TOP actions of the SS


An interesting observation.
However, perhaps a more pertinent and telling question might be.... how many of those BAT's in the Top 20 were shot "au natural" as opposed to "doctored" by the many competent gunsmiths around the country?

I for one am interested as well..............

I will tell you that I have one BAT SB that has had the bolt reworked by one of the US gun builders. My second rifle is also a BAT SB but the bolt has not been reworked. What I will tell you is I prefer shooting the rifle with the reworked bolt. Does it make a difference? I have no idea for sure. I do not shoot enough against the bigger names to really see how I would stack up against them or better yet how my rifle does. We do not have the luxury that the US shooters have with so many GREAT shooters and Hall of Fame shooters. Mentorship is so important.

After having the bolt reworked, weight added and stiffer shorter spring man does it snap when the pin falls. Such a change between the 2 acions. Does it make a difference? I have NO IDEA. I need to trust some of the people I talk to and all this disscusion about CONSISTENT ignition. I will be getting the second action tweeked as well. It is worth it even if it just gives confidence.

I have though torn the bolts appart and polished the crap out of them as best I can to reduce friction. The action on my original rifle is my favorite for smoothness when opening and closing the bolt. IT may not feel as slick as the other when sliding the bolt in and out but on closing I love it.

Anyways we should be allowed to talk about the various actions and what we feel is there lacking (if any) without the manufacturers feeling the need to get CRANKY/PISSY when we do so.

They are still selling there product are they not?

I recently talked with BAT about trigger hangers. Unfortunately my SB's do not accomadate the offset hangers to play with the trigger/firing pin timing. At the time it was NOT offered. Well today from my conversation with BAT, all actions made after the 2013 SS will accept the offset hangers. Why? They listened to the people was what I was told. Now there still may be issues that the BEST SHOOTERS in the world can and have identified but if the manufacturers are not willing to tweek programming or make the changes we get what we get. Thus the expression that ALL actions are a WORK IN PROGRESS.

I would love to see the day that all actions/rifles were equal. that the only determining factor in a shoot was the tune and the wind reading of the shooter. It will never happen. WE ALL WANT TO BE TOP DOG of the NBRSA, IBS, SS, or even the WORLDS. For me, I got my name on the BRSC Nationals trophy last year. Yes there was only 16 or 17 shooters, (basically the active shooters in Western Canada) but regardless my name is next to some of the early shooters of BR in Canada. That was with Leupold/Bukys scope, Gene Beggs tuner, Kreiger barrel, polished Jewell trigger and a HOLLOW Speedy BRX stock made by Robertson composites.

We are delusional if we think that there is NO rifle used by the top 20-30 that are not modified in some way.

Tinkering is part of the fun. I would love to be a Dave Bruno, Dwight Scott or Wayne Campbell for what they know and do. Delivering the best product they can. There may be others but those are the names that come to mind.

Again JMO.

Time to get back to work.


Actions & Scopes:

For what it's worth, I have Panda's on 2 Sporters, a Polar on a H.V., 2 Panda's hanging on the back of a 2 Unlimited rifles, 1 Bat H.V, 1 Bat DS Sporter, and 1 Bat Unlimited rifle. I have accumulated all my HOF points with Kelbly actions except the first 4, and they were with a 40x Remington that had been trued. (1978 & 1985). All my actions are Right Bolt/Right Port, so I guess that makes me "old school"! My wife's rifle is a Panda, RB/LP, and it is a true "Hummer". I have finished 1st. at the Super Shoot AND a different year, with the same equipment, so what action/barrel/bullets you are using has little to do with where you finish. Some days are just better than others!
Another quick story: I was shooting the IBS Nationals at Kelblys in August of 2004. In H.V. Class, I was shooting my Bat H.V., Bart's Ultra's, a Shilen 15x 6PPC, and 8208 powder. It was raining very light most of the day, and very damp all day. This gun was shooting better than I have EVER had a rifle shoot before! Because it was IBS, we shot a warm-up match, and that was a .159", and was the largest group I shot all day, EXCEPT for match #3!
The water was coming off the roof so hard, the down spouts couldn't take it, and I had to shoot through a "Wall-of-water"!, and the 3rd shot went 1.022" away from the rest of the group. The other 4 groups were .126", .057", .149', and .138"! My warm-up and the other 4 groups would have agged .1244'!
The moral of this story: I put this rifle up, along with the same lot of powder, primers, bullets, etc., and it never came out again until the NBRSA Nationals in Kansas City in September or October, 2 months later.
I couldn't make the rifle shoot at all, and ended up shooting one of my Sporters in H.V. Class. That barrel NEVER shot well again! When I looked back on it, it must have been on the very edge of being stable in the damp weather, I really have no clue.
I have March scopes on most of my rifles, and woud say this: I don't believe that are twice as good as a Leupold, BUT, I really like them, and feel it was money well spent.
PS: "This ia NOT a Paid Advertisement"! LOL
...Another quick story: I was shooting the IBS Nationals at Kelblys in August of 2004. In H.V. Class, I was shooting my Bat H.V., Bart's Ultra's, a Shilen 15x 6PPC, and 8208 powder. It was raining very light most of the day, and very damp all day. This gun was shooting better than I have EVER had a rifle shoot before! Because it was IBS, we shot a warm-up match, and that was a .159", and was the largest group I shot all day, EXCEPT for match #3!
The water was coming off the roof so hard, the down spouts couldn't take it, and I had to shoot through a "Wall-of-water"!, and the 3rd shot went 1.022" away from the rest of the group. The other 4 groups were .126", .057", .149', and .138"! My warm-up and the other 4 groups would have agged .1244'!...

