The Supreme Court Finally Did It


Roy Allain

The People Have The Right To Have Firearms To Defend Themselves, Etc.

The 2nd Amendment Lives
Thats Great,

But what bothers me is that 4 out 9 Supreme Court Justices believe that we don't have the right to bear arms to protect ourselves.

Thats Great,

But what bothers me is that 4 out 9 Supreme Court Justices believe that we don't have the right to bear arms to protect ourselves.


it just shows how bad our education system is. four of the highest recognized people in our government, are so blinded by politics, they cannot read simple english!

go buy a handgun today....celibrate our country and its constitution and bill of rights.

mike in co
It's a fantastivc victory.
But it didn't really expose anything fundamental about gun rights in this nation. All they affirmed was that DCs 'handgun prohibition' went too far..

There was no ascertion of gun ownership as an absolute right.
So those who cannot have guns today, still will not tomorrow.

There was no declaration that state sponsored militias cannot replace private ownership. So the beat marches on...

If DC had not gone so far, and without an alternate form of defense for those affected, even this court would have ruled differently.
And that would have truly sucked..

I'm glad it's over
Heller Decision

This is only the begining of a large volume of case law to be decided and will be developed over time as was the dase law for the first ammendment.
Never has the issue been so challenged before to the SCOTUS.
The mayor of DC is already claiming that the locals have the authority to ban repeating rifles, semiautomatics.....just the begining
It's a fantastivc victory.
But it didn't really expose anything fundamental about gun rights in this nation. All they affirmed was that DCs 'handgun prohibition' went too far..

There was no ascertion of gun ownership as an absolute right.
So those who cannot have guns today, still will not tomorrow.

I'm glad it's over

i think you should go read scallia's statement. it clearly says gun ownership is an individual right( of citizens...not criminals). it does not get any clearer.
not sure what you are trying to say in "those who cannot"........

its not over, it is a great step forward in citizens rights.

mike in co
Scallia's the man, but just one man, with opinions.
He also said "This ruling should not be taken to cast doubt on long-standing prohibitions on the possession of firearms by felons and the mentally ill or on laws forbidding the carrying of firearms in places like schools and government buildings or laws imposing conditions on gun sales" Yadda-Yadda, shoplifting is a felony..

I appears to me the meat and potatoes of this ruling caim down to striking down two parts of ONE gun control law:
-The wholesale ban on private handgun possession
-The requirement that firearms kept at home be unloaded and disassembled or bound by a trigger lock

It's significant only because it's the first officially declared violation of the 2nd Amendment. But for 32yrs DC got away with it..

All I'm sayin is that it isn't all the media implies, and I don't believe we'll see anything come of it(Other than hot air and hype on both sides)...
Reading the comments from some of the elite geniuses like Diane Feinstein and Bloomberg, not to mention the dissenting justices it's obvious that they feel that the police or someone, maybe the protection fairy, will be there to take care of them when the poop hits the air movement equipment. Di Fei, and Bloomberg probably do have police protection, our chances for that are somewhat less than zero.
The opinion is good only as long as it stands, and it was a very narrow victory that squeaked by, by only one vote. After the next election, and after a couple or three new liberal justices are seated, we can expect the Brady Bunch or some other group of anti-gunners to bring a test case, and Heller will be overturned by a future court. Most likley before 2020. We cannot expect a democratic senate and President Obama will seat pro-gun Justices like Alito, Thomas, etc.
The opinion is good only as long as it stands, and it was a very narrow victory that squeaked by, by only one vote. After the next election, and after a couple or three new liberal justices are seated, we can expect the Brady Bunch or some other group of anti-gunners to bring a test case, and Heller will be overturned by a future court. Most likley before 2020. We cannot expect a democratic senate and President Obama will seat pro-gun Justices like Alito, Thomas, etc.

some of you guys are just amazing......

200 years to get the supreme court to confirm what is written in plain english, and you say its over in less than 12 years.......
why do you own guns with an attidute like that ???

mike in co
While a liberal court might overturn this decision, and even if Congress banned guns as was done in Britain and Australia, I sincerely doubt that most American gun owners would meekly turn in their guns. When the Supreme Court and Congress cannot read and understand plain English we're in trouble.

The anti-gun people are not educated by any facts that do not agree with their opinions. And none of the facts agree with their opinions either.

The intent of the 2nd amemdment was long gone before we were born. I can explain that statement with a simple but rhetorical question..

Who will stand with me in armed defiance of the government?

....crickets chirping...

Then I suppose we'll take what comes along.....
The intent of the 2nd amemdment was long gone before we were born. I can explain that statement with a simple but rhetorical question..

Who will stand with me in armed defiance of the government?

....crickets chirping...

Then I suppose we'll take what comes along.....
Hypothetically speaking, were I serious about standing armed with you in defiance of our government I would not admit to it on a public forum such as this.

The intent of the 2nd amemdment was long gone before we were born. I can explain that statement with a simple but rhetorical question..

Who will stand with me in armed defiance of the government?

....crickets chirping...

Then I suppose we'll take what comes along.....

if the decision had gone the other way, i do think you would have had to ask the question, you would hear the gun fire in the streets.........

i can read and understand simple english......

some people need to go read the decleration of independence.....

and the pre-amble...if i remember correctly.

mike in co
The intent of the 2nd amendment was long gone before we were born. I can explain that statement with a simple but rhetorical question..

Who will stand with me in armed defiance of the government?

....crickets chirping...

Then I suppose we'll take what comes along.....

You are not suppose to think that deeply.
We could follow the example of the whiskey rebellion.

Concho Bill
Living in MD last week end I visit the local wall-mart to purchase 20ga. ammo for my girls to shoot clay birds. The customer in front of me was buying 22LR and was asked by the clerk for his drivers license. DC or none resident the next question from the clerk fired me up. ( is this ammo for hand gun or rifle ?) I couldn't belive this was asked. The tung lashing that he recieved from me made everybody close stop and look. No questions were asked and no drivers license was displayed for the 20ga. ammo. I did asked the clerk if he was going to ask if the ammo was for a sawed off shot gun. Even living close to DC and their laws the honest gun owners are treated like criminals.
A nation gets the government it deserves

The intent of the 2nd amemdment was long gone before we were born. I can explain that statement with a simple but rhetorical question.. Who will stand with me in armed defiance of the government? ....crickets chirping... Then I suppose we'll take what comes along.....

Nuff said.
