
I'd rather be shooting with friends

For the life of me I don't understand what it is in the nature of some men that will cause them to gripe about something that brings so many so much pleasure.

I am not into this shooting to gripe. I go out and shoot with my friends and I am my only competitor. I like the 50/50 targets. A simple ten for a bull's eye seems like an orderly thing to me.

If I win a match I know it. It doesn't have to be posted right away. Everyone that I shoot with knows how everyone else scores. We like the pins and we have been out for about two months. We gave away the last 250 pin at the last match and Wilbur has sent us more.

I have never had trouble with targets because I order them in time. A man could make their own target in a pinch. There are copy machines all over. There is no excuse.

I am very thankful that there is a Wilbur who is willing to donate his time and talent to IR 50/50. It is run much better by this one honest dedicated person than if it were run by a committee of shooters, no matter who they are.

Of course, Wilbur is my friend even though we have never met. In my part of the country, that means something.

Concho Bill
Concho Bill,
We all feel the way you do, to a point. I shoot at 8 different ranges in the Northeast fairly regularly and travel from NY to FL to shoot at some of the bigger matches every year. I'm from a small town and I've made more friends shooting IR50/50 the past 6 years than I've ever had in the 41 years before I started playing Wilbur's game. I had some folks I never would have met if I wasn't shooting IR50/50 travel 4 hrs to come to my wedding last year. In some way, I owe those friendships to Wilbur.

On the other hand, I've already driven almost 4000 miles, payed $200 in match fees and shot $500 worth of ammo THIS YEAR. I'm also an IR50/50 MD, and spend many hours every Spring trying to schedule matches so that I don't have any conflicts with the other ranges I shoot or hope to travel to. I think I have a right to gripe about the way IR50/50 is being run. Wilbur is making money off me, my club and my shooters, and I expect some kind of service for that money.
Todd Banks
Salem Pistol and Rifle Club
Salem, NY
Surely, some of the gentlemen that we have here could pick up the phone and call Wilbur with an offer to help with some of the duties. We would all be grateful. However, you will have to always get it done on time or the rest will gripe at you too. Only those who do things are ever accused of doing something wrong. The rest don't do anything but observe.

Maybe if we paid an extra 25 to 50 cents a target that would cover a part time bookkeeper who could help keep the records current and posted.

Wilbur must feel like a one legged man in a mess of rattle snakes sometimes. I'm sure he could really use some help.

Special note to Todd: At our range at the San Angelo Gun Club that $200 would cover the fee we charge for 40 matches at $5 for a three card match. Of course we members pay an annual membership fee of $60 bucks. We welcome our our of town guest. You are always welcome.

Concho Bill
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ive never met wilbur but from what i see as to running his board he seems like a pretty solid guy maybe a little over exended.

in my business here is what i have found. if i need inventory pertains to you club guys as well as wilbur you have to plan plenty of time in advance.

with the way things are today i think wilbur got b/o on some things no doubbt the pins are a custom item. he probably thought he had plenty of product and got slammed as they call it in the restaurant business.

i have even went to get business checks and found i didnt have or enough or any why because i forgot them so now important things i keep a back-up someplace of important things needed.

i really think yoiu need to be a little more patient and understanding of what wilbur is confronting and select one of you to call and talk to wilbur privately i think this would go a long way in solving your problems.

I agree that targets are a necessity. That is why I bought this years supply in Sept 2008. The pins do not excite me. Has anyone found an actual use for them? I could undrstand them being nice for a first time winner or a first time 250 score. Beyond that, what value do they have. I was given one for winning a regional sporter match three weeks ago. I have no idea where it is today. The placque was nice and it is laying in a drawer never to be seen again. Those that know me are aware that I don't win often enough to be jaded about it. It was great to have my name called and walk up to get the trophy. I shot a lousy score on the very next target so there was no carry over. Live for the moment and order targets well in advance.
Us RBA shooters don't have any of those problems !! From what I hear ARA is a smooth runing game also.
Fred K
I would gladly pay 50 cents a target more if Wilbur would hire someone to help and would agree to have results posted in a weeks time and have everything run in a more professional manner including getting targets and pins out to those that need them. With what I spend every year in Rimfire BR it wouldn't amount to that much.

maybe one of you would consider volunteering to be secretary. maybe this would help the work load.

I gave up

I offered last year to update the results. I emailed Wlibur several times about it, he said something about not having time to teach me the program. I am sure Wilbur is busy as usual. So it appears that we will be on Wilbur's time line.

