Vittavouri factory to close

Looks to me like the original poster had good info. And when was the last time a corporation promised it "would never" ... but alas was already planning to. War is good money for folks who make money selling bullets, bombs, missiles, etc. If the insanity in the Middle East ever ends, lots of manufacturers will feel the pinch. And a few thousand benchrest shooters won't pay the bill.
Further to what I posted previously, denied and poop pooped by My learned english friend ....

In the new today

Eurenco decided to sell VW operation.

Buyer are sought ....

Hmmm, Eurenco is selling their VW operation? I'm sure that Volkswagen AG will be pleased to hear that.
Due Diligence?

It's always good to apply Due Diligence when accusing someone of not applying ............yes................. wait for it...............Due Diligence.
Thank you taj 45

It's always good to apply Due Diligence when accusing someone of not applying ............yes................. wait for it...............Due Diligence.


I recall Mr Blix was telling us for 2 years that's there are no WMD in existance and nobody believed him
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VihtaVuori will close the Finland factory if they can't sell it, but that really doesn't matter since they have 3 more factories accross Europe.

It's only important to Finland to keep that factory open so they are not relying on powder from another country... Military issue with no affect on civilian customers
Vv doesnt have three factories, Eurenco who owns them own other powder mfg as well, but VV powder is only made in their factory...
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so they can start production in one of the other factories when this one closes down...

I think it's mostly safety issues, read many news articles of fatalities in the factory due to very old equipment.
Update to my original thread 8 months ago

I read this update with great sadness

I recall warning folks some eights months ago and was totally discredited as Chinese whispers and a liar by Internet shooters

My intention was to inform fellow shooters to start planning if they have a high dependency on this brand. There was no hidden agenda or malicious intention

Just like hans blix said at the UN

There is NO WMD that I can find but do want ever you want but you might regret in the future ...

Good shooting guys

I just want to put it on record that LONDONHUNTER did not spread rumours but facts months before the employee of this organisation knew about it

And also the Internet is not the final word for all those arm chair shooters
A definitive answer please

Having read through each post I haven't yet read a definitive answer as to what has happened with Vit. Not what might or could but has. As a user of N133 powder it would be nice to know.