NBRSA new publication

you are certainly right. Now all you ex spurts, all of you have some little thing that would be interesting. Just write a small article about it, even if its just an idea. They asked for articles. Well get with it. I got mine 2-3 days ago. No wrapper, just your name on a white square on the cover. Mine was in fine condition when I got it.

Soooooo glad for you Francis, if you didn't live so close to Lake Huron you might get your mail sooner. There is probably confusion every day at the PO as to what country and state you live in = Wisconson or OH Canada EH. Now just read a sentance a day for the next thirty day's and you'll be getting another one.;)

Naaaaa, only had one snow day = less then 1", but the daffodils are coming up, it won't quite raining long enough for the river to get back down to summer pool. I need to do some work on the dock = steps for the dogs to get out of the water

Temp at 1:30pm is 52 degrees
Finally got my magazine, the match schedule in the new format alone is well worth the mag......and OrtlesDorf managed to be funny without any references to camels nor sheeps...

well done

Thank you Audrey Brown

you are certainly right. Now all you ex spurts, all of you have some little thing that would be interesting. Just write a small article about it, even if its just an idea. They asked for articles. Well get with it. I got mine 2-3 days ago. No wrapper, just your name on a white square on the cover. Mine was in fine condition when I got it.


Hey Don,

We need to submit questions to Uncle Timmy..... Well >of course Benchrest Related<..... "OR and" challenging PERSONAL PROBLEMS...................HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!

Great Mag, we should all be proud.!

Cale I have kind of refrained hoping someone would post some sort of hint,,,, who IS uncle Timmy?
Surely its not Doc Tim, Lord forbid we would all go to jail.....
Ah so your uncle Tim?
Never been to jail either but I am sure they would take us all in by affiliation if Doc Tim O. was writing anything for the publication.
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Surely its not Doc Tim, Lord forbid we would all go to jail.....

I ain't say'n............................................ But, YES.................... Funny man..!
No Vern.
9 more yrs. to retire.
Then I can join y'all down there. Where it is warm.
On the way to work today. 32 degrees and snow. 1-2" of snow. A little slushy.
On the way home. 42 degrees and snow gone............
Sorry to hear that Tim. It only got up to about 72 or so today and its already down to 52 here at 10 PM :)
Sad to say but yes the "Uncle Timmy" article is none other than our gasoline margarita Doc. Hope his is regular, that was about the most interesting thin in the mag. How many pages does it take to call it a magazine? I know it was their first shot but come on.............

I got mine about a week ago and other than the color being added there is no content in it.
I would gladly write an article or two if they wanted me to?
Lynn. How about if we wanted you to write an article?
Somebody has to do it. Might as well be you.
And thank you in advance.