This is a hard post...about a friend & shooter passing

What absolutely terrible news. About as bad as it gets without losing one of your own. There are many fine people in this organization , but he was on the top. His goal in life appeared to be just to make people laugh.
Precious few are that qualified. So very sad...
Benchrest shooters as a group tend to be pretty tightly wound. Tom was sure good for keeping things light. But as many have pointed out, he was an incredible competitor too and showed us how to strike that balance. I spoke with him a lot at the Cactus this year and thoroughly enjoyed the time. Tom, you'll be missed. And thank you for making this a better sport. -- Scott
My thoughts go out to Carolyn. This has to be a tough time dealing with such a huge and sudden loss. Be strong and know that there are many people supporting you. Tom was a really fun and caring guy.

Tom, I always admired you and looked to you for inspiration. The world will be a lonelier and less happy place now that you are gone. Wish I could see you in heaven when you dress up in your god costume. Tim
Its difficult

To be known by all who came in contact with one,
To not have any enemies,
To be a respected competitor/individual,
To be welcomed in all groups/conversations,
To be a husband,
To be successful in business,
To be a friend,
To be an entertainer,

but he had the ability to do all of the above and more--what an example for us to emulate.

Thank you Tom for sharing your life with us.
Caroline and family--We are all saddened by your loss.
Cecil Peterson
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We are diminished

Saddened to learn of Tom's passing.

First met Tom via email prior to WBC 12 (2013) in Sydney over bureaucratic matters that concerned him. When Team USA arrived had the privilege of meeting him in person and he was as funny, the gentleman that was envisaged and very appreciative of our work force's efforts and expertise.

Not only did he shoot well, despite being only a couple of weeks post surgery, but espoused his experience in administrative matters learned from his time as a Regional Director and on committees within the NBRSA structure when questioned as well as the intricacies of benchrest and target shooting in general.

After 2013 we emailed on a casual basis about everything and nothing in particular and he was always interested in the Australians he met and shot with. Our email during April 2017, will now be our last, and I for one will miss my email pal.

Condolences to Carolyn and the family from the Australian benchrest shooters who had the opportunity to meet and cross paths with this gentleman.


Ann Brummell
Very sad news indeed....

I still remember him at a Super Shoot some years riding in a golf cart with one of his funny wigs ahead of a prepared a skit. A true 'character', Tom, will be missed. My condolences to Carolyn and the rest of the Libby family.

Jeff Stover
To me, Tom epitomized what it means to be a benchrest shooter: Have fun at the match, enjoy everyone, and still be a fierce competitor, win or loose. My heart goes out to Carolyn and family. We are so diminished by the loss.

JIm Carstensen
Tom made many friends all around the world

I was privileged to meet him here in Australia.

Condolences to Carolyn.

Rob Carnell
Sydney, Australia
R.I.P. Tom

I only met Tom the once at the WBC in Sydney a true gentleman. Benchrest is diminished with this loss.
Condolences to his family at this time.

Keith Smith
OZ, Down Under
Tom Libby

May the good Lord bless him with a place in His Kingdom and grant peace to Tom's family! We will all miss Tom.

T K Nollan