Outback Steakhouse Alert

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Have you seen the size of their steak knives that everyone in the place eats with? What is the harm in carrying a 9 mm that you don't even put on the table?
I can't believe all this crap - Wake up Jerry you seem to know a bit about firearms so stick to what you know.

Many years ago, a certified nutter (Martyn Bryant) went troppo in Tasmania and shot a lot of people. He should have never been allowed to purchase a firearm in the first place, but the loopholes let this weirdo slip through. He had a semi-auto. A few responsible firearms dealers refused to deal with him but somebody saw a profit margin and so a lot of people died.

The response from the Aussie Govt. was pure political knee jerk. The PM (John Howard) actually wore a flak jacket to a media meeting as a P.R. stunt to impress the gullible public. All semi-automatic .22's, 12Ga shotguns and pump action shotguns were removed from the public. I don't know how many criminals handed in their Ruger .223 ranch guns but still plenty around here down under. If I use a 'legal' firearm to defend myself against an armed criminal then I am the criminal. Figure that one out?

Pissed off downunder


If someone breaks into my place I have to let him wound me first before I can respond, even then I am probably the one going to jail if it ends badly for the intruder....pathetic.....
move .

Several states have laws which allow one to protect home, family and car.
Some have laws which prevent law suits by the bad guy.
Some day i will take my own advice and leave kalifornicate
If someone breaks into my place I have to let him wound me first before I can respond, even then I am probably the one going to jail if it ends badly for the intruder....pathetic.....
If someone breaks into my place I have to let him wound me first before I can respond, even then I am probably the one going to jail if it ends badly for the intruder....pathetic.....

Get the meanest guard Dog you can find.

We can't do anything about anything until we get off our backsides and go do it. At the least I can give the opposition credit for making IT happen.
For results

We can't do anything about anything until we get off our backsides and go do it. At the least I can give the opposition credit for making IT happen.

The best thing we can do is to discuss our opposition to the policy with the managers. We should do this in a reasonable way like we are trying to sell any product. If enough polite responsible people step forward and explain that we can make the establishment safer if we are allowed to carry our licensed concealed hand guns while we are dining voices will be heard. If that does not work, there are other places we can eat.

Bear in mind, in the case of a chain, decisions are not made locally but the idea can be passed through channels. I remember the Luby's Cafeteria in Killeen, Texas.
No such notice at Outback in Cincinnati. I checked it out tonight.

Nor in the Chapel Hill, North Carolina area. I do know a lot of places that serve alcohol that do not allow guns to be brought into the establishment.

Outback posting

I was Facebooking with George Gardner and he was going to Outback where he resides. There was no posting against conceal carry there. I would assume if it is a corporate policy they have not gotten the memo. If it is a manager or franchisee decision then they will need to be educated to the free enterprise system. And we choose another more gun friendly restaurant.
Nat Lambeth
You need to walk in the door and then tell them why you are not staying, not just avoid them.
In fact, I've recently committed to several unrelated things such as stores that have TV ads related to mixed and gay marriages. It seems that I won't be going to Walmart anymore to buy stuff....It appears that I'm all alone on this but it doesn't matter to me....

My wife wouldn't speak to me all the way home but that's fine. I could tell that she agreed but doesn't believe she can give up the Walmart.

...Please don't do what my sister did and start pointing stuff out as it's pretty hard not buying at the Walmart.

Wilbur, you'd be proud of me. I had to buy a new battery for my truck today and didn't exchange the dead, Walmart battery for another Walmart battery -- I went to another store, even let the pro-rated credit amount go down the tube. I thought about you as I went. :)
Atta Baby! Wonder how long we (I) can keep doing this? My wife insists that she is not gonna stop shopping at the Walmart. So far, she asks what I need and I ask her where she's going. If she says Walmart...I say I don't need anything. She doesn't buy anything that has to be cooked (in fear that she'll have to cook it) so I'm OK there.
Wilbur, my wife wanted me to get her a Walmart gift card; I told her that you'd be disappointed. I got her a gift card to another store. Hang in there with your resolve. :)
I've been watching, instead of ignoring, the ads on TV and had to add more than just WalMart to my list. Hasn't hurt too badly so far.

Good on you for not shopping at the WalMart!
Since open carry started Jan 1st here in Texas, businesses that want to ban either open carry or concealed carry, have to post signs for either or both. The addition of open carry has proved to be a non-event. However, I've seen an increase in the sign's. Some people I talk to say "just don't give them your business". That's OK so far as it goes, but they don't know that they're not getting my business. With that thought in mind, I noticed in another thread here someone asking for a source to make custom stickers. So, I got the idea to get stickers that said something like "If you ban my carrying you lose my dollars" and put them next to the signs on the business. They'd have to be easily removable so I couldn't be charged with defacing. I'd pay to have 1000 or so printed up and distributed to local clubs for use by their members. Any thoughts?
I've been watching, instead of ignoring, the ads on TV and had to add more than just WalMart to my list. Hasn't hurt too badly so far.

Good on you for not shopping at the WalMart!

CCBW, your boycot is working. WallyWonderland is closing some 200+ stores. That will put 12 cashiers out of work!!

why not a business card.
ask for the manager, hand them the card and say good by...
the more bodies you walk in and out with the better.

Since open carry started Jan 1st here in Texas, businesses that want to ban either open carry or concealed carry, have to post signs for either or both. The addition of open carry has proved to be a non-event. However, I've seen an increase in the sign's. Some people I talk to say "just don't give them your business". That's OK so far as it goes, but they don't know that they're not getting my business. With that thought in mind, I noticed in another thread here someone asking for a source to make custom stickers. So, I got the idea to get stickers that said something like "If you ban my carrying you lose my dollars" and put them next to the signs on the business. They'd have to be easily removable so I couldn't be charged with defacing. I'd pay to have 1000 or so printed up and distributed to local clubs for use by their members. Any thoughts?