www.myeley.com - Eley Lot Analyzer


Do you have a list of your current inventory with all of the test results (50 meter group sizes) available to view online? The 'lookup' site is fine if one already has purchased or knows of a particular lot number. To view the test results (50 meter group sizes) of your current lots in stock would be phenomenal.

You get the lot numbers and then do your own homework to check. How much easier can these people make it?
You can plug in the lot numbers and see what comes up. I used it for every single lot of Eley Match that Zanders and Killoughs shows. I ordered 3 bricks of one of the best lots statistics wise. I went to indoor range today to try it. Although it shot fairly well in both the turbo and 2500X it was not any better than some ammo I already have that I bought after testing. While this new information may help narrow down the choices it by no means is a substitute for testing. JMHO.
You can plug in the lot numbers and see what comes up. I used it for every single lot of Eley Match that Zanders and Killoughs shows. I ordered 3 bricks of one of the best lots statistics wise. I went to indoor range today to try it. Although it shot fairly well in both the turbo and 2500X it was not any better than some ammo I already have that I bought after testing. While this new information may help narrow down the choices it by no means is a substitute for testing. JMHO.


When you say ammo you "bought after testing" do you mean random lots you ordered yourself and tested or was it ammo you had tested at Killough's Eley testing center that performed well and you purchased from those results?

Mr. Steve. It was two lots that I had tested from some I had purchased. Went back and bought all that was left. Unfortunately that was only 6 bricks and the search will start over. I was hoping by using the lot analyser that I might be able to make getting some really good ammo easier. It was random lots. My understanding is you can't test match at the test center. Mainly tenex.
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Frequently Asked Question
What numbers do I look at???

I like to look at the Target Rings and see what percentage of the shots hit the smallest ring. In this example it is 88.4%. Obviously the higher the percentage the better. MyEley.PNG
I also like to look at the radial dispersion graph. You want the graph shifted to the left as much as possible.

Here is the description of the radial dispersion graph from the website.
"The radial dispersion is the distance the shot impacted the target from the center of the bull. The bar chart is the actual test sample. The solid line is the predicted shot dispersion of the entire lot."