The religion of peace, love and athletics?

It is true Islam is a Religion (cult) of Peace

Innocents in the Qur'an are not to be harm in any way. many versus about this, BUT anyone who is not Muslim or the flavor of the week Muslim is fair game. Gentlemen, Islam is not a Religion, it is a cult, ideology, a way to govern the people and their goal is to bring about the end of the world. There is no radical Islam, there is only Islam. One only has to read their Qur'an to know this. They read it day and night, it is probably the only thing they read, they want to die, they want to go to Paradise. It is not radical. They worship the Moon God, but no more the his wife and children. If you doubt me, go to library and read or be lazy like me and google.. We only need to read history to know how to win this war. It is a war, they want to kill us. Now, does anyone really believe Obomo is not Muslim? If so you are should consider yourself a useful idiot. That is all from Trout's Sunday tirade.
I need to get in on one of those draw muhammed contests. Until then ill just watch my favorite muslim sports heroes on the baseball diamond, the hardwood courts shooting them long threes and the gridiron sacking those poor infidel quarterbacks
Dave like I've always said being Politically is like trying to pick up a TURD from the clean end! I also say if Muslims want to come into this Country we put a Koran in corner an tell them to wizzzz on it. Only then can you get in! Wilbur I'm with you on the Horsemen in the sky.

Joe Salt
No Solution

The massacre that occurred at Ft Hood,Tx in 2009,was committed by an American born Muslim who was a member of the US Army.

There is not much you can do about an American born citizen who is one prayer away from committing an act of terror,in the name of Allah.

Think about the number of potential islamist terrorists(The Good Muslims) that have always resided in the USA.

Prior to the moment he snapped,think about the number of times this US Soldier(Muslim) had been thanked for his service to his Country.

This kinda S#$@ bothers me deeply.


The Power of Religion
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I don't know what you're askin' about "poopy". If you're talking about something I removed...I don't think I did that!!! At least I didn't remove anything because of the word "poopy".
I don't know what you're askin' about "poopy". If you're talking about something I removed...I don't think I did that!!! At least I didn't remove anything because of the word "poopy".

OK, I think I might know how this one worked......... I'm 3/4 Luddite but a fairly cunning linguist so here's my guess.

What he said was "the $h!ts"

(I hope that works)

And the new "no bad wurds from the list" program deleted the "$h!t" part.




And yet AGAIN we see total failure of the nanny. When is we gonna' learn "you cain't legislate morality!"
Islam is a CULT. It is not a religion and here is why. A religion does not FORBID investigation or criticism. Islam forbids both under penalty of death. That my friends is a CULT 100% and an extremely dangerous one. This CULT should be completely banned from all western civilization as it is completely incompatible with our way of life.

I remember 911 well. Canadian Muslims in Canada were celebrating.It was absolutely shameful. Clearly these people have not assimilated and they have no intention of doing so.
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Islam is a CULT. It is not a religion and here is why. A religion does not FORBID investigation or criticism....

I think you might be confusing religion with science. It appears according to Websters it is both a cult and a religion...

Full Definition of CULT

1: formal religious veneration : worship

2: a system of religious beliefs and ritual; also : its body of adherents

3: a religion regarded as unorthodox or spurious; also : its body of adherents

4: a system for the cure of disease based on dogma set forth by its promulgator <health cults>

5 a : great devotion to a person, idea, object, movement, or work (as a film or book); especially : such devotion regarded as a literary or intellectual fad

b: the object of such devotion

c: a usually small group of people characterized by such devotion
Islam is a CULT. It is not a religion and here is why. A religion does not FORBID investigation or criticism. Islam forbids both under penalty of death. That my friends is a CULT 100% and an extremely dangerous one. This CULT should be completely banned from all western civilization as it is completely incompatible with our way of life.

I remember 911 well. Canadian Muslims in Canada were celebrating.It was absolutely shameful. Clearly these people have not assimilated and they have no intention of doing so.
Islam is actually much more than a religion. It happens to be a total system of life, and contains within itself, a particular social system, judicial system, and political system which includes geo-political aspirations-the conquest and administration of territory. I hope we are confining our attacks to the non-religious aspects of radical Islamists, and not Islam itself. We do in fact, have Christian religions in America, that forbid investigation/criticism.
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Islam is actually much more than a religion. It happens to be a total system of life, and contains within itself, a particular social system, judicial system, and political system which includes geo-political aspirations-the conquest and administration of territory. I hope we are confining our attacks to the non-religious aspects of radical Islamists, and not Islam itself. We do in fact, have Christian religions in America, that forbid investigation/criticism.

Those so called christian religions who forbid investigation and criticism are actually cults.