Thank you Jackie Schmidt, a mystery solved


New member
Dear sir we have never met or spoken but you have my utmost respect and heartfelt thanks.
Congratulations on your great feat of shooting this Sat. past.

Now to relate a little story, also this Sat. past my good friend Jackie Stogsdill and I traveled to Gallatin, Tn for the monthly VFS match which concluded @4:30 CT. While driving home with the windows down enjoying a sultry Ky. evening we were overtaken by this sorrowful, mournful sound that defies description. try as we might we could not explain this to ourselves as we compared it to the death moan of a great Cape Buffalo, but alas this did it no justice, this sound was even more visceral. talking among ourselves we compared it to the broken hearted crying of wives and girlfriends as thrie man leaves for parts unknown to wars and other shooting events but even this was not a fair comparision. At last we hit upon the collision of the Titanic as it struck the ice berg, can you imagine the terrible sound this must have been, but again this did not satisfy.

It was not until we had reached home and heard of your 25 shots heard around the world that we knew that this was the death song of the great PPC fraternity.

Again congratulations

Hope to met you on the range soon.
Danny Hensley
Danny, don't be so quick to bury the PPC. If you will notice, Jackie shot a 6PPC in the LV category and won the 2-gun. Also, almost every record that is broken...breaks one set with the PPC. Don't get me wrong, I am not anti .30 calber, but I am pro-PPC. Good shooting....James
30BR VS 6ppc

Danny, don't be so quick to bury the PPC. If you will notice, Jackie shot a 6PPC in the LV category and won the 2-gun. Also, almost every record that is broken...breaks one set with the PPC. Don't get me wrong, I am not anti .30 calber, but I am pro-PPC. Good shooting....James

At the very least we now have a viable alterative to the 6 in the competitive arena. One huge advantage the 30's will have over the 6's is barrel longevity. I've heard stories of 30cal barrels lasting 6000+ rounds by some highly regarded competitors.
great story = You had me goin' there for a while=
I think I heard the same sound at Moonshine Mt.
Shootin' Range in Middle TN=
congrats Jackie=
we all have benefitted from your willingness
to share "your secrets" with the whole BR shootin' fraternity=
Doc Stone
Onest folks can "Cowboy Up"

and learn to deal with the recoil like the HBR folks do with the HBR sized cases, with 10 LB rifles, we will see more 30 BR's or short 30's at least in LV in group competition.. It's like they say about Rugby, "It takes Leather Balls" to play the game.

Just as the PPC de-throned the .222, there is bound to be something come along to out do the PPC. I don't understand why folks pay such allegance to something like a rifle chambering. Record setting and the progress of evolution , in my mind, is way more important.
If the 30 br wins every match (or at least 99% of them) held over the next 35 years, then and only then, will it BE EQUAL to the 6ppc. Not better. Don't get me wrong, I like the 30 br fine. But it's got a really long haul before it dethrones the 6ppc for group shooting. And as long as we have to shoot 10.5 # guns without muzzle brakes, I see the most optimistic outlook for the 30 br being only able to win half the weekend.

Yes but....

One 30BR, on one day, driven by one man, DID just beat every PPC that's ever been shot in a match. And it's not like it was a single lucky small group, but rather, it was for an entire match agg. A record that stood since 1982 apparently has fallen to something other than a PPC. How many shooters and how many attempts have failed in the past 28 years to do just that with any caliber? It is a most impressive accomplishment and does validate the potential of something else being a viable BR group cartridge. The PPC is and will always be a great round, just as the .222 is and always will be. Eventually, if we keep an open mind, and our eyes open, a better cartridge will surpass it. Maybe it is the 30BR or something close to it, maybe not. And maybe we do use a different cartridge in a HV than a LV because of the possible need for a purpose built gun to have the best combination. Competition will bring out the best of the best, whatever that may be. Nevertheless, beating a 28 year old record for small agg with something other than a PPC is a statement that shouldn't be dismissed. JMHO--Mike Ezell
Yes but....

One 30BR, on one day, driven by one man, DID just beat every PPC that's ever been shot in a match. And it's not like it was a single lucky small group, but rather, it was for an entire match agg. A record that stood since 1982 apparently has fallen to something other than a PPC. How many shooters and how many attempts have failed in the past 28 years to do just that with any caliber? It is a most impressive accomplishment and does validate the potential of something else being a viable BR group cartridge. The PPC is and will always be a great round, just as the .222 is and always will be. Eventually, if we keep an open mind, and our eyes open, a better cartridge will surpass it. Maybe it is the 30BR or something close to it, maybe not. And maybe we do use a different cartridge in a HV than a LV because of the possible need for a purpose built gun to have the best combination. Competition will bring out the best of the best, whatever that may be. Nevertheless, beating a 28 year old record for small agg with something other than a PPC is a statement that shouldn't be dismissed. JMHO--Mike Ezell

Brilliant observation, Dr. Watson!:eek::) May I come in, off the moors, now? :D RG
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always one lemming left hanging on to the sinking ship....
Is the ship really sinking or are there just lemmings eager to go overboard and get wet?

