NBRSA and good standing members

While at a local range Oct. 29th, I watched a man, without coercion or urging, take a first time visitor to that range, figuratively "under his wing" and introduce the visitor to Bench Rest. This man explained the concept of BR and the NBRSA. Next showed the visitor the shooting and loading equipment. He sat the visitor behind his rifle and coached him while he shot some groups. Then the visitor was instructed on loading and cleaning. After such an introduction to BR the visitor signed up for the week-end shoot using a loaner rifle and components from his mentor. This intro session took approx three hours. The mentor got no gratuity, or even a beer from anyone. The mentor introduced the visitor to BR simply for the joy of having a new competitor, to make a friend, and to get the visitor started correctly. It was an act of compassion fueled in part by his love of the sport and the absence of malice toward the NBRSA. I never heard a single word denigrating or disparaging the NBRSA. No suggestions to join the IBS.

The mentor was Rodney Brown. The same Rodney Brown that tells "lies and twisted truths" and "stirring the pot" and "stirring up hate and discontent" that got him "immediately and permanently disbarred" from the NBRSA. All of these are accusations, without even an example of a violation of NBRSA operating procedure. Rodney is one of possibly only a handful of people in the NBRSA that would give his time and extend himself in that way, considering that he had just been "excommunicated" from the organization for which he was recruiting a new member. Yes, I understand that Gene Bukys, Wayne Campbell, Jack Neary, and others would do the same for a visitor. The difference is that they haven't been permanently disbarred. It would appear to the casual observer that we need more Rodney Browns, not less.
Officers and Directors of the NBRSA, what have you done?

T. Wilson

And I second that Truman. I have a lot of respect for you and Rodney.

Doesn't Make Sense

There is something that doesn't make sense when it comes to Gene's red letter response. It is obvious that Gene spent a great deal of time with his red letter explanations, and that he wanted to make it very plain what Audrey had done. Again he wanted to emphasize each detail as much as possible. He then tries to make it plain that this had nothing to do with the decision made by the BOD concerning Rodney. If the things concerning what Audrey had done were truly irrelevant, then why is there so much focus on her actions, and almost none on Rodney's actions. It does appear to me that the BOD knew how to stick it to Rodney where it would hurt the most, and they are punishing Rodney for his wife' actions, and not his. I realize that they say this is not the case, but I don't believe it for one minute.

I think it is time for someone who Rodney spoke to directly out in the west to come forward with a true explanation of what he said that was so wrong. I think we are owed a true explanation.

A fireman was recently fired when he showed up to work with a watermelon. He was considered a racist. Is this what our country has come to? Does anyone agree with this?

There is something that doesn't make sense when it comes to Gene's red letter response. It is obvious that Gene spent a great deal of time with his red letter explanations, and that he wanted to make it very plain what Audrey had done. Again he wanted to emphasize each detail as much as possible. He then tries to make it plain that this had nothing to do with the decision made by the BOD concerning Rodney. If the things concerning what Audrey had done were truly irrelevant, then why is there so much focus on her actions, and almost none on Rodney's actions. It does appear to me that the BOD knew how to stick it to Rodney where it would hurt the most, and they are punishing Rodney for his wife' actions, and not his. I realize that they say this is not the case, but I don't believe it for one minute.

I think it is time for someone who Rodney spoke to directly out in the west to come forward with a true explanation of what he said that was so wrong. I think we are owed a true explanation.

A fireman was recently fired when he showed up to work with a watermelon. He was considered a racist. Is this what our country has come to? Does anyone agree with this?


Let's see if I get this right! You read one side of an explanation and it does not fit the narrative you want it to, so it's wrong. You admit that you don't know the other
side of the story but it must be right? Did I understand that correctly?
This being your very first post here I'm guessing that you may know Rodney but maybe not your Regional Director who you could ask why he voted to remove Rodney from
the NBRSA. Maybe your a member or maybe not. If you are then ask your elected official why he did what he did. I believe that Rodney asked that this not be debated on
this forum but that seems to be a moot point to some.

Joe McNeill
SW Arkansas
NBRSA Member
Let's see if I get this right! You read one side of an explanation and it does not fit the narrative you want it to, so it's wrong. You admit that you don't know the other
side of the story but it must be right? Did I understand that correctly?
This being your very first post here I'm guessing that you may know Rodney but maybe not your Regional Director who you could ask why he voted to remove Rodney from
the NBRSA. Maybe your a member or maybe not. If you are then ask your elected official why he did what he did. I believe that Rodney asked that this not be debated on
this forum but that seems to be a moot point to some.

