The religion of peace, love and athletics?

Tim Oltersdorf

Active member
Our president tonight stated that Muslims are sports heroes. There you have it. Forget football, hockey, cage fighting and nude mud wrestling. Those are for wimps. Welcome to the newest entertainment extravaganza brought to you by our Islamic brothers in the Middle East The 2015 Terrorist Olympics! There are many thrill packed events such as mass shootings, synchronized suicide bombing, the Mecca bowing pentathlon, whippings, stoning, gymnastic beheading, screaming young male rioting, the 2,000 mile refugee run, caliphate calisthenics, the mosque crawl, burqa bowling and, for the less athletically gifted, speed beard growing. So get with the program America. Scream Allahu Akbar as the winners stand on the victor's platforms and as a shout of encouragement to all of those would be suicide bombers out there: don't forget to practice before you compete. Tim
To sum up the the president:

Seal the border (of Turkey) arm the citizens of Iraq and Syria, disarm Americans and expedite Muslim immigration.
No Dusty, they are into throwing pipe bombs.

And don't forget the popular "Whining for being misunderstood" contest.
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I caught something from the White House speech

The President spent a lot of the speech trying to keep us from hating those who choose to be Muselum. I think that part of his speech illustrates that our President does not understand us.

I find that the American people don't hate mainline Muselums who go about their lives harming no one, but rather those people who are intent on killing innocent people. There is no defending those who murder as many Americans as they possibly can. We know the difference.

Concho Bill
Unlike so many on the left, I see things as pretty black and white. We either confront problems from a position of strength or from a reactive, passive, and downright weak stance. Sadly our president always chooses the latter. That's why so many Americans have decided to put self-preservation in their own hands. I'm encouraged to see gun sales and CCW applications surge.

Unlike so many on the left, I see things as pretty black and white. We either confront problems from a position of strength or from a reactive, passive, and downright weak stance. Sadly our president always chooses the latter. That's why so many Americans have decided to put self-preservation in their own hands. I'm encouraged to see gun sales and CCW applications surge.


People!!!!. think about the much promoted Concealed Carry laws many state legislatures have made law-

!-It is much promoted by our MSM and the likes of Chuck Schumer, Joe Lieberman, and Diane Feinstein,,,why?

2-A licensing requirement grossly violates the direct wording of our 2nd Amendment "..."the right of the people to keep and BEAR Arms, shall not be infringed."

3-A CC database is simply a REGISTRATION database of GUN OWNERS!! (Much simpler to run down a GUN OWNER than a gun)

The President spent a lot of the speech trying to keep us from hating those who choose to be Muselum. I think that part of his speech illustrates that our President does not understand us.

I find that the American people don't hate mainline Muselums who go about their lives harming no one, but rather those people who are intent on killing innocent people. There is no defending those who murder as many Americans as they possibly can. We know the difference.

Concho Bill

I agree Bill. The POTUS is in a damage control mode. This domestic terrorist act, happened on his watch. In Politics,the fear of losing a voter base,overwhelms common sense.

People!!!!. think about the much promoted Concealed Carry laws many state legislatures have made law-

!-It is much promoted by our MSM and the likes of Chuck Schumer, Joe Lieberman, and Diane Feinstein,,,why?

2-A licensing requirement grossly violates the direct wording of our 2nd Amendment "..."the right of the people to keep and BEAR Arms, shall not be infringed."

3-A CC database is simply a REGISTRATION database of GUN OWNERS!! (Much simpler to run down a GUN OWNER than a gun)


I couldn't agree more Jerry. My only point was I'm glad folks are starting to arm themselves.

Does this sound familiar?

From the Notable and Quotable column of the Wall Street Journal 9/Dec./15:
From a March 28, 1786 letter written by John Adams and Thomas Jefferson who were American diplomats at the time, to U.S. Secretary of Foreign Affairs John Jay reporting on their conversation in London with the ambassador from Tripoli regarding piracy by the Barbary States:
"We took the liberty to make some inquiries concerning the ground of their pretensions to make war upon nations who have done them no injury, and observed that we considered all mankind as our friends who have done us no wrong nor had given us any provocation.
The Ambassador answered us that it was founded on the laws of their Prophet; that it was written in their Koran; that all nations who should not have acknowledged their authority were sinners; that it was their right and duty to make war upon them wherever they could be found, and to make slaves of all they could take as prisoners; and that every Mussulman [Muslim] who was slain in battle was sure to go to paradise."

This resulted in two wars with the Barbary states the first one lasted from 1801-1805. The second in 1815 that finally resulted in the cession of Barbary piracy. The U.S. tried paying tribute amounting to 1 million dollars or 10% of the U.S. budget but the piracy only stopped when the "Mussulmans" were totally defeated. We seem to be in the paying tribute (money, treaties and kind words) phase now. Lets see how this works out. Tim

At one time you were uninformed if you didn't read the Journal.

Now readers are misinformed by the WSJ. It has just become another arm of the Neocon/Trotyskites.


Words are easy. Actions speak louder. A close look at Muslim controlled countries tells the story. The cultures are incompatible with ours. Look at the treatment of non Muslim minorities. I do not think that this prescribes war as much as the practicality of continuing separation. If Muslims are true to the tenants of their religion, they cannot be good citizens of this country, and any oath that they make to the contrary would violate their religion....but they will make it, falsely.
Unfortunately this is not a war we can win completely with guns and ammo. The muslims have one important factor on their side:

A generation needs a population replacement rate of 2.1 to survive. The ration as of 2013 in the U.S. is 1.88. Once a country falls below 1.2, it is mathematically impossible for the culture of that country to survive.

There is not a single country in western Europe that is currently above 1.2. Muslim replacement rate is currently 6.1. By 2050, Islam will dominate all of western Europe without firing a single shot

Muslims here in the U.S. represent 5% of the population. By the end of this century that will double. Small communities (read: ghettos) of muslims demand Shariah Law to be imposed at 5%. Look at Lansing , Michigan as just one example. This will become a leading trend throughout the U.S. in the next generation.

The attack on marriage, the family, and the proliferation of abortion that started in earnest back in the 1950's has come full circle and has become a dominant force in our culture.

If anyone must go to war it is the Christians and Jews who built this country and made it prosper. Without deep seated religious values, we are lost.
At one time you were uninformed if you didn't read the Journal.

Now readers are misinformed by the WSJ. It has just become another arm of the Neocon/Trotyskites..


Jerry, it's easy to call people names, especially when you get to define the name. So, would you please give your definition of a Neocon/Trotskyite? Who knows, I may be looking at one in the mirror.
Well, I don't know either but I don't think you are one. It seems to have something to do with mildly conservative horses trotting in the sky.
Words are easy. Actions speak louder. A close look at Muslim controlled countries tells the story. The cultures are incompatible with ours. Look at the treatment of non Muslim minorities. I do not think that this prescribes war as much as the practicality of continuing separation. If Muslims are true to the tenants of their religion, they cannot be good citizens of this country, and any oath that they make to the contrary would violate their religion....but they will make it, falsely.

+1 on this.

I don't care what the Muslim Holy Book says. I do care how the people in other Countries who follow it interpret it's true meaning.

Either they are genocidal murders, as in the radical Jihadist killing in the name of Allah, or those trapped in "Serfdoms" ruled by a Muslim Theocracy that imposes it's will upon the masses in the name of Allah.

Either is in direct contradiction to our Constitution and our basic idea of life based on individule freedom.
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