

I notice that Wilbur, being the extremely busy man that he is, found time to post a reply on Kirk Gaston thread "Riddle me,riddle me,ree". Odd that he can't post a reply on this thread..:confused:


I found it odd that you came on my thread just to be an A$$hole. I don't know why you would come on just to call me a name. I still don't know what you said in the middle of the nite to get it deleted.

I think that this is 1holer's thread not yours. I don't believe that any of my posts on this thread have been deleted. One of my post on another thread was deleted, by me, as it was a double post..
AND.. I don't believe that I have called you any names, but if you want .. O.K... you're a Richard Cranium

And this will be my last response to any of your worthless post's

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This thread, if it were directed toward anyone other than Wilbur, would have been deleted because it is a personal attack on an individual. I know that it would have been deleted because I would have done it.

Enough has been said to get your point across. Have you no shame.

I will leave this message up just to point out to the really nice shooters among us that not all benchrest shooters are equal.

Concho Bill
I notice that Wilbur, being the extremely busy man that he is, found time to post a reply on Kirk Gaston thread "Riddle me,riddle me,ree". Odd that he can't post a reply on this thread..:confused:


What would he say? Most of you want to lynch him and bad mouth him. Most of you are his friends.
Fair is Fair....


This thread, if it were directed toward anyone other than Wilbur, would have been deleted because it is a personal attack on an individual. I know that it would have been deleted because I would have done it.

Concho Bill

Concho Bill,
Does this mean you will be deleting the posts that are attacking Bill Calfee?????

Mike Sherrill
I don't believe anyone wants to do anything to Wilbur. All that's wanted is for him to run the IR 50/50 in a proper manner. You just can't keep ignoring problems and expect people to be happy. If you're going to have a "List" and a scoreline and several other ways to compare yourself with other shooters around the country, you have to keep it current or it's pretty much worthless. Don, I think this is part of what you're missing in this thread. We all enjoy the commeradery of shooting, but if that's all we're doing it for, why do we have to pay Wilbur to do it? We pay him to keep us current. He's responsible for getting us target's, pins, and whatever else is needed,to put on matches sanctioned by IR 50/50. If we just wanted to hang out with each other (and that's a good idea) we could just mosey down to the range and have at it. But we choose to COMPETE in a national organization and it's really hard to do if you can'teven get targets to shoot at.
Number 7 seems kind of harsh, You could probably stopped at 6 and got your point across.
You're right( You too Kent) so I edited it. You are certainly right. Wilbur is a likable person.It's hard to get mad at him- he's so laid back and seems interested when you voice your complaints face to face. However, I'm so tired of getting excellent service from RBA and spending thousands of dollars shooting IR 50/50. I'm addicted to the IR 50/50 target and the ARA target and it's tough to jump ship. So, my approach is to carry on and hope something positive happens. Let's face ==we're all competetive people and want results yesterday to know where we stand. I'll just go with the flow- got 1500 miles of shooting trips in the next 3 weeks. Thanks for your comments.

that's the Doc I remember. We're all in the same boat, see you on the road. Lotta miles to put behind us.:p