Joe McNeill
SW Arkansas
NBRSA Member

Seems to me that you missed the point. It is very plain that Gene elaborated the most on what he says is irrelevant, but gave no real explanation of what Rodney has done. You say I read one side, but I read both, and neither have focused on Rodney near as much as Audrey. Why should I ask my regional director? Unless he personally witness Rodney's actions, then it is all hearsay. This being my first post has nothing to do with who I know, and how many of these guys I shoot with, which I will not be addressing, because it has nothing to do with the decision that has been made. Like many other shooters, I will probably shoot unregistered matches, and or matches that don't require registration with the NBRSA. I think we will be seeing registered matches that don't require all shooters to be registered.

As for not debating on this forum. I believe this matter endangers the membership of all NBRSA members. The price some of us have to pay for freedom of speech could be quite high, as Rodney has personally experienced. Who's next?

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For a NBRSA member to be PERMANENTLY banned from this shooters organization there must be a/some written rule or breach of safety or principal.

As far Brown vs Buckys/BOD they seem to have valid reasons based on what I have read.......

This 20 year member of the NBRSA would like to have violation(s) defined if for no other reason, than getting myself banned.

A guy from out west

Here's a guy from out west. I shoot with Rodney, Ive shot Rodney's equipment when I was having trouble. Ive talked with Rodney since this nonsense began,,,,alot. RODNEY admitted to me that Audrey made some mistakes out of anger,,,have you. It never cost the NBRSA a single cent nor did SHE do anything illegal. Everything was set to rights and was in place in 24 hours. OK that's enough about Audrey shes the one that quit. Now about Rodney remember him the guy that got banned. For encouraging members to quit. In hours of conversation that never came up. For bashing the NBRSA,,,, well once again in hours of conversation there always ways to improve things but no bashing. Spreading lies,,, about what? Even when I was in grade school when Junior couldn't come up with a legitimate argument or had hard proof of anything you got called a liar. There appears to be two sides of this debate. The BOD side cheered on by people who are out east and know the directors and the president. The Rodney side those of us who know the man not the man. Have talked to and respect the man. Rodney at least in the matches and conversation that I have been part of has never spoken out of turn about the board members or president. There were mistakes made here,, yes. Did Rodney make some,, yes. Did he deserve what he got,,, oh hell no. Rodney Brown is a better man than I for someone to open call me a liar he better be able to prove beyond a shadow of doubt or brace himself for a lesson in manners. those here have said why doesn't Rodney come here and defend himself. He has he posted letters stated what happened. He wouldn't do the kind of jumping up and down to quote defend himself in that fashion. Hes not that type. Before anyone speaks poorly of Rodney Brown one had better know the man personally just to know what kind of person he is. If you don't know him your missing out.
Here's a guy from out west. I shoot with Rodney, Ive shot Rodney's equipment when I was having trouble. Ive talked with Rodney since this nonsense began,,,,alot. RODNEY admitted to me that Audrey made some mistakes out of anger,,,have you. It never cost the NBRSA a single cent nor did SHE do anything illegal. Everything was set to rights and was in place in 24 hours. OK that's enough about Audrey shes the one that quit. Now about Rodney remember him the guy that got banned. For encouraging members to quit. In hours of conversation that never came up. For bashing the NBRSA,,,, well once again in hours of conversation there always ways to improve things but no bashing. Spreading lies,,, about what? Even when I was in grade school when Junior couldn't come up with a legitimate argument or had hard proof of anything you got called a liar. There appears to be two sides of this debate. The BOD side cheered on by people who are out east and know the directors and the president. The Rodney side those of us who know the man not the man. Have talked to and respect the man. Rodney at least in the matches and conversation that I have been part of has never spoken out of turn about the board members or president. There were mistakes made here,, yes. Did Rodney make some,, yes. Did he deserve what he got,,, oh hell no. Rodney Brown is a better man than I for someone to open call me a liar he better be able to prove beyond a shadow of doubt or brace himself for a lesson in manners. those here have said why doesn't Rodney come here and defend himself. He has he posted letters stated what happened. He wouldn't do the kind of jumping up and down to quote defend himself in that fashion. Hes not that type. Before anyone speaks poorly of Rodney Brown one had better know the man personally just to know what kind of person he is. If you don't know him your missing out.


This is exactly what I was asking for. Someone who talked to Rodney directly. The people who are backing the directors are asking us to call and talk to the directors that outed Rodney. It would only be natural for them to defend their decision, not Rodney. So we have been told that Rodney also makes mistakes. I guess that is the one thing that bothers me the most, considering that the rest of us haven't.

Since rapist and murderers usually eventually get out of prison, maybe we need the people from the justice system on the BOD, and the BOD on the justice system.


I think you want the same information to protect yourself as I do. If the law isn't posted, then there's been no transgression of the law. It is not for us to call and ask what the laws are if they are not written. If there were no speed limit signs, then we wouldn't be speeding, unless there was a universally known speed limit.

