Prayers for Mom

We were told that the only thing keeping Mom alive was the respirator. Mom continues to hold her own. I'm not certain how to feel about things at this point. Mom can't continue to live in her current state. She is still being fed through her feeding tube, and is receiving supplemental oxygen. If she continues to stay the same, I'm not certain what we should do. She is basically in a coma with no sign of improving. I just waiting on the Lord to either take her home or heal her. Her choice would be to go home to her Lord and Savior. If any of you have been through a similar situation, please give me some insight on how to make the right decision.

The fact that your facing these tough decisions makes me assume that your mom didn't have a living will with the DNR instructions clearly spelled out. This spring when we lost my dad from cancer, he gave clear instructions not to take him to the hospital at the end and that he wanted to pass at home. Hospice was wonderful to help that transition occur to dad's wishes. You are facing a much different situation with your mom in the hospital. The thing I would say is that the family must be in agreement when it is time to stop life support. Some family members may not accept the reality of your mom's state. That's ok. At this point you are probably keeping her in this world for your family's comfort and not your mom's. I don't mean for that to be harsh as it sounds so. This life on earth is but a blink of eye for the life to come. None of our experiences can tell you and your family when its time. It is when your family is ready.... not your mom at this point. I pray for you and your family to be ready to allow your mom to pass from this world into a much grander place we can not phantom.

Make God grant you and your mom peace in this step in life's journey. Blessing, Tim

My mother was in a nursing home for 7 long hard years. She had made us promise her that we would not keep her alive artifically.....because she too knew the Lord and knew that her destiny was secure. She had a stoke on a Saturday and could not eat or drink due to choking. She passed the following Wed evening with all but one of her family at her side singing hymns that she loved.

My heart hurts for you, and I cannot tell you what to do, but if you know your mom well, and it sounds like you do, do the best for her.

My prayers go for you and your family.

Michael Turner
I am sorry to hear about your Mom. I think Tim made a lot of sense in his post. I went through a similar situation with my parents about a 1 1/2 years ago. We kids were wanting to do everything we could to save Dad but nothing was working. I talked to Dad's doctors and they said they knew we wanted to keep Dad around but it was not in Dad's best interests. My siblings felt the same way I did, but after I talked to the doctors I had a different point of view. I arranged a conference call with my siblings and the doctors and we discussed the situation. After the call we all agreed that the doctors were right and we let Dad go. I feel that we did the right thing. We lost my Mom 6 months later, so that was not a good year.
Best to you and I will keep your Mom in my prayers.
Dan Batko
Michael, as already mentioned, I don't think anyone can tell you and your family what you need to do. That is something y'all need to decide. Just know you have many people praying for your mom and your family. My wife and I have a devotion every nite. Tonite is my turn and just know that I will be praying for the Lord to bring peace and comfort to you and your family at this time. God Bless.......

We will be praying for your Mom and your family... Very sorry you and she are having to go through this..

Pat Byrne
Michael, Like others who have responded, my family went through this last thanksgiving too. Our father was in a similar situation and we held out while the respirator keep him going until other systems started failing and forced the issue. In this case, it was dialysis vs hospice. We all knew what he would have wanted but no one wants to make a quick decision that leads to later regret. The fact that he had no legal guidance put the moral burden on us but in the end we made the right choice and we were all there when he departed. No one can tell you the "right" thing to do, not even the doctors but rest assured that you're among friends who can relate to your situation and pray not only for your Mom but for you the family too. This has got to be one of the most difficult things that life can require you to face. I'm sure that at the end of the day, you'll do the right thing.

Hang in there man..... Scott
Mom passed away a little before 8:00 PM yesterday evening. I want to thank all of you for the prayers and support you've shown. Even though Mom will be greatly missed, I have no doubt that she's in a better place right now with the Lord, and finally reunited with Dad. Mom always said that she had a win-win situation. She was prepared for whatever the Lord had for her.

I'm thankful for the kind of people we have here on Benchrest. It seems that for the most part there are two kinds of people. Those who believe in God, love our country, own guns, and stand up for our constitutional rights, and then there are those people who don't. I don't just compete in this sport for the sake of goals or competition. I love the sport because the people that are truly great people, and are there to support one another during good times and tough times.

I just returned from the funeral for the mother of a close friend , she was 73 taken swiftly by a stroke. Last year my friend, who is a chaplin, preached at my own mother's funeral.
Mom was 93 , the longer they are with us the tougher it is to say goodbye.

A bit late but my best wishes go out to you and yours in dealing with your loss. It takes time but peace comes.