Outback Steakhouse Alert

Can they keep you out because you legally carry just by posting a sign? I don't think they can do that for any other reason. What if a business put a sign in the window that said "No Gay People Allowed"?

I'm just asking here as I don't actually know.....
No they cant wilbur. Only if its a restricted area by law like a school or liquor store. Thats like saying you cant turn around in my driveway thats connected to a public street
Can they keep you out because you legally carry just by posting a sign? I don't think they can do that for any other reason. What if a business put a sign in the window that said "No Gay People Allowed"?

I'm just asking here as I don't actually know.....

In Iowa if a no guns sign is posted you can legally carry there. But, if they ask you to leave and you refuse, you can be charged with trespassing. Just another reason to not open carry.

Texas Backfire

This open carry law here in Texas seems to have backfired. I have seen only one man with an open carry gun on his belt and the had that under his coat at a restaurant. The next day, the signs were up at that restaurant. Before that there were many people packing in there but know one would know. Since the law was inacted I have seen several new signs about no open or concealed carry. I haven't seen any that restrict open carry that do not include concealed carry.

All in all, the new open carry law may prove to be a mistake. Time will tell.

Concho Bill
A lot of people are thinking that we Texans may soon suffer the law of unintended consequences. Hence my thought about letting business owners know about their consequences if they post us. I have a sinking feeling that this is going to end badly. I think a significant part of the push for open carry was the due to the overzealous response of law enforcement to inadvertent exposure of a concealed weapon by CHL carriers. There"s that old saying "Be careful of what you wish for, you may just get it".

This open carry law here in Texas seems to have backfired. I have seen only one man with an open carry gun on his belt and the had that under his coat at a restaurant. The next day, the signs were up at that restaurant. Before that there were many people packing in there but know one would know. Since the law was inacted I have seen several new signs about no open or concealed carry. I haven't seen any that restrict open carry that do not include concealed carry.

All in all, the new open carry law may prove to be a mistake. Time will tell.

Concho Bill

We Texans will be just fine. When the Texas Concealed carry Law was passed in 1996, Law Enforcement agencies went into a panic mode, in anticipation of incidents perpetrated by licensed gun owners. Some Law Enforcement, agencies quickly implemented a crash course on how to deal with Law abiding citizens with guns. At the end of the anniversary of CHL passage, there were only a few negative incidents that could be blamed on licensed CCW owners.

I predict that the Novelty of the “Texas Open carry” Law will wear Off, without much for the Liberal News Media to talk about.

If you want to eat at certain Restaurants, and you open carry,you will have to leave your Hog leg and holster in the car. Especially around larger Cities in Texas. Texas is reactive when it comes to crime prevention. When something bad happens, the legislature/Law makers act in an expediticious manner. That's a good thing for Texans.

My Wife and I went to Luby's Cafeteria last night, and they have a correctly formated 3007 sign posted right on the front door at eye level, banning open carry.

No 3006 sign, so she had her Glock 43 in her carry purse.

I am yet to see anybody open carrying in public.
Can they keep you out because you legally carry just by posting a sign? I don't think they can do that for any other reason. What if a business put a sign in the window that said "No Gay People Allowed"?

I'm just asking here as I don't actually know.....

Under the law that was modified in the last session of the Texas legislature, knowingly walking past a proper 30.06 or 30.07 sign with a licensed handgun either concealed or openly carried was reduced to a class C misdemeanor with a potential punishment of $200 which will not result in the loss of one's "License To Carry a Handgun" (LTC), formerly a Concealed Handgun License (CHL). Failure to depart the premises when instructed by an employee with authority to do so remains a class A misdemeanor which is a serious offense and your LTC would be suspended pending completion of the legal process. Conviction of that offense would result in revocation of a LTC and disqualification from applying for one for five years.

The sign described does not comply with the requirements of Penal a Code sections 30.06 or 30.07. There are also various alcohol related signs to be on the lookout for, most notably a red 51% sign which makes it unlawful to carry a handgun into that establishment. This can be a very serious offense.

Many people and groups encourage sending letters or emails to the corporate headquarters of businesses which post the 30.06 and 30.07 signs registering your complaint so that they know that they have lost business because of their choice.

Some groups have business cards, such as this one which has talking points on the back, to use when speaking with a store manager (after leaving your handgun in your vehicle). I don't know if posting the kink to the cards is allowed, Wilbur, so please delete it if it is not appropriate.


There is a website which lists businesses that have posted signage.


There was a mention of Luby's Cafeterias elsewhere. Many will recall that a Luby's was the site of a terrible shooting a number of years ago at which Suzanna Gratia-Hupp's parents, among others, were killed. Both they and Fuddruckers hamburgers are owned by the same company which is headquartered in Houston. The corporate headquarters were actually quite rude when an inquiry was made.