I guess some must have misunderstood the post I made earlier. I never said the red letter version that Gene wrote was a lie. I said I didn't believe their reason for punishing Rodney. What Gene did would be comparable to the following example.

We open a red letter edition Bible. We carefully read what Jesus has to say that is written in red, because we feel his words are of great importance. Then Jesus says that none of what he says has any real importance, and what you really need to know is that Peter is spreading lies.

Funny how people will respond to you if they think you haven't posted before.

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For a NBRSA member to be PERMANENTLY banned from this shooters organization there must be a/some written rule or breach of safety or principal.

As far Brown vs Buckys/BOD they seem to have valid reasons based on what I have read.......

This 20 year member of the NBRSA would like to have violation(s) defined if for no other reason, than getting myself banned.


Jerry, Interesting the breach of safety issue, wasn't there a shooter at the nationals that shot while the red lights were on. Is he banned from shooting?
Jerry, Interesting the breach of safety issue, wasn't there a shooter at the nationals that shot while the red lights were on. Is he banned from shooting?

Last I heard he's going to New Zealand with the World Team. Having said that, it's the sort of mistake that many of us have made before. A light slap on the wrist would be appropriate for the first offence.;)
Jerry, Interesting the breach of safety issue, wasn't there a shooter at the nationals that shot while the red lights were on. Is he banned from shooting?

Posted policy of BRRC, you will be banned from the premises for shooting on a red light range condition. Said shooter MAY be allowed back, later, upon paying a $1,000 fine for which that money goes toward firearm safety.

That’s a great rule, and nice to see the money goes to a great cause.

I completely disagree. I do agree that a serious safety violation should carry a serious penalty..just not a monetary one. I can see a season long suspension for 1st offense and maybe a monetary fine in lieu of a lifetime ban for a 2nd offence..or similar. I just don't think monetary fines are feasible, fair or as effective as a serious suspension. $1000 is a lot of money to some and inconsequential to others.
Posted policy of BRRC, you will be banned from the premises for shooting on a red light range condition. Said shooter MAY be allowed back, later, upon paying a $1,000 fine for which that money goes toward firearm safety.


Jerry, That's a range rule and fine not a NBRSA rule, so question is what is the NBRSA doing about a MAJOR safety infraction. Oh yeah I know nobody was hurt until they are.
As I understand it:

A shooter fired after the cease fire command during the match. He was disqualified from that aggregate per the NBRSA rules.

A different shooter fired during a cold range time during practice and was banned from shooting at the St. Louis facility until the $1000 fine is paid.

These are separate situations. One falling under the NBRSA rules and the other falling under BRRC club rules.

If I'm wrong, maybe Scott Pieper(club president) or Joe Fesi(match coordinator) will correct me, but that is how I understood what happened while I was there.

As I understand it:

A shooter fired after the cease fire command during the match. He was disqualified from that aggregate per the NBRSA rules.

A different shooter fired during a cold range time during practice and was banned from shooting at the St. Louis facility until the $1000 fine is paid.

These are separate situations. One falling under the NBRSA rules and the other falling under BRRC club rules.

If I'm wrong, maybe Scott Pieper(club president) or Joe Fesi(match coordinator) will correct me, but that is how I understood what happened while I was there.



I think you pretty much nailed it! The only thing I'd add is you don't have to pay the fine. You can except being banned from the BRRC for life. In any case, if you fire a shot durning practice while the red safety lights are on, you will be invited to pack your stuff and leave that match, even if you pay the fine. Warning signs were posted all over the range.

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We had a shooter fire off a late round at the last Rattlesnake in Raton. The shooter was disqualified from the agg. The shot was very late, and went like this. "Cease fire, remove the bolts from your rifles, make the line safe, the line is safe for the target crew, target crew down range" (BOOM). The problem was cause by a very near deaf shooter. Please, if you can't hear the commands, watch your timer closely, and try to finish your group early.

I heard of another situation that was even far more dangerous. It happened on a test and tune day. Someone had gone down range when the range was cold. For some odd reason they were behind the backstop. The range officer called out to make sure the range was clear, and it appeared to be. The range went hot. Bullets supposedly came within a couple of feet of the person behind the backstop. Maybe someone has more accurate information on this. All I can say is this happened recently, and was talked about at the last match in Raton.

As we all know, the rules are in place for our safety, but even as strict as the rules are, accidents can still happen. Let's be as safe as possible.

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BRRC was forced to get tough on this issue due to several of these incidents caused mainly by short range benchrest shooters. Sometimes during practice I think we get tunnel vision. June of this year is the second time I've been downrange during a cease fire when someone fired a round.
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