World Record Scoring

UNTIL an unbiased method of measuring is established it remains subjective at best! (world record)

WHOSE world?

here's a job for you if you want it --- you can be the keeper of official world records --- All it would take is for you to root thru the NBRSA records, the IBS records and the WBSF records, find the smallest of all three organization’s and compile a list of actual world records --- However I would think that then somebody else would have their feelings hurt and you would have to include the Australian federation, the SA federation and all the others around the world not just the (for lack of a better word) big three.

Gene B
You guys are making a big deal about this "World Record" thing, IMHO. Records are fleeting things and are often a combination of circumstances. It's nice to have one of those certificates with your name on it but not much more than that. They still will not get you a cup of coffee in any cafe that I know of. The one that I have has been broken so many times I've lost count. It's in a box somewhere, on a shelf somewhere, in my garage somewhere.


Thanks for the info Gene. I am sorry for your loss. At the time I wrote that I was not aware of it.
Maybe when we have a meeting at a registered match I can bring up the top to standardize the shipping procedures.
Kent the confusion comes where there are at present 3 sets of so called "World Records" which are NBRSA, IBS and WBSF, so which are the actual world records??

My thoughts are that there would only be one set of "World Records". Which to set a record would require head to head competition at the same venue by representatives from multiple countries under the same rules, similar to how other sports hold World Championships.

While I see IBS and NBRSA have membership from other countries most of those members are mostly clubs with only one or two Benchrest organisations. This would make both the IBS and NBRSA records "International records" for each organisation.......but still not a "World Record" (my opinion only).

I have been trying to think of another sport which has multiple organisations, each laying claim to World Records......but can't think of any.........Ian


As an example, there are a number of organizations that have a WORLD CHAMPION in boxing. I believe when you have won all of them they call it a "unified" title. In drag racing there are several saunctioning bodies and they all have their own "world records". Got it?
David A.
Thanks Gene but I'll decline that offer.........somebody's feelings would end up getting hurt.....then there would be an argument about how the groups were measured.........perhaps the "Guinness book of recods" could sort out the so called "World Record":D.......Ian


here's a job for you if you want it --- you can be the keeper of official world records --- All it would take is for you to root thru the NBRSA records, the IBS records and the WBSF records, find the smallest of all three organization’s and compile a list of actual world records --- However I would think that then somebody else would have their feelings hurt and you would have to include the Australian federation, the SA federation and all the others around the world not just the (for lack of a better word) big three.

Gene B
Ray, in any sport a "World Record" SHOULD mean something, even a governing body record (UK, Italy, Aussie, IBS, NBRSA) should mean something.................and obviously (judging by the amount of interst shown in Jackies targets) they DO mean something.

As for a record being just a fleeting thing then I think you should take a look at the current IBS and NBRSA records......some of them have been held for over 30 years and a small few for over 40 years (I noticed one older than me).......I don't believe a record is just luck or circumstances as some skill is involved along with a good rifle (with all the advances in equipment how come those old records still stand)

If records (a form of acknowledgment) aren't such a BIG thing why do we have them, does the Hall of Fame mean anything (another form of acknowledgment) obviously from the respect paid to these achievements these things DO mean something.

Since Benchrest IS so International now I'm just trying to figure out why Benchrest has so many so called world records. If each governing body (for BR) called there records "World Records" we would have over 30 different countries claiming so called World Records.

To me the "World" means the whole world not just a small portion of it.


You guys are making a big deal about this "World Record" thing, IMHO. Records are fleeting things and are often a combination of circumstances. It's nice to have one of those certificates with your name on it but not much more than that. They still will not get you a cup of coffee in any cafe that I know of. The one that I have has been broken so many times I've lost count. It's in a box somewhere, on a shelf somewhere, in my garage somewhere.



We all shoot for different reasons. Some shoot for the trophies and recognition. Some shoot for the comraderie and enjoyment. Some for the challenge. For me, as I get older, the targets and trophies don't mean a lot. Medals and trinkets go to my grandkids to play with and enjoy for a while. Trophies go in a box in my shop for when I need a particular size piece of fake wood for a project. I know one well known shooter who has several World Record certificates and has won more trophies than you and I combined. Usually, it all goes into the trash can when he gets home.

Sure, there is a certain amount of skill involved in any good target. But there is also a lot of circumstance and luck. My World Record was a one-time thing for me, shot at long range Benchrest. The right relay, good conditions, a little skill, and a lot of luck. I also have an 8" target that I shot one day at Raton with the zephyrs blowing, that I cherish more than the certificate.

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EIther way, I don't think Gene should feel obligated to defend what the NBRSA does from non-members who just complain. Those folks probably do more typing than shooting anyway.

Goodgrouper, Yes there are probably a few on this forum who type and don't shoot.......I know Gene personally, I have competed against him and I'm not asking Gene, the records committee or anyone else to defend anything. Unlike some on this forum I post under my actual name.

Looking at Glenn Chism's post (#38) he took the term "World Record" by it's literal meaning..........I guess there are a lot of other Benchrest shooters that probably think the same, and will probably never know any different.

Gene put in post #34 "While we call them world records they are in reality NBRSA records and NBRSA records only." I agree with this and Glenn in post #38 he put "If only two BR organizations are using this designation,it may be time to explore the possibilty of a name change to reflect the true meaning." I agree with this also................but without going through every single country's records and finding out which is the smallest the actual "World Record" is unknown. Even if this happened some would disagree with how the groups were measured or who measured them................Ian
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What i find so fascinating about Jackie's targets are the condition in which there were shot. maybe i am wrong but wasn't there something like 25mph winds that day? Now thats cool!! I sure wish that Jackie's targets were records, but they are not. It sounds like Jackie has come to terms with this fact, even if he doesn't like or agree with it. Another thing that i figure is this, When ever this topic comes up in conversation weather it be on the east coast or west coast or in between, may it be a year from now of five years from now, the first name that will come to mind is Jackie Schmidt. Jackie will be remember for thee targets for a long time to come. That i am sure!!!! way to go friend!!!!!
My remarks were not about you. I guess I should have said "non-competitors" instead of "non-members" to avoid confusion. I know you compete and are registered in the sanctioning body of your country. That gives you a voice and a vote. What irritates me are folks who do not compete in any way but think because they have a keyboard, they have the right to moan about things that don't pertain to them and are not of their concern.

As for the meanings of NBRSA "world" records vs. WBC or any of the other bodies, it's all semantics. We are dealing with numbers here right? So, all one needs to do is look at the numbers and see which is smaller and forget about which letters precede it. That will be the true world record.;)

By the way, how do you like your LH Gatorbag? When I sold it to you, I'm pretty sure I didn't use "goodgrouper"in our correspondence.;)

Goodgrouper......I didn't take the remarks personally but thought I better mention that I do compete as some may not know that and think they were directed at me.

Yes it is all semantics but I still think "World Record" should actually mean just that, this way no one gets confused or misled. The hardest thing to do to establish a "World Record" list would be to get uniform and comparable measurements of groups, some countries may measure groups small while others large and obviously it can make a large difference.

This thread and the thread about Jackies groups have been very interesting for me, and have raised some questions for me.

I love the Gatorbag.........just too heavy to travel with when full (read that as fly with)..........Ian