Question for score shooters?

Sit me down, tell me the rules, and get out of my way.
This has been my credo for some time.
I have never liked Creedmore but it's the rule. Where is the guy who did better first any better than the guy, or the equipment, that got better as the day went by. But, it's the rule. What's terrible about a tie? Hockey and soccer are team sports but at the end of the day if they are tied they turn to one on one with a shooter and a goalie. How is that team related? Why not settle it with a team tug of war? Forget about a shoot out and both go home happy.
Pete is so right about the infatuation with the 250. Lowell Hottenstein told me when he gets to the range he checks out the conditions and tries to figure out what it would take to win today. He said some times it will take a .1800 to win and some times it will take a .2500 and to live with it. One dumb thing that has curtailed shooting 200 yards at Oscoda is the mindset that "it's near impossible to shoot a 250 at that distance on that range". Well, duh, I won with a 247. Who cares about the score as long as it's better than the other guy's? One guy at WWCCA told me he doesn't shoot Hunter for the same reason, 250 is near impossible. Well, it's the same for the next guy. He doesn't do well in VFS, either, by the way. Ron Hoehn doesn't shoot score, That entry level game, because everyone knows what the winning score will be before the game begins.
Don't let your poison tongue ruin it for those who want to shoot. And if you don't have anything positive to add to the conversation then walk away, you won't really be missed.

KUDOS FRANCIS! I'm sick of going to the range and hearing after u won, OH you had the honey hole, Blah, Blah, Blah, Blah, BLAB! I go to the range, put my money down, pick a bench and It's up to me to get er done. If I don't do well, SO WHAT! If I get the worst bench at the range, SO What. It's just a game, nothing more. So what, I didn't win that stupid $2.00 piece of wood, I had fun and I got to bullsht with the guy's and have a few laughs, and that's what's it really is all about. It's not like any of us is going to be recognized like Michael Jordan when we walk down the street. How many of the masses know who Tony Boyer is? Not many. I agree with you 110 percent about the creedmore system. It's not fair at all, especially if you shoot 2 aggs, 100 & 200, and I won the 100, the other guy who ended up tying with me in the grand agg won the 200, why should I end up winning the GA? I'd give it to the other guy. It's 4 times easier to win at 100 than it is at 200. He deserves to win, not me. Maybe we need to quit changing rules and go back to the rules when this whole brigatta started. Your also right about the you have to shoot a 250 to win mentality. I'm guilty of that myself. In late May, I shot a 244-3x's at 300 and won. I beat myself up all the way home about shooting a 244. That was dumb, I won, and I should of been happy about it. If anybody ever shot at Lincoln County Rifle range in Damariscotta, ME, it's REALLY TOUGH to shoot a 250 there at 300. It's only been done about 6 or 7 times. It's near the ocean and the winds are really tricky there. Bottom line is we are in this game because we all love to shoot. Let's not have a bunch of new and better rules spoil it and leave a bad taste in people's mouths.
One day at Thurmont...

I was attempting to tease the shooter that had just shot so well about how fortunate that he ended up with the "honey hole". He very coyly but astutely said, "It has been my experience that the 'honey hole' is usually where the best shooter is." How true, how true.

I get frustrated with new people wanting to change the rules so I say leave the rules alone. I generally agree with the KISS principle, but in the proposed Hunter rule change I haven't yet come to grips with what a magazine cut out has to do with an influx of new hunter shooters. Having been told by a someone who asked, some of the Hunter guns going to the line may/are not legal as far as magazines are concerned. In my 14 years of shooting IBS Benchrest, I have yet to see anyone check hunter gun magazines. To be honest, until that someone asked me last year about mine, I had not fully read/understood the specifics of hunter rifles and magazine requirements. I just trusted my gunsmith to build it properly.

Did I just provide an argument for doing away with magazines, maybe so???

Now having said the above, I sure appreciate having clarity within the rulebook so that there is only one interpretation of what an actual rule means! That is a different issue, trying to clarify existing rules such that they read for what they mean to say.