


I've been reading threads on this site for years. Without naming any names or pointing out any threads, my question is simply... WHY IS THERE SO MUCH LYING?

Shooters like me that have been around a long time and have seen these various threads will know what I mean.


"It will shoot a half inch group...'all day long'.
"I get .2 inch groups with my "hunting rifle at 100 yards".
"I shot that deer at 400 yards while he was running...."

Wishful Thinking

If you really want to hear from those in fantasyland, go to and see what this crowd has to say about their 10/22s. In youth sports, we call this "flashes of brillance".
I think that most of the time it's because the poster thinks this to be true, or strongly believes it to be true, and may not really know it to be false.
If it'll do it once, it should be able to do it every time.
3 shots is a group. Right?
Well it LOOKED like 400, and he WAS moving

But then again some just confuse luck for skill.
I think of it as internet shrinkage, on RimFire Central every other .17 HMR there Agg's in the .2's :rolleyes:.
I've lived in Montana most of my adult life(that's quite a while :eek:) and love standing around a gun counter and listen to some fella expound on his latest Elk-ker-Stomping-Magnum that always "shoots plum flat out to 500 yards". Lately your starting to hear 1,000 yard shots thrown around. It would be hilarious if it weren't so pathetic (and disgusting). I believe there is something in the anonymity of especially the internet that allows all the insecurities these poor pathetic individuals must experience to surface and create the current crop of "Internet SUPER SHOOTERS" we see.
I bought a 40XBR in 6BR a number of years ago that was for me particularly accurate right out of Remington's custom shop. I was considering throwing the kitchen sink at it and with that thought in mind called Dan Dowling to discuss what I had in mind. Dan asked me "what's it shooting now?", I told him mid to upper .3's at 100 depending on how much coffee I'd had. Dan was loud in saying "Good for you!", "Good for you!!". He went on to say "You know every other guy I ask that question of when they calls here tells me The .1's". I guess it isn't only the internet.
Enough outta me, guess I've had to much coffee this morning as well. Interesting thread, good awareness! I can't help but wonder how many newbie shooters have chased their tails all around the barn believing some of the hog wash and trying to achieve the same results the wind-bag made up to impress the world?? ;)
This is a thread I like.

I am tired of persons who assert that their rifle shoots one-hole groups every group, and every trip to the range.

How about wind? You can correct for wind . . . to a point. When you have a gusty, erratic wind that shifts around the compass, it is going to move the .224 bullets. Nonetheless, the claims come in, "my rifle shoots amazing groups time after time, and day after day after day."

One wise old guy who competes wrote to me that a 200 yd event had been won with a plus one-minute group on a particular, windy day. Not that good, but others were worse. What happened to the blowhards with their boasting on that particular day?

Another guy that ticked me off . . . . some months ago I posted a couple of nice targets with my varminter. He wrote back, "don't think you can claim that as a quarter-minute gun." First off, I never claimed anything such. Second off, I don't care the claims, but darn few shooters can grind out one hole groups time after time, regardless of wind or "too much coffee" or . . . what have you.

One guy wrote, he would only believe some of this bull if the shooting was done as part of a competition, and the targets were certified.

I am very satisfied with my particular rifle. I am pretty sure when I blow out a group with a flyer or two, it is "the nut behind the gun" and not my barrel that has screwed up.

So -- blowhards -- just keep making those extravagant claims.

Of course, here I am not talking about full bench rifles, just my own category -- which is varminters. Similar observations might hold true with full bench competition rifles-- I just don't know much about competition bench rifles. I DO have some idea what to expect from varminters.

I don't lie or make things up. It's everybody else. :rolleyes:

I know what you mean.

I was down at a gun store a while back explaining to some of the boys how I had made this fantastic 550 shot on a deer with my 25/06, which was true, when this young man who was standing by started telling how he neck shot deer all the time at 1,000 to 1,250 yards out at his family's ranch. I mean this kid would not stop. It was getting embarrassing hearing him going on like that.

I finally just told the young fellow that if he would take off five or six hundred yards I would get a bigger bullet.

Concho Bill
Interesting thread, good awareness! I can't help but wonder how many newbie shooters have chased their tails all around the barn believing some of the hog wash and trying to achieve the same results the wind-bag made up to impress the world?? ;)


Truer words have never been spoken!

I live in prarie dog country and some of the stories get pretty wild. I shoot with guys who can lay claim to some mighty long range shots on a regular bases. So one day this kid comes from no place and begins to knock our custom bolt guns and says he can hit any prarie dog between 600 and a 1000 yards every time with his AR-15, "dont need no fancy live varmit gun". Some tried to talk sense to him too no avail, so I says "tell you what, we each put up $1000 dollars in $100 bills. We put flags out from 600 to 1000 yards. You pick any dog, at any time at any angle. For every hit you get a $100, for every miss, I get a hundred". Must have been 6 or 7 years ago, have never seen or heard from him again
One ragged hole..........

Few years back, one of the loud shooters on my right kept complimenting his shooting & as we strolled to the 100 yard line, he ran ahead shouting "one ragged hole"........I wanted to see this of course being of the BR persuasion, his target had about a 4" rip as bullets were tumbling going through sideways.
My wife worked at a private school many years ago and, of course, you didn't want to tell a set of wealthy parents that their child was a dirty, little liar so she would tell them "your child tends to restructure reality to suit her needs of the moment."
Actually, I've answered the question "how big should my groups be?", by saying "in cyberspace they can be whatever you want them to be." And when some guy sez, with a holier than thou tone, "I won't keep a hunting rifle that won't group under .5", you know he's full of but who cares. It ain't worth it to get riled up.
I don't think I had to sign an oath to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth when I logged in here. :D
In shooting an old sage once told me that the bigger the lie the smaller the male appenadge. You can go from there.
After shooting 100 yard benchrest at our club for a few years, I must say I have truly enjoyed watching 1/4 MOA, one hole factory rifles somehow turn into 3/4 MOA rifles on a regular basis. :confused:

I have also seen how hard it is to actually agg under .200 with a BR rifle! :)

Enjoying this thread.
"In shooting an old sage once told me that the bigger the lie the smaller the male appenadge"

Gosh, I am 66 years old and I thought it was just my age. I know I don't lie as much as I used to.:D
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You're The Only One!

I don't think I had to sign an oath to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth when I logged in here. :D

Must have been an oversight. It's not too late. Click on the drop-down menu. Click on "Oaths." Go to "Liars, Cheats and Low-life Exclusions."

Don't post here again until you sign. Same for all you other delinquents.
reminds me of golf...

I love the game of golf... and if you think you have heard stories in shooting, brother they don't hold a candle to golf!! Ill Jong Kim, the beloved leader of North Korea once said that in 18 holes he shot more than 5 or 6 holes in one...only at the grand canyon of Korea!! People new to shooting don't realize the dedication, time and skill that go into shooting from a bench...they are under the impression that if the gun is steady and grounded you can shoot the same hole as long as you want. To get the bug-hole groups takes real work... and when you do its like a desperate race and terrible nervous pressure after 3 shots in the you get to thinking, " this could be really good.."then 4, and that last shot you have to force yourself to pull the trigger knowing your gonna blow one wide...but when you don't you can't help but break out in a giant smile, and you have to keep yourself from dancing around laughing and yelling...that would be in bad taste!! And that gentleman and ladies is not an every day occurrence. Good shooting, Gary.