My PPC action is finally done

Lee Martin

Active member
Dad and I spent over a year on this action because we kept getting side-tracked with other projects. It's done though so I wanted to post some photos. There are only three parts in it that aren't hand made by us:

1) The Jewell trigger
2) The main spring
3) The extractor

Everything else we fabricated from scatch (ie, firing pin, trigger hanger, cocking piece, bolt handle, and so forth). And if you're wondering about the bolt handle, the set screw was installed to position it for TIG welding.

I photo documented each step, totaling over 600 pictures and some video too. If any of you want to see a specific process, let me know.

Im jealous you have that kind of ability. I love machine working so much I would give just about anything to have that skill and knowledge. well done!!! Lee
Looks good Lee. Does it have any unique features you are especially proud of?

Like maybe the full diameter bolt body?

When I see the brass trigger hanger and the screw in the bolt handle, I can see Homer setting at his lathe. Good job to you and your dad Lee.
Eddie - there's a lot of Culver in that action. Homer taught my dad how to build his first receiver in the mid-1980s. We really miss that old guy and owe a lot of what we do to his mentoring.

Jerry - our action is pretty basic and is similar to a Hall with respect to the bolt body and lugs being the same diameter. Dad's first few were like Culver's and used a Remington bolt (well, a Remington style. For the record, Homer bought Remington bolts direct from the factory in the early days). Then in the 70's they stopped selling the stand-alone part. Undeterred, Culver machined his own and my dad did the same. The only downside to the those is they didn't have a way to broach the action. So they'd send the receivers up to Hart to have the raceways cut. They worked fine, but being impatient my dad wanted to do everything 100% in house. He saw the schematics of a Hall in Otteson's book and we went that route. I think the one pictured above is our 17th or 18th.

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Ferris built a few actions and he had bolt-on handles. Some even had modern plastic knobs!

Got the gun put together and test fired it over the weekend. Everything worked fine to include fire-forming 50 cases. The pillars and action are just bolted together, but even so it grouped well. Since it checked out mechanically, I'll Devcon the pillars/action and paint the stock:

I'd also like to thank the members that answered questions and gave advice along the way. It was much appreciated. The BR learning curve is indeed steep, but I'm looking forward to the journey.

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Really nice job U would make Homer Proud--I notice the building has the same Paint Scheme as it did 25 years ago


Really nice job U would make Homer Proud--I notice the building has the same Paint Scheme as it did 25 years ago


Many thanks Jim. And ya, the old place hasn't changed much since you were there in the 90's. Drop me a line sometime if you're over this way. Maybe we can get out to Front Royal and do some shooting.

All the best,

Lee Action looks awesome, really awesome! Was wondering how much total gun weighs!

Fred Martin
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