This is a hard post...about a friend & shooter passing

It is with great sadness that I must post the passing of more than just a good friend.

Tom Libby died today of a massive heart attack. We have been friends for more than 3 decades.

I will certainly miss his friendship and without a doubt his sense of humor as I'm sure many other

shooters will.

He will be shooting all zeros from now on at the big range up in the sky.

Rest In Peace Tom
I hate to hear that. Tom was always friendly to me the few times we met, and I liked the way he went out of his way so Carolyn could shoot also.
Wow this saddens me greatly as I always enjoyed seeing Tom and Carolyn at all of the big shoots.
RIP: my friend we all will miss you.

Good Lord. It's difficult to express a reaction to news like this.

May he rest in peace, and may his family find comfort in dealing with their loss.
Tom and I started in Benchrest the same year (1989) and are the same age. I will miss him; my thoughts are with Carolyn & family.
Lou I am stunned to say the least.
I only met Tom once at last years Sniper King match. He was more then willing to help a newbie out like me. I was looking forward to seeing him again this year.
My thoughts and prayers go out to his family and all his friends.

Lou, so sorry to hear this. I know it's hard on you as you two were so close. Walked past you twos RV's parked next to each other at Kelbly's many a time on top of the hill. We were talking about Tom's antics at the East West last weekend. The one I remember the most though was when Kelbly's brought him out with a box on a forklift in his Tim Conway outfit with the short legs. Tom seemed to change over the years and as his comedic flair diminished, he became quite a benchrest shooter. Still remember his outstanding .110" group that he shot dead center of the 200 yard ten ring at the Nationals in St. Louis a few years ago. I was looking forward to being no camped next to Tom and Carolyn again this year at St . Louis. He will be missed and it was a privilege to have known him.
Lou, thank you for informing us about Tom Libby. I know that was hard for you. The news hit me like a ton of bricks. Tom and I started benchrest about the same time. I always looked forward to seeing him and Carolyn at the matches.

Tom Libby was one helluva' man and will be greatly missed. May God be with his family during this difficult time.

Gene Beggs
So Sorry to hear about Tom's passing, I always enjoyed his antics at the super shoot, he was a great guy.

Dan Honert

This is truly a great loss. I'll remember Tom for all the smiles he brought to the Super Shoot with the costumes and shows. Also, when work needed to be done or a leader found he always jumped in with both feet and gave 110%. My heart goes out to Carolyn and the family, may God bless and guide them through this difficult time.

All my best,

Al Blackwell
I am very sorry to hear of Tom's passing. He was such an exceptional person in so many ways. My heart goes out to Caroline and the rest of their family. May he rest in peace. He will be missed by many. My memories of him go back many years, and they are all positive.
Very sorry to hear this news. Thanks Lou for letting us know. Tom was always in charge of keeping everyone smiling at the shoots and he did that job well! He will be missed.
Oh man, so sorry to get this news...

Tom called a few weeks ago and we had an enjoyable chat. He was a one-of-a-kind fellow, always wanting to bring humor into a discussion and lighten the times for everyone. Hate to see the Clown Prince of Bench Rest leave for the Big Range and may he rest in peace.

Carolyn, Jo Ann and I wish you peace and strength during this difficult time.
Very sad news

I'm shocked to hear about Tom's sudden passing, it is undoubtedly a great loss as a person as a friend and as a shooter, the benchrest community lost one of his most charismatic shooters and he will be missed, RIP my friend.
Sad news...

So sorry to hear of Tom's passing. He was truly "one-of-a-kind", and he will be missed by everyone that knew him.
We have had the pleasure of being around Tom And Carylon for many years.
Our heart felt sympathy goes out to Carolyn and his family.
Ron & Jo Ann
Unexpected shock...

This was a shock to hear... we just spoke to Tom a couple weeks ago and he was inquiring about yet another venture to make shooting more 'profitable'. No sign of even slowing down.

Carolyn - our thoughts and prayers go out to you... please let us know if there is anything we can do for you.

Both his sense of duty and his sense of humor will be greatly missed! He was a pleasure to work with the last many years.

Rod and Audrey Brown