New scale affords opportunity for measure technique refresher/practice

Jerry,,,,give it a shot and let us know how it works!

Oh, so you want me to blow the circuits in my scale first, Huh? :p Seriously, I think I'll run the scale on the external power first to get a baseline of performance before I go the battery route.
This is getting interesting. I went back to see if a mistake in button pushing had changed my settings, and made sure that the zero tracking function was set on the lowest setting, which corresponds to a 1 on the screen. After that, having had the unit on under battery power, I got out my standard .303 case and did a short run of weighings that varied by .1. So far so good. The brief warmup would be convenient when loading at the range because it falls within the time it would take me to clean necks, size and clean primer pockets of small set of cases, meaning that I could turn the scale off after each small loading session.

My next bit involves planning a wind enclosure, and that design would have been made larger than I might have liked because the lid is too close to the weighing platform to be closed on a scale pan, which required it to be left open within an enclosure when the scale is in use. The enclosure would have to be over 6" tall. most of that extra allowance for the open lid. Sooo... I did a little very cautious fiddling with the lid and found that if I very carefully rotated it slightly past its normal open position that the hinges could be disengaged, and the lid removed with no apparent damage. The reason that I am reporting this here is that it opens a much better options for designing a case with a lid that can accommodate a scale pan, without unnecessary bulk.

So now we have a scale that weighs consistently, with very small variations that has a short enough warmup so that it does not need to be left on (this particularly important to battery life) that can be adapted to a reasonable wind screening case, that lists for $100, and is on sale for $80. As near as I can determine, at those price, performance, and sturdiness points, it has virtually no competition for reloading, or have any of you found otherwise?