The Crawfish Final Standings


Tomball Gun Club
L/V 200

Gene Bukys 2942

Ralph Stewart 3492

William Duffy 3701

Vic Smith 3750

Sam Arnette lll 3755

H/V 200

Ray Porter 2902

Howard Payne 3282

Bruce Akins 3469

Gene Bukys 3645

Mike Stinnet 3667


Gene Bukys 2885

Esten Spears 2934

Larry Baggett 2975

Mike Stennnet 3205

Charles Huckeba 3209


Gene Bukys 2582

Ralph Stewart 3032

Nick Marino 3156

Charles Huckeba 3256

Jay Lynn Gore 3280


Gene Bukys 2733

Charles Huckeba 3234

Esten Spears 3257

Ralph Stewart 3307

Mike Stinnet 3318

John Horn 3370

Larry Baggett 3396

Jackie Schmidt 3420

Nick Marino 3595

Leon Gass 3629

Ray Porter 3643

Jay Gore 3654

Sam Arnette 3690

Kris Whitman 3776

Richard Milton 3788

A BIG THANK YOU goes out to Gary Walters, Ken Starr, Johnny Jones, Glenn Oakes, and the Boy Scouts for a outstanding job well done!!! I'm sure I forgot someone. Dennis Richards maybe.....
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The Winners

Congratulations Gene on your 2-Gun Victory. Congratulations to all the other winners as well. Sunday turned-out to be a nice sunny day. Hope everyone made it home safely. Thanks to all who helped with the match.

The Mud

The Boy Scouts had to endure rain and mud to change targets Saturday. I took this picture today after the target frames were moved to 200 yards.

Skid Row

This is Skid Row at the Tomball Gun Club. Jackie and Dickie among others hang-out and load in this far away area.

Train Wreck Award

There is a fellow who frequents this forum that can explain how he came to win this coveted award. By the way, the rear end wiggles when the wind blows!

4-Wheel Drive Conditions

The Boy Scouts finally brought a 4-Wheel Drive Truck to use Sunday. As you can see, it was MUDDY.

Charles Huckeba won this Trophy in 2008

Charles had a long drive home and got away before this could be presented to him. Jay Lynn Gore will take the trophy to Charles at the next match.

Gary, Jacky, John Jones and others, thanks for the hard work under trying conditions. The people see the aftermath of the rain, but can they imagine us shooting and the crew working in a rain that dumped 6" on us all day Saturday.
It was I who won this prestigiouse and coveted award!!!

There is a fellow who frequents this forum that can explain how he came to win this coveted award. By the way, the rear end wiggles when the wind blows!


What did I do to win this award you say? I shot two targets in the L/V 100 match #2 Relay #1 and then again on relay #3.....:eek:

Moral of the story, Always check your competitor number!!!
Tuners and Winning

I think I am correct that all 5 of the top places were won by shooters that shot tuners. Interesting development.
Who won the

team events. I wish I could have made it down, but work called a little too hard for me to make it. Whats with the boxes in pics. Are they the trophys?

team events. I wish I could have made it down, but work called a little too hard for me to make it. Whats with the boxes in pics. Are they the trophys?

Jerry, these were really nice trophies. Gold cups with marble bases. I will tell you what they cost when I see you again. A generous person gave me quite alot of money to purchase the best. We wanted to protect the trophies and also did not want to dispose of all the boxes. Alot easier to transport home and protect the trophies as well.

I received good comments about how the match was run and some negative comments as well. Sunday the Scouts were changing targets and backers for 25 targets in 5 to 8 minutes, and we ran 3 relays. That was not fast enough according to some. Can't please everyone I guess. This was my first year doing the Match Director thing. I am a bit frustrated with it all. Alot of work was done weeks in advance to help make things go well, but mother nature dumped on us Friday and Saturday. Sunday, we were just trying to get everyone out of there as quick as possible. I am sorry if the boxes offended anyone.

Team Competitions


The "Bukys Team" (Gene, Ray Porter, Tommy Long and Vic Smith) took the bulk of the money, 2nd in H/V 200 and a 1st in L/V 200. :D:D:D

Chis Whitmans team won in H/V 200 I think.....

Boxes were indeed the trophys....
" I am a bit frustrated with it all. "

I didn’t realize how much stuff goes into running a registered match. As you know I had a few challenges and learned a lot with my first real match. I’m grateful I didn’t have rain and mud to contend with. I tried to get down there for your shoot but it wasn’t in the cards.
Hope to see you soon.. Jon
Props go out to you guys for going ahead with the event! It was flood alerts for Tomball and surrounding counties! So i guess 6" of rain is just Texas dew to the hard core Texas bench-resters???, lol thanks for the pics joe :) (right down the road in cleveland tx)