Ron - I never forget watching you shoot those groups through my spotting scope. After the match I immediately purchased some of those bullets. What a fool I was to buy only a few boxes. In my rail-gun with a Shilen 1.350" barrel, those bullets would easily shoot low to mid .1xx at 200 YARDS for the first few shots…until the conditions would egg out the groups a little. Those bullets reminded me of the old white box Remington 52g 22 cal bullets at 100 yards in the short 22 PPC - where the groups would get blacker around the edges rather than getting significantly bigger.

That year (2004) was my first year of realizing how important bullets are…and how smart they can make a shooter look! In my opinion, bullets are unequivocally the most important factor in the BR game.

Greg Walley
Kelbly's Inc.
I know for truth that not every top shooter has modifications done to their rifle. I know of a couple rifles that have had nothing done to them and they shoot well enough to win. Well at least well enough, the owner see's no need for any mods. All rifles are different, they just are!! Lee
I know for truth that not every top shooter has modifications done to their rifle. I know of a couple rifles that have had nothing done to them and they shoot well enough to win. Well at least well enough, the owner see's no need for any mods. All rifles are different, they just are!! Lee

sometimes those mods make a good gun suck
personal attacks!

I have been in this game for a few years. When I had good eye sight with good barrels and scopes I could compete with the best. I have always found Jim K. to be fair and impartial to any question I asked him. In early days I spent a bunch of money for barrels, actions, and scopes. I found none better than March scopes and the actions Jim and his company sales. Who among us can blame a person for being proud of the product he produces and sales? I wish my eye sight was as it was 10 years ago then you a.. holes would be want more of Jim's products and less of this horse sh'''''' comments about it. Different items / equipment works better for each shooter. get what works right for you and disregard the rest. Just as a side comment. How many hall of fame members have commented on this thread?
Ditto Caseys post. Jim K. has my highest respect and regards.

Amen to Sharett's post, guilty as charged, but going to do better.

I think I have a few thou of those Bart Ultras, email me and make an offer. Remember it's "Unobtainum".

Ditto Caseys post. Jim K. has my highest respect and regards.

Amen to Sharett's post, guilty as charged, but going to do better.

I think I have a few thou of those Bart Ultras, email me and make an offer. Remember it's "Unobtainum".

if he dont want them I will "try" to get them from you. :)
Jim Kelbly & March Scopes

The only real thing I know about a March scope, is the fact that I want one. I always want an item thet is difficult for me to get. As for that (&%$#)_&%$ JIM KELBLY) in my opinion, he's like "cream on the milk" always on top (of my good people list) Jim has always been more than fair w/me,( as has George Senior) and several times I'd say he went out of his way to help me or to fulfill requests. I say he has every right to be proud of Kelbly products, mainly because they're good and proven products.

All the Kelblys have been great to me. Including the guys in their shop

Heaviest Fattest Varmint aka: Thomas Tommy "Tom" H. McKee
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Ditto Caseys post. Jim K. has my highest respect and regards.

Amen to Sharett's post, guilty as charged, but going to do better.

I think I have a few thou of those Bart Ultras, email me and make an offer. Remember it's "Unobtainum".

Charlie I know a few shooters who would like to buy those Bart Ultras off you..........Ian
Charlie Don't

Don't give every thing to Scott. Whatever he wants from you, I'm sure I want it also. Send me an e-mail ( HFV aka: Thomas, Tommy, Tom, H. McKee
Well hell Scott, you ought to know, all you got to do is ask, I'll save you a box, send me an email.
Somebody hacked his email and sent out a distress saying he was stuck in cuba with no phone and needed money wired to him. I just knew if anybody didnt need money it was ole daddy warbucks there.