NBRSA members

Thanks Joe...

Nobody, but nobody, does that half as well as you.

FWIW any one who doesn't know who Joe is hasn't been paying attention for the last few years.

My comment was not as to their commitment but as to their rudeness. Does being on a BOD give them a right to be rude and mean to a fellow shooter:confused:

.... no it doesn't.

But, it has been my observation that being rude is an indication of something else going on. Perhaps it has to do with the emotions surrounding the issues.

I just see good people put in awkward situations reacting sometimes.

Ultimately, the process has to work and we move forward. Otherwise, we could show up to a match some day and nobody else is there.

Besides, this is the week before the Super Shoot and I see this as one of the most exciting times in Benchrest. If you have never been to one, you owe it to yourself to go sometime. That, along with the Nationals and the World Team matches are a great place to see the sport in its best light.
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As has been explained, The NBRSA is not a Democracy, it is a Representative Republic.

In short, we do, by the bylaws, give our directors the option to vote what they think is in the best interest of the oranization as a whole. If the Directors vote against, or for, an item that the majority of the Members might want, then those members have the option of replacing the Directors at the next election.

Untill we change the bylaws, that is the way it will be. If it is the best system is open for debate, but much like our own Country's Government, "it is the worst system ever, except for all the rest'.

Many "good ideas" have failed at the BOD meeting, many for lac k of a second.

But, times change, as well as attitudes. We have a couple of important items comming up this year. Let's see what happens..........jackie
my money, my vote

Supposedly the US Government and the NBRSA are Republics, representative republics. They are our peers chosen by us to represent us. They know what is best for us, supposedly.

My problem with this plan is, they say they "know what is best for us" better than we do. Supposedly.

When I buy a ticket I expect to ride the bull MYSELF. If I pay my dues and if I pay my taxes I want to pull the lever MYSELF!!

Look at the mess those "who know better" have gotten us into. Their buddies get 11 TRILLION dollars and we get $250 (and our grandchildren will have to pay that back!!!!

The main one is The Gulf Coast Region is sending an agenda item with our Director to establish Varmint for Score as a Registered NBRSA Discipline.

The particulars: Varmint For Score will be fired with a Legal NBRSA HV Rifle.

Clubs will be encouraged to hold VFS Matches in conjunction with HBR Matches. Exactly the same format, different Rifle. This will allow clubs to perhaps realize more participation at Matches.

The primary reasonning behind this Agenda Item is The NBRSA needs to recognize that there are multitudes of shooters who enjoy the Varmint foe Score Format, and these are potentially new, dues paying Members.

The VFS Class will not be described in "entry level" terms, it will be recognized that Varmint for Score Score Shooting at this level requires the same dedication to excellence as Group Shooting............jackie
Don't Get Too Excited, Francis

The vast majority of us who shoot group, and would shoot Varmint for Score, have NO interest what so ever in shooting HBR. Or Varmint Hunter.

The only reasonning behind holding the events together would be to increase the attendance at HBR Shoots.

For instance. At Tomball, we host the Gulf Coast and Texas State HBR. As a club, we loose money on both, the attendance is just not enough to cover the expenses of putting on the Match.

Add 15 or 20 Varmint for Score Shooters, and it is worth doing.

If this agenda item passes, the next step would be to institute LV as a class, so a true Two Gun Event would be the same as what we do in Group.

It was discussed among some shooters as to why not have Varmint for Score on Saturday, and Group on Sunday. The problem with that, (as far as combining for a Two Gun Event), is making the scores compatible with each other, since there is no 'score" in group, and no 'agg" in score.......jackie
I *think* my NBRSA membership hasn't expired yet. I got sent a renewal notice a while back, but haven't gotten around to it. I do know my IBS membership is current. That confession out of the way:

I remember reading a book (The Moon is a Harsh Mistress) where the some theoretical notions on setting up a government were discussed. One of the notions was to have two legislative houses. The job of the first one was to pass laws, the job of the second was to "unpass" them. You needed a whole lot more votes to pass laws than to unpass them.

Struck me as about right.

What's the point?

The point is this thread wasn't suppose to be a debate between IBS and NBRSA, or even a debate about the ideal setup for the NBRSA. For that, read a book & post on the General Discussion forum. As I understand it, the idea is, does everybody understand how things work in the NBRSA.

That is a natural progression in a thread such as this.

I say let it run it's course, and let us see where it goes.