That's very good! GG, We agree on far more than we disagree, if we disagree at all. Assume for a minute though, that the 30 is EQUAL to the PPC but with 5X the barrel life! That's tempting isn't it? I think that's what you have with the BR or my 30 Major. Add to that, the general concensus of easy and consistant tuning for the 30's. It's a tough package as you know.--Mike Ezell
Quite an incredible accomplishment. You always have to ask yourself, could it have happened with the equipment the last record was set with? Or was it really the 30. Only Jackie knows.

It wasn't that long ago that the optics were believed to be the limiting factor. Just maybe, the optics also played an important role. I haven't heard a word about that, just the 30.
Record Breaking Optics

Quite an incredible accomplishment. You always have to ask yourself, could it have happened with the equipment the last record was set with? Or was it really the 30. Only Jackie knows.

It wasn't that long ago that the optics were believed to be the limiting factor. Just maybe, the optics also played an important role. I haven't heard a word about that, just the 30.

Jackie employed a March 50x scope on his record breaking 30BR. ;)
All the credit for his accomplishment goes first foremost any primarily to Jackie. He picked the components and threaded those babies through the infinitely variable conditions to accomplish his feat. I'm glad to see some realizing that without the optics holding POI it couldn't have happened. When some started down the road of frozen scopes and then the developement of the March, I said on this forum that we were about to see records start to fall. If you look at the last 2 years you'll see that has come to be the case. Leupolds are breaking records also, but the bar has been raised.
Oh how tempting it is Mike! You are right! Ease of tune and long barrel life are like nice legs on an already beautiful woman. But the real question is, "Will it agg in the LV and Sporter class"? Time will tell but I wouldn't put that last nail in the coffin of the ppc just yet!;)

I wholeheartedly agree that the PPC is far from buried. I do think that it will be bettered eventually, if not already, but with the records and perfomances already displayed, it simply can't be by a "night and day" difference any more. We'll all just have to shoot what works for us, for whatever reasons we see fit.

As for optics...all I can say is that I believe we have better optics available now than we did 28 years ago. That in no way makes the old record more impressive from a cartridge perspective. With all due respect, possibly less. FWIW---Mike Ezell
Brilliant observation, Dr. Watson!:eek::) May I come in, off the moors, now? :D RG

Certainly my friend! Jump right in. This is an enjoyable thread and your opine is one that should be heard and respected. Thanks for your input to our sport. You make a great bullet, by the way!---Mike Ezell
On any given day a 6PPC could win or a 30BR could win. Heck on any given day a .222 might win.
A lot of guys have thought that the 30 BR would make a good combo gun for guys that want to shoot SCORE and GROUP. But what Jackie did was prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that the 30BR gives away NOTHING in the way of Gilt Edge accuracy to the 6PPC.
So now a guy who wants just one gun for both forms of competition can rest peacefully knowing that his 30 BR is not a compromise in accuracy over bullet area. It is just as capable of World Record group shooting accuracy as the PPC.
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The 30BR has one more hurdle to get over and that is winning in the SP/LV 10.5lb classes. At the present time there are a few competitors campaigning these rigs with limited success and its just a matter of time before a 30BR SP/LV wins a WBC qualifier, IBS/NBRSA National or the SS. Thanks to Jackie the door has been opened.

Grasshopper, with all due respect, awe, and amazement at jackie's feat this past weekend there have been some impressive aggs and placements by 30BR shooters, like Hal Drake and Dean Breaden at several large right coast IBS benchrest shoots in the past. The ground is not entirely unplowed, but certainly not in the record agg category. Please don't take this as any disrespect for jackie's performance or any attempt to deminish his pending record performance. What he did was truely astounding. --greg
Gentlemen....As great as the .222's,the .22 & 6mmPPC's,and the .30 BR are,the bottom line is it's the skills of the shooter that make the end results. The shooter is the last deciding factor. Mr. Schmidt(I don't know him well enough to call him Jackie) made the right "reads" and adjustments and executed the shots perfectly to the end results. Obviously he and his equipment was up to the task.
Just my observations...Thank you.