Super shoot


I am bringing 30 + flags to the Supershoot, and will be setting out a row of flags on my benches for a left handed shooter.

It looks like I can borrow 25 poles, but will need another 5 poles to enable me to set out 6 flags on each bench at 200yds, does anyone have some poles I can borrow for the duration of the shoot??

The pin on my Kiwi flags is just under 6.5mm so would need a 6.5 mm hole or a larger hole with a pinch bolt or some other way of securing them. Thanks Ian.
You left hand shooters... you don't need to bring flags to the Supershoot (at least not a whole set) .

You will be on a bench rotation with flags most likely set for a right-hand shooters, (i.e., set from the left side to the middle of the lane). The only problem this presents for leftys is the first flag, which is usually blocked from your view by your scope. I bring five flags, one for each bench rotation. I set one flag on the right side in front of me (10-20 yards out). If you set up an entire set of flags, all you are going to do is mess it up for everyone that shoots on the bench with eight to twelve flags confusing the sight picture.
Trust me when I say this,... if you have any more than 8 flags set up at 100 yards, you will shoot worst than only having only four flags! It will be too much information to absorb. Especially at Kelbly's, you're better off viewing the field then adding flags for the left hand side shooter on top of the flags that are set for right-hand shooters. Is it fair..., can't say, but it never bothered me.

Lee :D


I hope you are incorrect. The last time we lefties talked to Kelbly, we were told that there would be at least one rotation that was reserved for lefties. I've never had to use right-handed flags at any Super-Shoot I've attended. Better check with Jim Kelbly

YES, you are correct. In the last few years there has been a bench rotation with left hand flags. However, there is always been right-handers on the same bench rotation that would throw their flags up, ...again creating a cluster F_ _ _.

My point to new shooters (right and left), ...don't bring a whole bunch of flags and most certainly don't think you have to shoot over your own flags to do well.

See you there,
Lee :D
What a bummer

I don't like shooting off someone else's flags, nor do I like someone else shooting over mine (unless I know them). I also think it's a waste of energy changing benches as often as they do. I simple 20 or 30 bench rotation going from LV to HV would be plenty sufficient and would allow enough time to re-arrange OUR OWN flags in front of OUR OWN bench.

I don't spend hours upon hours learning to read my own flags only to drive 2000 miles to then use somebody else's. Ridiculous.
Last year. I was on a lefty bench. Dennis Tinkham and Russell Raines had all the stuff. And even wind probes. On the back of the registration form is a list of people who have the flags. Sign up for Dennis' bench. They have some nice gear.
Print this and email back to Jim.
Goodgrouper (?),

That's a very fine opinion.

It supports my position and 400+ more that will show up at Kelblys, " less person to beat"!

Lee :D

ps. I'm sure you have some mighty fine flags. I'd love to shoot over them some day.

You have my full support, it is my opinion, I believe it to be ridiculous to move every 5 shots > once again just my opinion. I'm sure there is some sort of history of so and so having the honey hole and kicking everyones butt. But, if we are not doing it at local NBRSA and IBS events why are we doing it a National Events? Seems kinda silly. If its a rule it should be followed at all events, I mean to be fair!


Apparently you guys have not actually shot at Kelblys. Almost every bench is different. From the 6 inch flag stands if you are on the far left to the 20 foot flags on the far right. Rotation at Kelblys is an absolute must and it simply would not be fair if they didn't.
Are there honey holes at Kelby's?

You are correct I have never shot there, but will some day > hopefully! Maybe I could pickup Goodgrouper on the way and we could just rotate every other match!
Simple question

It seems my simple question has sprouted a few replies and none answering my original question.

I had no problem with my flags set for a left handed shooter when I last attended the Supershoot in fact one of the right handed shooters told me he watched my flags ainstead of the right handed flags.

Lee to put it mildly I'd rather shoot over MY flags (or Aussie) flags than the predominant daisy wheels commonly found in the US.

Why, simply because the only time I would ever shoot over daisy wheels is at the Supershoot or another shoot where daisy wheels are used......about once ever two years.

So why would I want to handicap myself??)chill(

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Goodgrouper (?),

That's a very fine opinion.

It supports my position and 400+ more that will show up at Kelblys, " less person to beat"!

Lee :D

ps. I'm sure you have some mighty fine flags. I'd love to shoot over them some day.

Not sure I'd be anyone for you 400+ people to beat but I have a feeling not all of those 400+ people have the same view as you do! There's probably lots of folks who "just deal with it" but would have it another way if they could.

And yes, I do have some mighty fine flags.;):D:p
You have my full support, it is my opinion, I believe it to be ridiculous to move every 5 shots > once again just my opinion. I'm sure there is some sort of history of so and so having the honey hole and kicking everyones butt. But, if we are not doing it at local NBRSA and IBS events why are we doing it a National Events? Seems kinda silly. If its a rule it should be followed at all events, I mean to be fair!


I agree Marty. I think this rule is even a little "over the top" for the Nationals. No matter what bench gets drawn, somehow, miraculously, the same names are at or near the top everywhere. So all this does is make us all move our crap more than necessary.
Apparently you guys have not actually shot at Kelblys. Almost every bench is different. From the 6 inch flag stands if you are on the far left to the 20 foot flags on the far right. Rotation at Kelblys is an absolute must and it simply would not be fair if they didn't.

Luck of the draw. Sometimes you get lucky and sometimes you don't. But a 30 bench rotation would get you into the other side of the range half the time right?
So GG y'all coming out for the Super Shoot.
This will be my 2nd year.
Loaded next to a guy, that has been going, for 35 yrs. Wow.
He even won some money.
It's a lot of fun. Just need to get one of those wagons from Sinclair.

Jim has tables and chairs. And Jim also has those fancy bench stools from Sinclair.
So that is 3 less things to bring. And you don't need wind flags.....:p
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Left Handed Flags????????:confused:

Right ,,,Left,,,
Since they are usually just the opposite does this mean left handed flags point just the opposite of right handed flags:confused: :D :p