When is the last time we had four NBRSA Region Directors involved in a discussion

As the old saying goes, we all love Sausage, but not too many want to watch it being made.........jackie
It was discussed among some shooters as to why not have Varmint for Score on Saturday, and Group on Sunday. The problem with that, (as far as combining for a Two Gun Event), is making the scores compatible with each other, since there is no 'score" in group, and no 'agg" in score

Since this thread is permitted to wander, I'd note to Jackie that there is a way -- the way we do it for 1,000 yard Grand Championship.

We use ranking.

So, if you're 3rd in LG Group, 1st in HG group, 15th in LG score, and 6th in HG score, the sum of your ranking is 3+1+15+6, or 25. Lowest sum is the Grand Champion.

It may not be to your liking, but there is a way.

What I wonder is if the advantage (to many) of a one-day match might get lost with such a format. BTW, If score shooters want two-day matches, they could offer a 100 yard VFS and Hunter, and a 200 yard VFS and Hunter, or some other combination. I imagine the attendance would parallel two-day group matches.

The NBRSA sanctioning VFS is the most sensible thing I've heard in a long time and for a lot of good reasons...

You already have a gun. A 10-1/2 lb. 6 PPC works just fine. Every group shooter in the world has one. A 13-1/2 lb. 30 BR works even better on a score target. You will be amazed how well they shoot group.

Now all you gotta do is get rid of those ridiculous red score targets.

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Many of my friends think I am crazy, but I am seriously contemplating switching over to a 30BR for group.

I will have a 1-17 1.450 Unlimited barrel in about 4 weeks. (hopefully). I will then see how it does in ten shot Unlimited.

I already know I can compete at the Region Level with a 10.5 pund Rifle.........jackie
Sounds Good Jackie, Give the shooters what they want

The main one is The Gulf Coast Region is sending an agenda item with our Director to establish Varmint for Score as a Registered NBRSA Discipline.

The particulars: Varmint For Score will be fired with a Legal NBRSA HV Rifle.

Anybody care to give odds on this becoming the case in NBRSA ??
I personally believe a large number of NBRSA members are in favor of shooting whatever discipline is available and would flock to local Score Matches.


PS my apologies to wilbur as I am not an NBRSA member but felt inclined to post anyhow.
I apologized strictly because Wilbur titled the thread "NBRSA members" which I am not.

And if he wants to delete posts by non members my feelings will not be hurt.


Our Region Director, Scott Hunter, is in favour of the agenda item. He will be speaking with other Region Directors to get a feel as to how they, and, most important, their Region Members, feel about this.

That being said, I would hope that every body involved in the decision making proccess in The NBRSA, (this includes individule shooters), gives this issue the due diligence that such an important change demands.

This is not the same as simply allowing an equipment change, (ie,tuners), or tweeking a rule pertaining to how matches are conducted. This is a major change, in that an entire new shooting Discipline would be added to the Shooting Formats of The NBRSA.

If the BOD does see fit to pass this Agenda Item, it will then be up to the Shooters to say whether it will come to pass. This is how it should be.

I can remember when the Tuner Rule was voted on by the Membership. There was good discussion, many opinions were viewed, and the membership voted in favor. The World as we know it did not end..........jackie
I have been sitting here thinking about the agenda items that Jackie mentioned. This might pertain to me as I try and leave the doors to my mind open (my wife suggests I already let the cows out), anyway, I am in the process of building my own private range. It'll be ten covered benches to begin with. I am building this for two primary reasons....one, to try and bring more people into the shooting sports (I have already spoken to CMP, school, 4-H and conservation officers who are all interested in programs to get kids shooting). And to have registered BR matches. The tops are poured the lumber is bought and the main thing I'm waiting for is dry weather....which doesn't seem to be coming anytime soon.

I am primarily a group shooter, I think I've only shot score twice. But if the NBRSA picks up VFS, this is something that might bring more people out and a little easier to run...maybe. Why NBRSA and not IBS, simplicity, I'm just starting this adventure and I just want to work with one organization right now. I am a member of both even though I don't think I have even participated in a IBS event.

Maybe my post seems a little confusing and without a point but that is exactly what stage I am at with this project. And I've also wondered, will anyone show up??? Exactly what type of event am I going to put on??? Could VFS be the way to get the ball rolling.....the more I think about it....the more sense it makes. Also, I want to set up a factory class...but there's another agruement waiting to fire up again.
