Tired of the primer BS.

Larry M

New member
I got a call from a friend this morning that Powder Valley just got 20,000 Wolf primers. By the time I got home from work and called they are gone. There is no way in hell anyone can convince me that people anr't hoarding the damn things up. Who do I got to know to get a call BEFORE they sell all of a shipment. I'd like to an honest report of how many small rifle primers people use in a year and how many they bought. I have 400 SM rifle Mag primers and my 600 yd season starts in Aug. Anyone want to start a new thread on why people arnt attending matches?
Widener's Reloading and Shooting Supply has the new Wolf Small Rifle Mag 223 in stock on their website. Check them out. I have never used them so don't know anything about them.

Most primers (especially at Powder Valley go to back orders) I order 10000 to 20000 at a time. I have already shot up 6000 this year and theres a long way to go in the season.

Widener's Reloading and Shooting Supply has the new Wolf Small Rifle Mag 223 in stock on their website. Check them out. I have never used them so don't know anything about them.

Most primers (especially at Powder Valley go to back orders) I order 10000 to 20000 at a time. I have already shot up 6000 this year and theres a long way to go in the season.

If I understood Stan Widener correctly yesterday they had just go in a sea-container of Wolf, some 17 million. They were all sold before the sea-container got to his store in Johnson City.

Hoarding and arming heavily by the general public is good as long as it is for the right reason. Protection.
sorry larry,,i almost had to laugh at your post.

go read powder valley's site on primers BEFORE you whine.


so if you have not placed your order already, honestly when do think you will get primers from them ?

they are getting in some wolf primers, but those will go to customer wiht backorders that are dated prior to JUNE 30.

at this point, your best bet is to book mark all the big retailers and check them multiple times a day.

wolf primers are excellent. thier costs are going up 25%, but still a great primer at the cost.

mike in co
just off the phone with pv. my march 30 order for 30k of wolf primers will ship this week.......basically 16 weeks from order date....
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I've been trying to be patient, Back in the begining of the year I didn't know there was a shortage till I got down to my 5-600 and went to order more. I'm scared to pre order a bunch from everyplace in hope that someone gets them in then they go everywhere at once and I get charged for half a dozen orders at once. Now it would be nice to have them but I get by on very limited funds and about 2 1000ct boxes is my limit.
Larry ...

I've been trying to be patient, Back in the begining of the year I didn't know there was a shortage till I got down to my 5-600 and went to order more. I'm scared to pre order a bunch from everyplace in hope that someone gets them in then they go everywhere at once and I get charged for half a dozen orders at once. Now it would be nice to have them but I get by on very limited funds and about 2 1000ct boxes is my limit.

Call www.precisionreloading.com at 800-223-0900, M-F 8-5 CST. When your primer order comes in they'll call you to see if you still want them to ship it. No need to worry about mutiple orders shipping from more than one vendor. Great folks with great service. :)
Not everyone is financially able to buy that far ahead. I think asking someone to give up a hobby they love is a little harsh though.
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I daresay

with the utterance of the word "Hoarding" all about? As far as I know we are not in a National Emergency that requires rationing and as far as I am still aware, it is everyone's right to buy whatever they can from who ever they can. Instead of whining, get off your collective tuccases and order some stuff. Keep enough ahead to get you through the next shortage or give up shooting. Nobody owes you whiners a "Just in time" supply.

nobody WOULD declare an emergency, HOWEVER , most shooters know someone who can not spend the same as others. Saying tough s--t to those people says something about how one views other members of the shooting community.
Having to ration instead of each and every one of us looking out for the other guy is an aspect of human nature and society in general that I have not found among most shooters. Many of us were never aware that not being able to buy several thousand primers would ever be a problem, and by the time it did become one, those experiencied enough (hoarders is the uttered word) had beaten the rest to the punch. Would it be fair to say that there are enough primers HOARDED to get us ALL through this shortage. I will share with who needs'em and when they are gone the HOARDERS CAN SHOOT AMONG THEMSELVES as is indeed their right. I think that if I ran into someone taking advantage of a situation by buying up the scarce stuff and selling it at an exorbinant premium I would indeed GET OFF MY KEESTER AND WHINE AT THEM AT THE VERY LEAST. How's that for venom, Hoss?
just asking and not trying to be mean but

1. why did your so called friend not just buy you a couple thousand,

2. did your friend not know you needed some or why then did he call

the reason I ask is I buy sometimes 3 or 4 times what I need and let my friends buy the excess later that week for the same price when I know they are working and hope they do the same for me

take this the right way please, it is important ot get your ducks in a row before the season starts so that when stuff comes available you are ready to buy it

(wonder if you understood, trying to be thoughtful)

Tired of primer BS

Be Praactical with your buying.
Don't just buy 1 carton at a time Buy the whole case of 5,000
and you won't get caught shot. they go up each year .
The samr with bullets ' buy at least 1,000 at a time and you won't get caught short. When you getting low or half way down Reorder.
Actually Two Wars

Be Praactical with your buying.
Don't just buy 1 carton at a time Buy the whole case of 5,000
and you won't get caught shot. they go up each year .
The samr with bullets ' buy at least 1,000 at a time and you won't get caught short. When you getting low or half way down Reorder.

