Thank you Jackie Schmidt, a mystery solved

What this conversation is telling me

After reading all the above my logic dictates that Mr.S build a .222 using his skill and TODAY'S technoligy, sock a March on it and break his own records, ending all speculation. My guess is that he could do it.
What is the life of a .222 bbl anyhow?
Good shootin' Hoss! TM Thompson
After reading all the above my logic dictates that Mr.S build a .222 using his skill and TODAY'S technoligy, sock a March on it and break his own records, ending all speculation. My guess is that he could do it.
What is the life of a .222 bbl anyhow?
Good shootin' Hoss! TM Thompson


he wasn't shooting a .222. He was shooting a .30. That fact can not be disputed. As of right now, it looks like a .30 will own the record........period.

But I'll b e the first to admit...if it's somebody's day, it's their day. Every record that has ever been set was set on "somebody's day"
I'm not saying he was lucky....but he couldn't have done it without some luck being on his side. All of the stars have to align for a record to be set IMO....along with a lot of other factors. This time, when they all aligned, it was with a 30BR. They don't align with every cartridge out there.---Mike Ezell
P.S.-this is not meant to take away from Jackise's shooting. That is just another very imprtant factor in making it happen. Maybe it would have happened with another didn't.
Mike, you make a very good point. I suspect that every serious Benchrest Shooter has had plenty of time on the long ride home to think about one or two bullets, that, if they would have just gone in the group, would have garnished a record. It's the old "shoulda, coulda, woulda" thing.

As an example, at our Unlimited Match in Seymour last month, where we shot the 8-10 shot group format, (80 record shots), I had 6 targets that would have been a .19xx agg. The other two were a .360, and a .355. But, in each of those groups, just one bullet was hanging out. Both would have big ones or small twos if I COULD HAVE JUST PUT THOSE TWO BULLETS IN GROUPS.

But, I did not, and those two bullets raised the agg to a .24xx, not bad, but certaily not in the "teen" category, which in the 10 shot Unlimited Format is no small feat.

Last Saturday, I just did not screw up and waste a great tune on a great shooting Rifle. It's the 1-100 time I didn't. The other 99, I will be driving home thinking, "why did I let that one shot get away":D

It's a tough game we play. I doubt any of us would have it any other way.......jackie
Gongrts agin were in the zone FOR SHURE.....did you shoot many sighters or go to the sighter during your record shots.....what was the most hold that you used.,,1/2 a bullet???.....or did you just "simply wait" on your condition to come bak.....either way you certainly had your shooting hat on and were as in tune with the weather as your gun was "tuned".....Good Shooting!!!....Roger
That he kept his focus, perfectly, through what was developing into such a potentially choke producing agg. is the most outstanding part of this whole story, and BTW, how many teen aggs, much less small teen aggs have been shot in what was reported as 15-25 mph about finding his condition. Just look at the rest of the field. If someone can convincingly demonstrate that a .30BR sporter can be built to be acceptably comfortable, for a weekend match, without having to learn a new style, I predict a lot of folks may give this one a try. Randy had better get out a bottle of liniment for his press pulling arm.
Gongrts agin were in the zone FOR SHURE.....did you shoot many sighters or go to the sighter during your record shots.....what was the most hold that you used.,,1/2 a bullet???.....or did you just "simply wait" on your condition to come bak.....either way you certainly had your shooting hat on and were as in tune with the weather as your gun was "tuned".....Good Shooting!!!....Roger

he mentioned he only shot 12 pcs of the most would be 7 sighters per relay. and some how i doubt that.
mike in co
I am not sure why you think Jackie would not be forthright about how many pieces of brass he used.
the comment was i doubted that he shot seven sighters....out of 12 pc of brass per string....

make more sense now ??
Since I did not clean, all I did was put one shot on the sighter to confirm the condition, then I went to the record. If I remember correctly, I only fired six shots each on the last three targets, one sighter, five record........jackie
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Good for U Jackie....that tells us that you really had a handle on what was going on with the conditions.....and trusted what your sighter told you.....I have had just a few days (moments) like will never forget were seeing every blade of grass and wiggle of the flags.....Congratulations agin on a marvelous set of targets....Roger