Scope help please


James n TN

What are you guys usng on top of your 22 bench rifles?

I just purchased a new to me 22 LR for bench rest shooting and now need a scope to use. I'm trying to decide between the Leupold 35x or 40x or the new NF 42x Competition.

The NF is going to be 600.00 more over the Leupold and in real world life is there that much difference between these two scopes?

Thanks in advance.

Pretty good advice there....look around a bit and find a 36 Leupold (or Weaver) that you can see through. Make a wish that it doesn't move around and have at it!
Pretty good advice there....look around a bit and find a 36 Leupold (or Weaver) that you can see through. Make a wish that it doesn't move around and have at it!

I'd come more apt to trust the weaver over a Leupold. But I still am hearing problems with the new Leupolds not holding zero. I'll most likely just bite the bullet and get the NF although I'm sure it's overkill for what it'll be used for.
Main reason of wanting the 30mm scopes is I already have 30 mm rings.

I'd come more apt to trust the weaver over a Leupold. But I still am hearing problems with the new Leupolds not holding zero. I'll most likely just bite the bullet and get the NF although I'm sure it's overkill for what it'll be used for.
Main reason of wanting the 30mm scopes is I already have 30 mm rings.


This RFBR game "IMHO" is mostly about having a scope that will track perfectly and hold a setting with confidence ... this is of greater importance than even the optics quality. I currently use a March 50X and a Nightforce Competition 15-55 and both track excellent and the glass is superb. The NF should also hold its value better than a Leupold. I still own a Leupold Compettion in 40x (w/fine crosshairs) and never fully trusted the internal tracking mechanism. The glass is very good however in the Leupold. John
I'd come more apt to trust the weaver over a Leupold. But I still am hearing problems with the new Leupolds not holding zero. I'll most likely just bite the bullet and get the NF although I'm sure it's overkill for what it'll be used for.
Main reason of wanting the 30mm scopes is I already have 30 mm rings.


So you're gonna pay $800 more for a scope because you have $90 rings ? Sounds like you 're off to a good start.
There are no particular issues with the latest LCS scopes, by the way. Check the supershoot equipment list.
You don't need a big bucks scope for Rimfire

It's only 50 Yds/meters for goodness sake! Buy a Weaver and spend the rest in good ammo. Buy a great set of wind flags and practice every time you get a chance and in the worst conditions that come your way. Learn what the wind flags tell you in the sighters. Practice more. Then practice some more. Then buy another 100 target cards and practice. Make notes. Keep your barrel spotlessly clean. Brush it every time you clean it. Clean it some more. Practice. The Weaver will still be there with you, accurate as the day you installed it AND, it's guaranteed for life.

Once you think you have it somewhat figured out, Have a few barrels chambered for your rifle. Get a 17 twist and keep that for extreme weather. This game is all about great barrels, not scopes.

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I'm gonna disagree with Pete on this one. It's about good everything! How would you ever know you had a good barrel if the scope won't hold steady? I do agree completely that a cheaper scope will do the same as an expensive scope if it holds.

I also agree that good scopes are where you find them and the Nightforce is certainly a good choice and a good chance...but they cost so darn much!
I'd maybe add the following, I shot Weaver 36's for yeas and never ever felt disadvantaged. As a new guy, you could do a lot worse.
I now have 45's, primarily because they help with those subtle hold off shots and they do pick up mirage better and at some matches, that does help.
scope help

James in Tenn. - If your shooting 50 yds, I would suggest that you take a look at the Mueller 8-32 X 44MM with the 30mm tube. I know, you never heard of it before! I have one on my 40XB and love it. Look up "Mueller Scopes" on your computer and take a look. Very nicely priced for a rimfire scope with good, clear optics. Lifetime warranty, too.

James in Tenn. - If your shooting 50 yds, I would suggest that you take a look at the Mueller 8-32 X 44MM with the 30mm tube. I know, you never heard of it before! I have one on my 40XB and love it. Look up "Mueller Scopes" on your computer and take a look. Very nicely priced for a rimfire scope with good, clear optics. Lifetime warranty, too.


Of course if you check various match reports and see if those show up, anywhere, in the winners circle, it would be listed approximately zero times.
The last thing you want to do is scrimp on a scope if you're ever going to compete.
27-T I would recommend a sightron or weaver 36X. Either is good with the sightron being the least costly. I do have the same Mueller scope. It may not be listed on the equipment list but for the money I have had good luck and really like mine.
Scope Help

drknite - I'm glad you have a Mueller and like it, as I do mine. Apparently, Tim has not looked through one. I'm one that just can't jump off the cliff because that's what the leader does.

drknite - I'm glad you have a Mueller and like it, as I do mine. Apparently, Tim has not looked through one. I'm one that just can't jump off the cliff because that's what the leader does.


Yeah, that's what we do, follow the leader.
I 've looked through them, they look pretty good, nice and clear. Do you know why you buy a quality scope for a match rifle ? The absolute number one reason guys spend money on a quality scope is because you want it to hold POI every single time and you want adjustments that do precisely what they're upposed to do, no less.
If you, for an instant, believe a $200 scope can do that with true match grade instruments, you have lots of hard lessons to learn.
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What are you guys usng on top of your 22 bench rifles?

I just purchased a new to me 22 LR for bench rest shooting and now need a scope to use. I'm trying to decide between the Leupold 35x or 40x or the new NF 42x Competition.

The NF is going to be 600.00 more over the Leupold and in real world life is there that much difference between these two scopes?

Thanks in advance.


I use frozen leupolds with Brackney mounts and Nightforce, I wouldn't recommend anything else if you are serious about competition.If you have NF on the mind you just cant do any better than one of those.I have had Weavers that were fine and Leupolds with turrets and they were fine but if you want to buy a scope you are NEVER going to have any problems with get a Frozen Leupold with a Brackney external adjustment mount or a NF.And If you go the Leupold route I would suggest the 40 power over the 45, I have found the 40 is clearer in lower light conditions and it seemed(it could have been a figment of my mind) the 45 stressed my eye more.
That is my 2 cents.
Mike Cameron
I put a new Valada 36x on my PPC and really like it. It has very clear glass and is built like a tank. I don't see why it would not work on a 22 rimfire
as it does on a centerfire. Nice side focus, 30mm tube and lifetime warranty. If you haven't looked through one you need to.

Joe McNeill
SW Arkansas
I put a new Valada 36x on my PPC and really like it. It has very clear glass and is built like a tank. I don't see why it would not work on a 22 rimfire
as it does on a centerfire. Nice side focus, 30mm tube and lifetime warranty. If you haven't looked through one you need to.

Joe McNeill
SW Arkansas

We have had a couple guys try the valdada scopes if that is the same as what you are speaking of and they just were too heavy for rimfire.
Sorry Mike, I just couldn't resist!
How can they possibly be too heavy? The gun is in a rest sitting on a bench. OK, I'll leave now. Wayne
The Valdada scope is what I was referring to. The newer model is a few ounces lighter than ones 2 or 3 years older
or so I'm told. They are heavier than a Weaver or even the LCS, but if you can make weight with them they are
very good scopes.

Joe McNeill
SW Arkansas
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