Super shoot

Actually GG, you are looking to get together with about 30 guys. Remember with 400+ shooters over 6 relays. Never saw anybody get upset over flags and I have been there many years.
Actually GG, you are looking to get together with about 30 guys. Remember with 400+ shooters over 6 relays. Never saw anybody get upset over flags and I have been there many years.

That's a lot of guys. Don't they let you move your flags at the end of each day? At least you'd move them out to 200 right? And do they still lump all lefties together on the last relay?
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I have short( 1'-2'-3'-4') and medium height poles(up to 8') that you are welcome to use.However the top section of my poles are .318 in diameter with a .188 pin designed to fit up inside a Smiley type flag. I'm not shure how your flags attach but if you can figure out a way to use my poles they will be available for you.

Joel, Thank you for the offer I have had a couple of emails with offers of poles and with being able to borrow 25 from George Kelbly I think I have it covered.........well maybe exept for the short ones that may be required if I get right down the left hand side.
Once again thanks for the offer and I will bring a few adapters so I can use some of your poles if I need too.........see you there.
Hopefully I can sell all the flags I bring over......that way I won't have to bring them home........Ian
That's a lot of guys. Don't they let you move your flags at the end of each day? At least you'd move them out to 200 right? And do they still lump all lefties together on the last relay?

The last time I attended the Super Shoot the lefties were all on one relay......the second from memory. I had 30 flags and 25 poles so could only use 25 flags at 200, so 5 flags on each bench. There were two Kiwi's there and we managed to set out the 25 flags easy enough by ourselves.

The first two days you shoot LV 100 then HV 100 before moving the flags for the third and fourth day out to 200.

In my opinion the Super shoot is one shoot that every BR shooter should attend at least's a long way from where I live to the Super shoot and this will be my second visit with more to come.........Ian
I just visited with an old boy who's been back to the Super Shoot 8 or 9 times and he said that the rotation isn't really all that big of a deal. The benches are so close together that rightie's flags are almost in line with leftie's flags and there's no room to set up your own flags even if you wanted to. And as far as who's flags get used, there's everything from gentleman's agreements to all out fistfights almost (I guess there really are other people who care what flags they look at besides me). So you treat it like the Nationals and get five guys who use flags that all can agree on and go with the flow.
Just gotta find four lefties who hate those big, ugly, heavy daisy wheels as much as I do!;)

I don't care for the daisy wheels.
Jump in with Dennis and Russell. Real nice flags.....

82boy. That is a pretty good picture....
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That's a lot of guys. Don't they let you move your flags at the end of each day? At least you'd move them out to 200 right?

And do they still lump all lefties together on the last relay?

GG, above you mention talking to someone who has shot at Kelblys 8-9 times.
I don't know who you are talking to but the SS Leftie relay is rotated each year. Example, if the Lefties relay was relay 2 last year, this year it would be relay 3 and so on, so the lefties are rotated just as each flag provider is rotated.

Flag providers are a group or individual that can provide the 35 flags and pole sets that can cover an individual relay from bench 1 (6" poles) to bench 60 (16' poles). At 100 yards there will be some 240 flags (60 benches X 4 flags per bench). At 200 yards there will be some 420 flags (60 benches X 7 flags per bench).

If you are planning on shooting big-time benchrest, get used to shooting over many variations of flags. That is the way it has been for decades and I don't see you as an individual changing it.
Jerry, way to go on setting the record straight. I like a man that can jump in with both feet, if they don't like it tell them to stay home, that's what I say.:D

It's always the people that have never been there that don't like the way things are run and want to change the world. I think they should call Kelbly's and talk to George senior about the flag situation and bench rotation.:eek:
I think George would love to have some suggestions an how the SS should be run. What do you think?;)

Dan Honert
bawden or whatever your name if you think you are going to Ohio to tell George Kelbly Sr how to run his shoot, i want to be there and sell tickets

Hey Dan, I think Pee Wee Wolf told it right!! Wanna' buy a ticket to the show?

We need more flags? Lessee' is this a right hand or left hand bench??