The answer to your question about a "no gay people" sign is they are a legally protected class of persons and we, with our handguns, are not.


P.S. According to the most recent statistics from the Texas DPS, the offense rate for LTC holders is 0.3% which is less than that of commissioned peace officers (about 2% according to the FBI). This simply illustrates that both are very law abiding groups of people.
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Can they keep you out because you legally carry just by posting a sign? I don't think they can do that for any other reason. What if a business put a sign in the window that said "No Gay People Allowed"?

I'm just asking here as I don't actually know.....

Wilbur, this link answers just about any question one could come up with concerning the new carry laws in Texas.


The single most important thing that changed with the "open carry" aspect is what used to be called the accidental exposing of a handgun by an individule that had a CHL. That could result in a charge of a Class A Misdomeanor, a very serious offence in Texas.

Texas Laws are based on common sense. Gov Rick Perry and Lt Gov Dan Patrick did an excellent job in removing much of the advasarial aspect of the Laws.
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Tennessee is working...some..on open carry and trying to get the communist leadership in Virginia, Gov Terry McAwful and his henchman Evil Herring to reconsider their latest gun grab of nullifying recips of other states CCL.

Remember McAwful is the jerk who used some of his narcotics selling money to buy a house in New York State that he "gave" to Slick Willy and his lovely wife Hillanore so she could run for the US Senate in NY.

Our Lt Gov. Ron Ramsey,, and good old boy, is working on getting the VA Legislature to over ride the McAwful and Herrings unconstitutional ruling of recent days.

Personally I'm AGAINST any CCL since it is simply a method of REGISTERING GUN OWNERS!! The 2nd Amendment gives WE THE PEOPLE the right to "keep and bear"....

So, support any local efforts to bring back the 2nd Amendment in your area. And by all means, VOTE in this upcoming Presidential election. vote for who????

Jerry, as of yesterday, an agreement has supposedly been reached in Virginia regarding the reciprocity "mandate". This will be repealed in exchange for two things. One, State piloted will be present at gun shows to "assist" in running background checks on a voluntary basis. Two, people who have been issued a "permanent protective order for domestic violence" will be prohibited from carrying.

The devil is in the details, which hasn't been completely flushed out yet, but at least this may be overturned. This agreement has bipartisan support, so if there isn't hidden issues, it will pass.
All career politicians in 2016 pres race are self centered anti-usa non-patriots

Jerry, I'm voting for Trump.

IF something is sold at way above market value, seller proclaims a great deal. Soon as truth sets in worth buyer he realizes he got screwed over. Our country has gone steadily downhill for 96% of Americans, since Clinton took office. Continued going downhill for us with GW and Obama. But it has gotten better during that period for the top 4% and their cronys. Why they have even had the American 98% pay their WallStreet gambling losses in the period. Only a fool believes the stocks and futures markets to be a sure thing -- knowledge and information does not remove the gambling facet. So we hear cheery news on news media about the economy. Disney owns one channel, GE another, and Westinghouse? the other. Cheery news from media controlled by giant corporations is often eventually bad for the rest of us.
TRUMP is the ONLY PERSON RUNNING who is not a career politician and who helped put us 98% under the thumb of big business.
Voting for TRUMP will be my privilege.
my post clarification - on Windows7 cell and can be difficult as support going away

pappa;the other. Cheery news from media controlled by giant corporations is often eventually bad for the rest of us.[/QUOTE said:
TRUMP is the ONLY PERSON RUNNING who is not a career politician and who did not put us 96% under the thumb of big business.
Voting for TRUMP will be my privilege.
Atta Baby! Wonder how long we (I) can keep doing this? My wife insists that she is not gonna stop shopping at the Walmart. So far, she asks what I need and I ask her where she's going. If she says Walmart...I say I don't need anything. She doesn't buy anything that has to be cooked (in fear that she'll have to cook it) so I'm OK there.

Wilbur, how ya doing with your Walmart boycott? Does your wife know that the Walmart grocery has a $10 off coupon that expires March 1st?

BTW, I haven't been to the Walmart in over a month.
Wilbur, I hate to tell you, but I went to the Walmart today -- even bought some stuff. :(

BTW, I thought about you yesterday as I passed the Spring City exit coming back from Ohio.
I spent less than a dollar (I think) at a Walmart last time I went to Riverbend for something I thought I needed. Turns out I didn't need whatever it was but the Walmart was the only thing open when I thought of it. There's no sense in doing without if you really need something.

Make it home OK?