gold. He and his wife, Dawn, are great people. They have chosen to raise their family in Winters, Texas, a town where everyone knows everyone else.

Bill Wynne
Missing My Point


Do you have a list of your current inventory with all of the test results (50 meter group sizes) available to view online? The 'lookup' site is fine if one already has purchased or knows of a particular lot number. To view the test results (50 meter group sizes) of your current lots in stock would be phenomenal.
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