I offered last year to update the results. I emailed Wlibur several times about it, he said something about not having time to teach me the program. I am sure Wilbur is busy as usual. So it appears that we will be on Wilbur's time line.
I, and others have offered help, but there is no response. When Gateway was totally computerized, the same pattern evolved. The shooters had registration slips with all their information on it,scores were sent in within an hour after the match via Excel along with a local newsletter. We are in a quagmire of a nice guy handling our data that has overwhelmed him, most likely due to other interests. If it were me, I'd be the first to ask for help or get out of the business. RBA posts results almost immediately and I've started to shoot it; at times their matches are a bit disorganized, but overall, it appears to be run much better.
We don't have many options here. It's quite obvious that we are not a priority. Changes have to be made at the highest level. I don't know what to suggest but there are always options:
1. Start another organization with a slight change in the target (Duh, RBA did this)
2. Don't send in your target money until the last months results have been posted.
3. Don't send in your target money until the results are posted.
4. Don't send in your target money.
5. Post your own results on this site- a few rangemasters do this.
6. Go to the Nationals and confront Wilbur for his pseudointellectual attitude and a lack of concern for people that support IR 50/50.
7. Pray for a person to come forth and buy the darn thing

Those of you in the local area he lives, live in fear, if he can't run IR 50/50 how the he?> does he run a nuclear power plant. Things just have to change. I agree with the comment that this entity cannot be run by a group of rangemasters as I previously suggested. It needs a "Milt and Helen". I know a lot has been set forth on this subject, but we need to get serious about this and come up with a plan at the 2009 Nationals.
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We don't have many options here. It's quite obvious that we are not a priority. Changes have to be made at the highest level. I don't know what to suggest but there are always options:
1. Start another organization with a slight change in the target (Duh, RBA did this)
2. Don't send in your target money until the last months results have been posted.
3. Don't send in your target money until the results are posted.
4. Don't send in your target money.
5. Post your own results on this site- a few rangemasters do this.
6. Go to the Nationals and confront Wilbur for his pseudointellectual attitude and a lack of concern for people that support IR 50/50.
7. Pray for a person to come forth and buy the darn thing and beat the sh@$ out of Wilbur.

Those of you in the local area he lives, live in fear, if he can't run IR 50/50 how the he?> does he run a nuclear power plant. Things just have to change. I agree with the comment that this entity cannot be run by a group of rangemasters as I previously suggested. It needs a "Milt and Helen". I know a lot has been set forth on this subject, but we need to get serious about this and come up with a plan at the 2009 Nationals.

Number 7 seems kind of harsh, You could probably stopped at 6 and got your point across.
I've heard rumors about #1, I'm already doing 2 through 5, tried 6. The first part of number 7 is the best hope for the survival of IR50/50. I probably won't be running matches for Wilbur next year.
Todd Banks
Salem Pistol and Rifle Club
"7. Pray for a person to come forth and buy the darn thing and beat the sh@$ out of Wilbur."

Mr. Bob,
Don't you think that comment is getting a bit extreme. Bob, you're gentleman and a good guy, I know you didn't mean that.
I think it was Confucious who said "viorence is not the answer" to all. "Or was it you can catch more fleas with honey than vinegar?"
Either way if anyone decides to beat ole Wilbur up at a match and I'm present, we"ll all ride in the same ambulance I guess:) Just wouldn't stand for it.

Has anyone called Wilbur and asked what the problem actually was?
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I notice that Wilbur, being the extremely busy man that he is, found time to post a reply on Kirk Gaston thread "Riddle me,riddle me,ree". Odd that he can't post a reply on this thread..:confused:

Simple Solution

Either shoot it or don't! Until we walk a mile in Wilber's shoes we can't say what's going on. Doc, chill out and enjoy life for a change, its just not worth it!
I must be misunderstanding something. Why is it so important to see scores of local club matches posted on the internet? If you attend a shoot you know what was shot by who, and where you placed. If you are not at a shoot, what difference does it make to you.
In this year alone, I have shot RBA, IR 50/50, ARA, and PSL. In past years I have been a match director of the first three. I enjoy IR 50/50 the most of those three. PSL is in a category of it's own and should not be included in a comparison.
RBA was formed in response to some perceived faults with the management of IR 50/50, in the now mourned good old Milt and Helen days. It was not long before mismanagement ( or at least some ill advised decisions) led to a decline in the number of clubs participating in RBA.
My advice is to enjoy the camaradery(sp) and friendly competition at the matches. Put aside the angst that is interfering with growth and maybe even survival of out sport.