Micrometer reamer stop


New member
Put me down as another satisfied customer. If any of you haven't tried one yet you owe it to yourself to do so. I was skeptical at first because I was confident in my method but that thing makes it so much easier.

I have one question though. Why not make the body with graduations just like a micrometer? For instance the .250 body should be marked with .025 graduations so you can go back to a previous setting. By recording the setting on the first chamber you cut with a particular reamer you can reference that and in theory never measure head space again. Just use the previous setting and move the desired amount to get a different headspace. Am I missing something here or would that not be very handy?


Why not write down the body size and collar size used. Then measure the overall lenght and write that down? It would sere the same purpose.

But that would require measuring something extra:D

Seriously though, why not add the hash marks?
Hash marks

I am assuming you want marks like on a scope turrent. Is that what you are saying. If you cut a lot of chambers with one reamer then buy an extra body set your reamer stop and mark it with a scribe.

If you have the hash marks on the body you wouldn't need any thing extra and it could move from one reamer to the other and repeat. It seems like a simple improvement to me that would greatly benefit the user
Getting a better understanding of the Recomendation..


There are 4 hash marks laser engraved on each body 90 degrees apart. They are used as refrence marks for the Micrometer dial to align upon. If I understand the suggestion above that there is a desire to make cylindrical marks I assume ever .025. Maybe we can get smoe more clarification. I still don't know why the OAL could not be measured. If a reamer is requrond the depths would chamge and no two reamers are exactly the same.

Thats correct, make it read just like a micrometer. Forget the four hash marks and mark the body just like a micrometer barrel. Sure it would change if you sharpen the reamer but you can cut alot of chambers before then. The only disadvantage I see is that on a 223 case head you would not have the flutes to use as a reference to set the body the same everytime, of course you could measure from the back of the reamer or something which is pretty much what you are saying to do now.

I'm happy with the tool like it is it just seems logical to me since you got the 40 pitch threads go ahead and mark it like a real mic.