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GG, above you mention talking to someone who has shot at Kelblys 8-9 times.
I don't know who you are talking to but the SS Leftie relay is rotated each year. Example, if the Lefties relay was relay 2 last year, this year it would be relay 3 and so on, so the lefties are rotated just as each flag provider is rotated.

If you are planning on shooting big-time benchrest, get used to shooting over many variations of flags. That is the way it has been for decades and I don't see you as an individual changing it.

Actually, we never talked about the left hand relay. That was mentioned on another thread awhile back. Our conversation dealt mainly with flag setting and range characteristics.

Again, one last time, I'm not trying to change anything. I can understand why they do what they do. I simply questioned why they ran the shoot like a Nationals format when they are not required to. It would seem most folks (at least out west maybe) would rather shoot than play musical benches but hey, it's all good.;)
Jerry, way to go on setting the record straight. I like a man that can jump in with both feet, if they don't like it tell them to stay home, that's what I say.:D

It's always the people that have never been there that don't like the way things are run and want to change the world. I think they should call Kelbly's and talk to George senior about the flag situation and bench rotation.:eek:
I think George would love to have some suggestions an how the SS should be run. What do you think?;)

Dan Honert

Wow, has the tapwater in Tennessee run sour? I was under the impression that the SS was a friendly place and everyone has a good time? Guess that does not include some from the Tennessee crowd?:(

At our local matches here, we go out of our way to get more out of state people to attend. Not tell them to stay home 'cause "we're perfect and so are our matches". We welcome all and if anyone has suggestions, we listen because we want them to come back. Our sport is dwindling in participation after all and we want more shooters involved. Somehow, I have the feeling the Kelbly's are probably mindful of this and gravitate more to that way of thinking than your's.;)

Now that we've thoroughly hijacked poor Ian's thread, I think I'll take the Gump and that's all I have to say 'bout that.:)
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Wow, has the tapwater in Tennessee run sour? I was under the impression that the SS was a friendly place and everyone has a good time? Guess that does not include some from the Tennessee crowd?:(

Gee, GG didn't mean to get your hive into a swarm, just havin some fun. I think the reason for the bench rotation is as it is, is because of all the contour changes from bench one thru bench sixty. Once you've played there you will appreciate the rotations.

Now I think I'll gather up my marbles and be quiet and have some of that sour mash oops I mean water.:D

Dan Honert
Wind Flags??????????

We don't need no stinking wind flags, just sit near Tony Boyer and pull the trigger when he does.
We don't need no stinking wind flags, just sit near Tony Boyer and pull the trigger when he does.

If you plan to shoot when Tony does how will you know whether he is shooting his record target or shooting his sighter just to see just how far that condition will move the bullet ? If he is just checking a condition out you may be in big trouble.

Ya watch his joy stick to see if it is up or down, your tooooooooooooooo logical, Dick !!!! Besides, listening for Tony to shoot is a better idea than telling George how to run his Super Shoot.
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No problem

I am bringing 30 + flags to the Supershoot, and will be setting out a row of flags on my benches for a left handed shooter.

It looks like I can borrow 25 poles, but will need another 5 poles to enable me to set out 6 flags on each bench at 200yds, does anyone have some poles I can borrow for the duration of the shoot??

The pin on my Kiwi flags is just under 6.5mm so would need a 6.5 mm hole or a larger hole with a pinch bolt or some other way of securing them. Thanks Ian.


I can provide windflag stands for you, so don't worry. They are the Hensley type, and would only require we remove the top solid rod so your bearing post can fit down into the second tube. I believe I provided these for you and Kevin Duckworth at the WBC when you were here in 2005.

Have a safe trip!

Greg Walley
Kelbly's Inc.
Between 1996 and now, I have seen a drastic improvement on flags at Kelbly's. I remember when I first started shooting there, it seemed like there were at least four different flags on every bench. It was a mess. Now, there are a lot less flags and most of them are of the same type. Makes seeing a condition so much better.

I know smiley provides a bunch of flags for the supershoot. Thank you smiley.