Its not just primers. It is all components. The whole thing is a self fulfilling prophecy. Uncle Sam gets his first. Then the ammo manufacturers. Lastly reloaders. If people find things are in short supply they buy more not less. If the price goes up they buy more before the price goes up again. There is rationing its just by price, not an equal parceling out. It makes more money for the producers.

Actually I think six months to a year from now the retailers will be choking on components. The guy who has 50K of primers will not be needing any for a long time. The same with bullets and powder. For now it is either order and wait, or do a bit of trading. I met a guy at the range he needed SP primers. I traded him 2K Winchester SP for 2k of 205M. I have exta LR and SP primers and I will trade for SR primers if I can find a deal. Most of us in this area help eachother out if we run short. So share if you can.

Jeffrey Tooker
Wideners had Wolf primers in stock for several days starting on the 14th. I ordered 5k and they are on the way. You need to keep an eye out on a daily basis to see who has them in stock.

A good idea to check your sources at the local level also. Walked into my gunsmiths shop last month and there were 5K newly arrived CCIBR4 primers sitting on the shelf. This at a time when they are being priced at $85+ on-line. These were $43, per 1K. Bought 2K, 1K for myself & 1K for my son. A friend was complaining for several months he could not find Varget powder. I happened to stop at a local shop & they had a very large quantity. Called my friend & asked him how much he wanted/needed. His answer? "One 1 pound can". Duh!
My Powder Valley backorder (since mid-April) for 5k Wolf LR and 5k Small Rifle Magnum shipped yesterday. I got a call Thursday asking if I still wanted them. The price rose from $21/1000 to $25, but I think that is very reasonable considering the supply situation and the amount some places are charging. I think the supply shortage is easing somewhat, but if you really need them, get them on order. The wolf primers are being used by a lot of LR and Highpower shooters and give low SD's. I still went through with the purchase even though I found 3k Federal 205 and 8lb of Varget from a local shooter last week. I'm gonna have to explain it to my wife, but I am sure she will see the wisdom in my purchases ;-).
The thing to

do is like ALL of the people that are concerned. With supply and demand and possible Goverment intervention. There has been talk that Federal was going to be traded on Wall Street with speculation of driving up prices. Bruno was selling them ( Federal) at $49.00 per Thousand, and SOLD OUT in 3 days....I placed a order LAST WEEK with Powder Valley and Wiedners and have received shipping conformation on both. I did this after I saw the info posted on another sight that both places were/had received Wolf Primers.

I order 5,000 Small Rifle Mag from each after reading positive reports from some 600 yard shooters. Call us "HORDERS" if you want ,but we have PRIMERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dear Mike

Unless you have been living in a CAVE you have not heard any of this :After talking with the various gun shop people, the consensus is that many reloaders are hoarding components, buying 8 or 10 bricks of primers at a time, out of some irrational fear of a nationwide ban on primers, brass and powder.
There has been a significant panic in buying guns, ammo, and reloading supplies.
Most of it is based on the well-grounded concern that the current administration and congress will begin trying to stop the sale of guns, ammo, and reloading supplies or at least take measures to make the sale and transfer of these items so expensive through legislation, regulation, and executive fiat that the average Joe will not be able to afford it. There have been a variety of bill attempted that would do that but so far they have been unsuccessful. These people will not stop until they have effectively removed our ability to use guns.

I DID NOT state the Government was regulation BUT Possible.

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Unless you have been living in a CAVE you have not heard any of this :After talking with the various gun shop people, the consensus is that many reloaders are hoarding components, buying 8 or 10 bricks of primers at a time, out of some irrational fear of a nationwide ban on primers, brass and powder.
There has been a significant panic in buying guns, ammo, and reloading supplies.
Most of it is based on the well-grounded concern that the current administration and congress will begin trying to stop the sale of guns, ammo, and reloading supplies or at least take measures to make the sale and transfer of these items so expensive through legislation, regulation, and executive fiat that the average Joe will not be able to afford it. There have been a variety of bill attempted that would do that but so far they have been unsuccessful. These people will not stop until they have effectively removed our ability to use guns.

I DID NOT state the Government was regulation BUT Possible.

sorry the same dribble.....ANYTHING is POSSIBLE....yomama is anti-gun....but he has never made a statement to control components.....it has all been generated by people like you.
there is a shortage of:
guns, that lead to a shortage of
ammo, that lead to a shortage of
components/reloading equiptment, that lead to an
increase in prices......
i make my living in this business.......
rumors...not facts....quit spreading rumors
mike in co
I guess what I have to do as some folks suggested is place orders at a bunch of places and hope they call when they come in before they charge me. I suppose the more orders I place the better my chances.
Thanks everyone.