Opinions on Kelbly KLP Stock?

Dave Rabin

New member
I am thinking about buying one of these for a 10.5 lb. 6PPC. Those of you who use this stock in that configuration, could you please give me your opinions? Does it shoot well? Track well? Are you glad you got it?

Thank you!

Dave Rabin
I have one set up for LV in ppc
Personally don't like it. Its not in the same league at all with my Scoville. It doesn't track as well
The butt is 1/2" narrower in the top in width and also in height than my Scoville this makes the back a little to light.
They seem to have done this to be able to make the Forend longer and still make weight
It's not for me. Others may like it.
Be aware that if your bag setup is adjusted for one stock profile it probably will not fit another without some adjustment. It is better to have all your stocks of one design. Within one manufacturer this is true also. For example if you have a McMillan traditional you would need to change your setup for the McMillan EDGE.

Matter of fact it is better to have the entire assemblies alike, actions,, scopes, etc., if you are using more than one gun. If you go from a short 3-lug BAT to a long 2-lug BAT it will mess up your on the bench rhythm. Same way in going from a Panda RBRP to a Panda RBLPRE and so on.

Same way on barrel length, barrel weight, chamber, trigger and whatever. That way if you have to change guns in a match or just on a target you are not chasing useless variances.

i.e., KISS!!
I have one and have never found a good sandbag for the rear that fits it. I have to use 3 donuts with a 13a protektor and a farley front rest. May as well use a rolled up coat
Man I never seen that bag. I think Ill try one. Must be the only bag ive not collected yet. Thanks for the info.
KLP pics
It's also gets pretty narrow as it goes into the tang of the action. Again my guess is to save weight to extend the OA length of the stock


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Thank you for your reply. If you don't mind my asking, what bag/material did you use with it?

Those of you who have used the KLP -- please keep the opinions coming. Thank you.

Dave Rabin
Everyone interested in this thread should might be interested in the "Actions" thread in the Competition only section.

Like David said, the top 20, if any are shooting a LV and HV the configurations will be so close as to be scary.
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