Professional Shooting League, Calfee

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Friend Dan Killough:

My friend Mike Sherrill sent me a target that the PSL will be using....

I love the target, I mean I simply love it........

We, in rimfire benchrest, are held hostage to our ammo......we can't do much to change that......

So, to finally have a target that eliminates the limitations of the ammo, and, allows the gun, and shooter to do their work, is awesome!

Thank you my friend.

And, good luck to the PSL.....

Your friend,

Bill Calfee
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Contingency money

Will be interesting to see if contingency money will be paid out by the sponsors, various suppliers and builders, if the shooters have the proper sticker attached to the stock. Maybe they can get paid for stickers on their oversized rests, shooting jackets and head gear as well.
I could only see it hurting participation at the other matches, which do not pay out. I'd much rather go to a money match even though I have a slim to no chance of winning. Just the possibility....
It could be used to improve participation..there are only 5 matches and they are on saturdays. Three of the matches are during the indoor season. A follow up match on sunday like Bill Meyer is doing will assure great participation.
This is all a load of crap.

If you don't like the event, then don't go.

Dan does not need anyone's blessing.

Question is, are the shooters gonna show up. After the first wad of cash gets handed out; you bet.

If anything is going to kill the sport is all this pointless BS spread around on this website, and all the inside bickering between gunsmiths and shooters. This use of a public forum for things that would be better send via e-mail, all that nonsense. So and so is the best, and if you don't shoot this action or this barrel, or use this smith, then you can't win.

Crap to it all.

Pay your money, shoot the match. $5500 cash in hand talks. Stuff the stats.!:eek:
Mr. Calfee,
It is fully my intent with this league to promote our great sport. The participation in .22lr benchrest is at best stagnant, and it is my hope that the PSL will bring attention to our sport as well as more participation. To be competitive in this sport is not cheap. You have your rifle (or 2 or3), flags, rest, ammo, cleaning supplies, and so on. Then gas to get to the match, hotels, eating out. It gets real expensive real fast. All of this to hopefully bring home some wood. Now do not get me wrong, I have some wonderful trophies that I am very proud of, but at the end of the day the wood does not pay the bills. Many great shooters limit there travel because of this. Hopefully, the PSL will help alleviate this problem. I also hope that the PSL will help to show the people of the U.S. that many law abiding people own firearms and use them responsibly everyday. Firearms are fun and not scary killing machines.

B. Harvey, I hope that the PSL brings more shooters to the monthly club matches. To win at the PSL matches, you are going to have to be good, and the best way to get better is to shoot in more matches. I hope the PSL will bring people from other shooting disciplines to our sport. They will come see a PSL match or read about one and then they will want to get involved. The best way to get invovled is at your local club. That should bring more participation to the ARA, IR 50/50, RBA, USBR, and the outlaw matches. We only scheduled 5 matches and we scheduled them so that they would not interfere with any of the National matches.

Don you are right. The 2-7 match at the Rocky River Barn will have a ARA tournament on Sunday 2-8. The March match at Piney Hill Indoor club will have an ARA match the following day. The 10-3 match in Waco, TX will have the ARA club tournament the following day. This will just give the competitors more for their money.

We are committed to the PSL for one year. If it is successful, we will continue. If it proves to be detrimental to the sport or does not receive enough support, we will not continue.
Ummm, what target is being discussed, I don't see it linked here?
Thanks Fred, great link.

Next dumb question, is this target 11X17 inches?

Update: Yes the document properties indicate a print size of 11X17.
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Does it have blue circles as pictured or black?


The target has Blue on white, but I am having some printed up that are Red on white. The red should be easier to see, and you will be able to see the black ring the bullet leaves on the target easier. The red targets are exactly the same as the blue targets except for the color.
I know this is a dumb question but here goes, Is Rim Fire 50 or 100 yard target? thanks,
Rimfire benchrest in the PSL is 50 yards.

Thank you for your reply Mr. Pappas.

Another dumb question but i would like some idea what it will take to be somewhat competitive. On an average day what kind of score would someone guess it will take to be in the top 5 or 6 shooters.

If the center blue dot is just touching the smudge is that 100 points?
I don't think the new game can do anything but help rimfire benchrest. The cash payout has already generated a buzz here. Talk will undoubtedly travel to other disciplines. Some shooters will come down out of the hills looking for the easy pickings!

Bill, guess I'm a little dense. How does the target eliminate the faults of the ammo?

Ken, it doesn't only with Bill's rifles after all he is the best gunsmith in the world. :D

Thank you for your reply Mr. Pappas.

Another dumb question but i would like some idea what it will take to be somewhat competitive. On an average day what kind of score would someone guess it will take to be in the top 5 or 6 shooters.

If the center blue dot is just touching the smudge is that 100 points?

Joe, this is a new target so I don't know what the scores will be. The plug would have to touch the dot to be a 100.
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