Prayers for Mom


About 2 1/2 years ago Mom had a home site prepared on the land that my brother and I purchased outside of Cloudcroft, NM. She purchased a new Solitaire double-wide, and had it moved out to the property. Before she made the purchase, she wanted to be very cautious about the air quality of the home because she had birds. She was assured by Solitaire that they use only certified materials that are free from toxic materials. Three weeks after she moved in, one of her birds and her dog died on the same day. The people from solitaire assured her that her pets died because of the high altitude.

Soon after mom became sick. She had problems breathing, had nose bleeds, and horrible headaches. It was determined that the air should be tested. The test results showed formaldahyde levels at six times above the maximum standard levels allowed. Mom was told that she would develope cancer within 2 to 3 years because of the high levels of formaldahyde, and the lenghty exposure time of 3 months.

Mom was diagnosed with lymphoma about 3 months ago. After a few weeks of chemo, Mom became very week. The chemo had attacked her nervous system. Her condition progressed very rapidly. She has been in the hospital for 5 weeks now. She is too week for any chemo. It is feared the the cancer has spread to the brain, but she is also too weak for a brain biopsy. She is on life support now. She will open her eyes at times, and it seems that she knows me, but I can't say for sure. She can not respond in any way.

Please keep Mom in your prayers. Her name is Judy, and I have posted a picture below.

I really appreciate it, Michael


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Michael, The prayers and thoughts of many shooters are with you and your mom and your family tonight.

My God.... I'm truly sorry for your Mothers condition...Hart breaking.

Prayor groups, we will keep Judy close in our thoughts and prayors.

May the Good Lord Bless the Turner Family in these most difficult times.

Judy's name and info will be lifted up in my accountability group tomorrow. I have lost two aunts and my dad to cancer in the past 3 months. Nothing good about. Hold together as a family and support each other. I am sure everyone is hurting. My prayers are with all of you. God bless, Tim
Best wishes to you and your family through this ordeal.

Our prayers go out to you and your Mom. My mother was diagnosed with Lymphoma 4 years ago. She has been through chemo , radiation, and experimental drugs. At 87 she said her old body couldn't take anymore. Her cancer had spread. She said no more treatments. For some reason at 90 she is cancer free. We know who is looking over her and us. Keep praying.
I want everyone to know how much I appreciate the prayers. I went to see Mom yesterday. Just as soon as I pulled into the hospital parking lot, my cell rang. They told me Mom was being transferred. By the time they opened up late hour visitation, Mom was already moved. I drove to the new location and filled everyone in on her condition and history. By the time this was all done at around 10:30 PM, I was too tired to drive all the way back to Cloudcroft, so I got a room. By accident, I left the phone in the car. Around 4:00 AM, Mom went into respiratory and cardiac arrest. I felt really bad when I went out to the car this morning to find 15 missed calls, and have felt really bad about it all day. Mom pulled through, and was transferred back to ICU and put on life support. It's really hard to just let her go. I keep thinking maybe they will find something to give us hope.

Important email comming your way about Solitare.

Mom's heart rate shot up to 180 bpm. The only way they were able to bring it down was to shock her. Tomorrow my brother and I will have to go ahead and tell them DNR. I'm pretty certain at this point that Mom will go home to the Lord tomorrow. It's been tough the last few months, with a lot of hard decisions to make. I just always assumed that my parents would be around into their 70's or 80's, but dad passed away at 60, and Mom's only 68. I can only rest in the fact that Mom and Dad both knew Christ as their Lord and Savior. They were also very active in leading others to Christ.

Michael, I am praying for you and your brother as well as your mom. It is a hard thing to do to let her go, but find comfort in the promise for those that put their faith in Christ. You posting the message of above is a witness to your faith. It sounds like your parents were wonderful people. But losing a parent is always hard. God bless you and your family. tim
M, the words you wrote about your mom knowing Christ as her savior makes hearing this terrible news a little easier. As a Christian, it is so hard to hear of those that are about to meet the Lord and do not know him as savior. What a blessing it is to know that your mom is about to make the most glorious trip a believer can make. May God bless and keep you in your time of pain and grief.

Michael Turner

Mom's heart rate shot up to 180 bpm. The only way they were able to bring it down was to shock her. Tomorrow my brother and I will have to go ahead and tell them DNR. I'm pretty certain at this point that Mom will go home to the Lord tomorrow. It's been tough the last few months, with a lot of hard decisions to make. I just always assumed that my parents would be around into their 70's or 80's, but dad passed away at 60, and Mom's only 68. I can only rest in the fact that Mom and Dad both knew Christ as their Lord and Savior. They were also very active in leading others to Christ.

Michael, I just found this thread. Man, I'm really sorry to learn of what your Mom, you, and family are going through. Here's praying for everyone's inner strength to deal with this most difficult of times. I hope you see again in better days....

Scott Smallwood