New 1000-yd Heavy Gun World Record--Today at Hawks Ridge


What an amazing accomplishment you have achieved. Congratulations!

Could you tell a little more about the rifle? I'm wondering what a "tube gun" is exactly. A photo would be wonderful if you have one on hand.


Joel Pendergraft

I know we don't always think alike but in my opinion the heavygun group record is the pinnacle of 1,000 yard shooting.I would rather have that single record than a National Championship thats how high I place it in my to do list.
I am Impressed to say the least.
Congratulations Joel!!!!

Now that is a bench mark we all can remember! :eek:Congratulations Joel on your world record and thanks for setting the bar higher for us all to reach for!;)

Darrell Jones
Memphis, Tennessee
"Friends and fellow shooters. Today one of the longest standing 1000-year World Records was broken at Hawks Ridge 1000-yard BR Club. Joel Pendergraft of Durham N.C. fired a 3.048" 10 shot Heavy Gun World Record."

That's some fancy shootin' right there!
What is a 300 Ackley? I want one!

One word, UNBELIEVABLE! To place 10 shots in 3.048" at 1000 yards is a tremendous achievement.
Odd, but true story . . .

As we were driving up to Ferguson, North Carolina yesterday, Joel & I were trying to remember if Dave Tooley still held the NBRSA single-group Heavy Gun record, which David shot with his 30 BooBoo & 187 BIBs bullets.

We thought, wouldn't it be nice if the IBS HG record were also set with the 187 BIB's, a flat-base bullet.

So of course, Joel did it.

It is obviously more than the bullets, or for that matter, the .300 Ackley chambering. The last two heavy guns Joel built for himself have been awesome, winning many, many relays and matches. Nobody wants to shoot against Joel and those rifles; at least, not unless they want a really serious test about how well their rifle can do.

For those of you who are thinking all you have to do is to run out & get a .300 Ackley & some BIBs bullets, take a deep breath & hold on.

Back in the late 1990s, both Joel and Charles Bailey (another guy who knows how to build a 1K Heavy Gun) had notice that I and Dave Tooley were doing pretty good with those flat-base bullets. Everybody knows I can't shoot, and this was in the days before Dave would weigh powder charges. He'd just throw powder charges & then go out & win more than you're suppose to when not paying attention to things like charge weight. So it had to be the bullets, right . . .

Anyway, Joel tried some of those bullets in his then-heavy gun. I know, because I was there (and they were my bullets). He shot 'em out of an earlier HG he had, with a 10-twist barrel, at 100 yards. There was one, very small hole in the target. Unfortunately, it was a three-bullet hole after five rounds fired: the 3300 fps MV in a 10-twist barrel was more than they could handle.

But that tiny hole was compelling, so Joel built a rifle with a 12-twist barrel that could still drive them to 3,200+, and could use other bullets in an emergency.

He wore out that barrel (and most of the competition at Hawks Ridge), then built a second HG, also with a tensioned barrel, with some improvements on his original design. This is the rifle that just set the record. And by the way, while tension-barrel rifles are not new, they are not so common that each one doesn't have its own set of solutions to the general design problems.

* * *

I've witnessed a a fair number of records in my time. Sometimes they just seem to come out of nowhere. The person & the rifle that shoots them has their 15 minutes of fame & sink back into obscurity. Sometimes though, they come to a rifle & shooter who have been shooting at the top for quite a while, and nobody's really all that surprised.

So nobody should be all that surprised about Joel's record. And nobody should be surprised if he breaks it again. Sure, records always take some luck, but they fit best when thinking & preparation have come first.

As just happened.
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Well, I was there for this event and shot on the relay right after Joel and you know what? The wind came up and I only got three shots on the edge of the paper!!!!!!!:( I congratulated Joel on the great group, but was not aware at the time that it was the record? So with that being said, Congratulations Joel! As was mentioned, Joel is about the nicest, friendliest guy you would want to meet. I always look forward to talking with Joel at the matches and occasionally over the phone.
Now here is the thing.........Joel also showed up with a skeleton gun for the light class! It was nothing but a barreled action with a skeletonized rear stock and skimpy front rest piece clamped to the barrel. Talk about looking weird. Now we have another inovation to contend with:rolleyes: Boy, he keep us on our toes!
It should be also mentioned that Thomas Ellington's grandson, age 8 (had to stand up to shoot the "light gun", shot a 2.7" screamer in the morning! Congratulations.
Rich De
nuf said

Ye Ha!


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Proud G-Paw

First match!


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Congratulations Joel!

I've tried every bullet but the Bib's in the Hulk....think you could send me a few from the same lot you broke the HG record with? Ha ha, WOW! that's an awesome group and I bet your really excited as you should be. I always looked to you as a accuracy goo-roo and enjoyed our talks at Hawks Ridge.
And to break a record at Hawk's Ridge is even more proof you know how to make a rifle shoot. Would've liked to seen your face when you realized you broke the record! I'm happy for you and glad you made it happen. You'll be busy for days I'm sure taking phone calls and telling everyone how you did it.

Good luck the rest of the season, it's still young maybe you can do it again!


Tom Sarver
Thanks for posting the picture Greg, but now everyone wants to know why the shots weren't centered in the X ring. I don't have a good answer for that.

Thank you everyone for your congrats and kind words.
This was my first time to attend a 1000 yd event. WOW, to get to see this was really well timed on my part. Joel, thanks for the help sorting out the confusion on the shootoff I was in. I appreciate your concern and diligence.

Tim Claunch
Awsome......but whycome all the vertical!! :rolleyes:

Get 'er worked out for the next match, will ya.:D

I shot a group like that 300!:eek:

If you are looking to travel to some matches....there is always room at Harris and Pella.....don't bother looking at a map....they are both just south of..................................................................................................................................... Miami, FL.;)
Hi Joel , I would not be too concerned as to the centering.. Because you can say if the Gods would have allowed it ,yours could be a 100 with 10 and no one else in the world can ..Awesome..Can't score if it don't group,hey..JR..Jeff RogersQUOTE=J. Pendergraft;499916]Thanks for posting the picture Greg, but now everyone wants to know why the shots weren't centered in the X ring. I don't have a good answer for that.

Thank you everyone for your congrats and kind words.[/QUOTE]
Thanks for posting the picture Greg, but now everyone wants to know why the shots weren't centered in the X ring. I don't have a good answer for that.

You're not trying to say that you weren't aiming out there in the 8 ring are you? Here I thought you were just shooting for group, sacrificing score! :)

Hey, don't feel bad, short range guys rarely ever put their groups inside the little square either! :D

Dont' sweat it. After all, it is a bit much to expect to have score with the group. I mean, bullets that won't fly at long range, in an overbore, inefficient case. WITH a BELT of all things, we know they're no good. Powder that's too slow for serious competition work (and way too inconsistent). Not to mention too much of it. Wrong twist for the bullet, or at least less than ideal. And a gun that doesn't look like anyone elses gun. Who'd expect it to score too!

Sry man, I just had to do it!