Vid of T.B. shooting his rail gun @ 2012 Nationals


I had a few requests from folks at the Nationals to send them some footage of Tony shooting. Well, it's probably easier just to upload to YT and share here. Especially since I lost most of the email addresses somewhere along the way home!

As some may have heard by now, Tony cleaned house opening day shooting a teen agg (the only one that day) with his rail gun. It was a blast watching him pound little group after little group downrange. This clip is the third group of the day and goes .178". Most of his groups this day looked just like this one. Small, dark, round, and at 6 o'clock on the mothball.

Don't worry, found the addresses this evening. Stuck them inside the AZ road map. Duh.
I swear, if my head weren't skrewed on.............
Well at least they're not sitting on top of the fuel pumps in Flagstaff!;) That's where I usually leave my credit card.:D:rolleyes:

Good Job Grouper. I want to do something like this,using a live split screen with close up of target. Like they do in the Olympics.

What video Camera were you using?

Good Job Grouper. I want to do something like this,using a live split screen with close up of target. Like they do in the Olympics.

What video Camera were you using?


That would be awesome Glenn. I'd like to have another camera on the row of flags too and split the screen three ways. With that kind of a setup, we might turn BR into a sport that is actually fun to watch!

The camera I used was a Sony Handicam DCR-SR47 with a 60x Zeiss optical zoom.
Grouper.....A Three way split would be perfect. A Great idea that could possibly help grow the Sport. I have no clue as to how they do split screen video shots.

Thanks for the Camera Info.

thanks grouper, i enjoyed the video very much. Much appreciated. Lee

Be honest, who thought he was going to shoot the green condition?? I did. Shows you just how much more learning i need!!!
thanks grouper, i enjoyed the video very much. Much appreciated. Lee

Be honest, who thought he was going to shoot the green condition?? I did. Shows you just how much more learning i need!!!

You're welcome!

Several times, I watched the flags suddenly do something different to Tony and I'd think to myself that there was no way that shot went in the group. But then I'd look thru the scope and see it went in the group. Some of those times, he seemed to dial his windage knob on the rail. But other times, like the one in this video, he'd never touch the knob and still shoot a tiny one.

In this vid, the first flag (in view) and the second flag (slightly out of view) do something a bit squirrely on the last two shots and I know if I'd pulled the trigger then, my shots would have been a ring out. Tony's did not. I guess that's why he's the best in the world.:)
In the video there is a van and people down range while Tony is shooting his target...may be I am looking at it wrong? Could someone please explain what they are doing/why they are doing it when people are shooting? I shoot rimfire, not centerfire so am not very familiar with the practices...
The video begins about four minutes before a match, while targets are being changed. All of the shooters on the line have their bolts out of their actions. At about four minutes and seventeen seconds into the video, the match starts and shooters are instructed to place bolts in rifles. Did you have your computers sound on while you were watching the video?
to add to the split screen idea I have always been interested in a voice-over from the shooter describing where he was holding, what made him take the shot at what time, etc...
I don't have the ability to do that kind of editing, but I have to think that hearing the thoughts of the "top guns" would also advance the learning curve much more quickly for some of us.
Thanks for the great video, GG. I always enjoy watching anything benchrest!
Several times, I watched the flags suddenly do something different to Tony and I'd think to myself that there was no way that shot went in the group.

Goodgrouper those hummer barrels Tony has been hoarding don't care about the wind the simply shoot through it, that's how Tony gets away with it.

I have watched several You Tube's of Tony and his patience is remarkable to say the least. You can hear everybody else banging away on sighter's or record targets and when Tony's sighters show him what he wants he just sits there looking and waiting even when the time is about to run out. He never freaks out or shows any concern that I have to seen on video and that condition he has so patiently waiting for always seems to show up.
I don't know about you guys but myself I don't appreciate shooters sitting behind their rifles & looking through the scope when I'm downrange . Didn't seem like a safe situation to me.
I don't know about you guys but myself I don't appreciate shooters sitting behind their rifles & looking through the scope when I'm downrange . Didn't seem like a safe situation to me.

There's where you go wrong.....we're not sitting behind our rifles with people downrange. We're sitting behind paper weights and boat anchors while people are downrange. They ARE NOT rifles until the bolt is put in, and that cannot be done until the target crew is safely back, and the Range Officer sees that their back, and gives the command to place bolts in rifles. That's how it's done at every registered IBS or NBRSA match everywhere in the country, and has been that way for over 50 years with no accidents reported. Benchrest is among the safest shooting sports in the world. You want a dangerous shooting game, go watch a SASS shoot or IDPA match!
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Several times, I watched the flags suddenly do something different to Tony and I'd think to myself that there was no way that shot went in the group.

Goodgrouper those hummer barrels Tony has been hoarding don't care about the wind the simply shoot through it, that's how Tony gets away with it.............

Been trying to convey this seemingly "insignificant" thought for 15 years. Pretty much, everybody ignores this little detail while they work on their bags, bullets, loads and tuners to get rid of a quarter inch vertical...when it ain't the bags, bullets, loads and tuners. Easy to understand. It's either ignore it or get up off some serious cash and expend some serious effort.
Remember, James Mock says"They're no such thing as HUMMER barrels". Actually Tony is trying to shoot the tacks out of the target board while he is waiting. OH! He didn't have his bolt in the rifle!
James has stated that he does not believe in a HUMMER barrel. I hope that the grammar is proper this time. I think Mock used to be a Civics teacher. Am I right James? Why do folks buy a few barrels or more, chamber them, shoot them, and save the best for the important matches?