Super Shoot

Already in the trailer.

Be sure to bring lots of coffee
Susan is coming along this year, so I may give you a key to the trailer and set the brew timer. We will be motelling See you there. remind me to tell you why we will be motelling.
If anyone, who is a non shooter, or a shooter, tells you that you are in the way, or that you are not welcome, tell them to come and see me.
Bill Gammon
Thanks, Bill. I just wanted to be sure I could poke around and learn a few things before trying it for real, maybe next year! Glad I won't be shot on sight. Is there any way to find out more about the do's and don't's while there - photography, scope/tripod, etc.?

I'll be there visiting...

There's always lots of spectators. It's a good idea not to talk to the competitors when they are loading or cleaning... some people are pretty intense.

However, if it's Bart or Billy or Jerry Sharrett... go ahead and bother them.

Dick Wright
Thanks, Bill. I just wanted to be sure I could poke around and learn a few things before trying it for real, maybe next year! Glad I won't be shot on sight. Is there any way to find out more about the do's and don't's while there - photography, scope/tripod, etc.?


Come early bring lot's of money and you will be shooting! Everything you will need will be on sale, most used. There will be a couple retired Army Colonels there as well.
Dick, should I talk to them while they're shooting, then? Might get some solid feedback on technique, head placement, etc.

Bill, I tended to keep away from the Brass as much as I could when I was active; made life "simpler" in so many ways!

It sounds like "kid in a candy store" time up there!

Thanks for the advice and invites! Might just see you all there this year.

Dick, should I talk to them while they're shooting, then? Might get some solid feedback on technique, head placement, etc.


While someone IS shooting, simple answer, NO!

Most shooters will notice you are watching and if they want to acknowledge your presence they will do so. Sometimes, if things are not working, it is best not to nose in.

When shooters are kicked back at the loading bench or loading area, some may want to talk and some may not. We are all different personalities. Watch closely for these signs and don't push it. Most all of us will be glad to help a new or potential shooter most of the time

We are all good folks, some gooder than others, just use your own judgment and common courtesy. Remember, we spent a bunch of time and money to get to the Super Shoot. We want to enjoy it and hope you do also.
Jerry, I forgot to put the smiley face on my last comment! It was truly meant as a jest; guess the joke's on me!


I'm coming to see you regardless of whether someone sends me to you or not. Bring some of that good stuff and I'll bring some of Indiana's finest!

and Trout, I'm going to pick your brain this time and get some pointers.

Dennis behind the firing line, you will see the biggest collection of spotting scopes, in the world.
So you can watch the flags and watch the targets. Good learning ? Maybe ?
They have Breakfast and lunch in the block house. Bring extra for a piece of pie. Real good stuff.

I'm coming to see you regardless of whether someone sends me to you or not. Bring some of that good stuff and I'll bring some of Indiana's finest!

and Trout, I'm going to pick your brain this time and get some pointers.


Pat, after the the way I shot at hog roast, I doubt I could point someone to the bathroom.
David are you seling some of those new super duper cleaning tools

if so a picture here may help sales

I hear they really work well

You'll Be Welcome With Open Arms..... By Everyone!

I'm curious - are non-shooters welcome or just in the way?



Please do not feel any anxiety about attending the SS! It's a great event to come and watch and learn from asking questions. It truly is a great group of guys and gals, whom are anxious to answer your questions to help you understand what we are trying to do. (as soon as I figure it out... ;>) It's my favorite week of the year! You'll have a great time at Kelbly's! Please know we all started this game with 10K questions!

I will be loading at the Pistol Range and would be more than glad to loan you a rifle, if you would like to shoot some groups or, even better, shoot the match! I'll be glad to help you!

Come and look me up!

Jack Neary
Dennis, I am set up just across from Jack Neary in a camper. Between Jack and I we can have you shooting a real benchrest match almost instantly. Get Jack to point me out.