
May Results????

Here we are in June and there are few results for the entire month of May. What is the problem??

Crochity where are you when we need you. You seem to have more influence over Wilbur than anyone else.
This situation has been going on for years. It's just a shame that we have to beg to have things kept current. IR 50/50 is a national sanctioning organization with a lot of great ideas and features, none of which mean squat if no one knows what's happening or where they stand. Match directors can't get targets or pins. E-mails go unanswered. Offers to help are too. We spend a LOT of money and time to compete at this game and really don't ask for much in return. I'd sure like to see this taken care of, but past experience says "probably not".
Bohunk you said it all. I couldn't agree more. I have a lot of friends in other states and I would like to be able to see how they are doing. I have only been shooting IR 50/50 for 3 years but it seems like we go through this every year. It just seems like there is a lack of interest in keeping the organization on a professional level. Its a shame as there are a lot of good people shooting IR 50/50 and it would benefit everyone if we could get better service from management.
Why don't you guys go on strike... Stop shooting IR-50/50 for a three or four months and when the money stops coming in maybe the light will go on.. You can shoot RBA, which is just about the same thing or shoot ARA.. Personally, I would like to see some more ARA ranges in the SE as I have to travel 450 - 500 miles to shoot ARA matches..

I know Wilbur is extremely busy, but no new match results for two months is unaccceptable by anyone's standards. Maybe Wilbur ought to consider selling IR-50/50 to someone else if he is not going to accept help with it..


450 to 500 Miles !!!

Darn Dave:

That's a long way to drive for a match. I drive 4.5 to 5 miles to go to our matches: 4.5 miles if I take the shortcut and do a mile on gravel road.

My point here is that I prefer to drive 5 miles rather than 500.

10 years ago there were no rimfire matches within 500 miles of me and my club here at the north end of I-75, or down along the Rio Grande River where Mavis an I spent out Winters in Mission, Texas. What did we do? We organizes some matches. Within a couple of years we had 25 shooters in Mission, Texas and 20 UP here on the Canadian Border. It took some some work to make it go, but work that was a lot more fun and a lot less boring than driving 500 miles.

Yes, it takes some organizational skills to put a series of matches together. But: There is an easy way. How about joining us in the RFC On-Line-Matches. You could get to share competition with about 100 fellow shooters each month. It does not have the flavor of shoulder to shoulder matches, but in a way it is better than a local shoot with 4 to 10 shooters. You could probably have your cake and eat it to, if you could round up 3 friends from your club to shoot with you in the RFC Matches.

We started that way UP here, and now sometimes have 25 to 35 shooters in our local club monthly matches: We share our scores with 75 other shooters from around the USA, Canada, Australia, Great Britain and Brazil.

The Black Grade 10 Suhl is getting a new Harrell Brothers tuner. One with threads, so I can use one of Jim's JJ Slides.

Joe Haller (Mr. Frosty)
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NO Pins and running out of targets

This situation has been going on for years. It's just a shame that we have to beg to have things kept current. IR 50/50 is a national sanctioning organization with a lot of great ideas and features, none of which mean squat if no one knows what's happening or where they stand. Match directors can't get targets or pins. E-mails go unanswered. Offers to help are too. We spend a LOT of money and time to compete at this game and really don't ask for much in return. I'd sure like to see this taken care of, but past experience says "probably not".

I went to New Richmond Wi. on Saturday, and Minnetonka Mn. on Sunday, and none of the IR 50/50 winners recieved anything, becouse Wilber won't reply or send what they have been paying for. On the 23rd of May I went to the Holmen Wi. match and was told that we may not have enough targets to complete the next match, and there were no pins to be had. Come on Wilber. Git er done. DJB in Wi.
Maybe one of you complainers could take Wilburs job over and get it done better. Any Volunteers......
Ir 50/50

I said something about going on strike a month ago and he deleted the thread. At least I couldn't find it anymore, so someone deleted it. So if you get real PO at him he listens but doesn't do anything.
Ir 50/50

I went to New Richmond Wi. on Saturday, and Minnetonka Mn. on Sunday, and none of the IR 50/50 winners recieved anything, becouse Wilber won't reply or send what they have been paying for. On the 23rd of May I went to the Holmen Wi. match and was told that we may not have enough targets to complete the next match, and there were no pins to be had. Come on Wilber. Git er done. DJB in Wi.

Do any of you remember IR 50/50 in the late 90's. A journal arrived on time with rangemaster comments and results along with equipment and ammo used. It was great to shoot and a lot of fun. What do we have now: the X man, the List and God knows what else. What this does is fill the coffers of IR 50/50 with money. The slovenly manner in which this discipline is run is truey disconcerting. I think that major changes need to be made, including disbanding IR 50/50, give it a new corporate name and elect a board of responsible people to run it. I think that the rangemasters across the nation should be the board of directors--the question is who should lead us? I'm leaning towards RBA but I still have a feeling of loyalty to Milt and Helen Cook-first class totally dedicated shooters. I have my own opinion on who could lead us but ya'll have your own ideas on how to solve this problem. Wilbur is a nice guy but has us by the shorts by running this board and making whimsical rules based on minimal input and his authority.
Sorry if I offended anyone but I am angry.
Wilbur.....I love you buddy, you and shooting IR 50/50 as well, and I know there's only 24 hours in a day but this would just be a horrible travisty if it spirals out of control, there's just too many guys getting upset, organizations distintigrate because of stuff like this and there is way too much tradition and rimfire history to let that happen here, no?
Lets look at this a different way..

Nobody is getting any targets, no match pins, no results being posted, no answers to e-mails and no returned phone calls and most of all, Wilbur has not appeared on this thread to offer any type of explanation.. It would only take about 3 minutes to come on to this thread and post something.

So, maybe Wilbur is tired of running IR-50/50 and is just going to let it die out.. Maybe he figures that if there are no targets, there will be no matches, no matches mean no scores to worry about posting and less worry for him..

Now, if Wilbur is sick or having personal problems that prevent him from keeping up with IR-50/50 or at least answering some of his critics, I will be the first one to apologize to him for my posts, but things sure do look funny...

Come on Wilbur, say something...

Here's an Idea

Why not make Wilbur an offer he can't refuse, and buy and run the organization the way you see fit? That's what he did.