Is this sport expensive?

Rimfire vs Centerfire expense

Several years back,I shot a little Rimfire. I found it to be a little more expensive than Centerfire.

Some Rimfire ammo can exceed $2,000.00 a case. Ammo that may not shoot great in your $3,000.00 plus, Rimfire Rifle.

I know a few centerfire shooters who have sold/are selling their Centerfire equipment and getting into Rimfire competition.

Its not too expensive for the competitors who have already fit this hobby into their budgets.

Without a doubt,Cost is a factor for some, who are exploring the possibility of joining the ranks of this fun Sport.

I still say, if you got a friend who you think may be interested in your sport/hobby, invite him/her to a Benchrest Match.

Nothing Ventured,Nothing Gained.

Lets fo fishing

Go buy a new Ranger bass boat with a 250 Merc on it and tell me Br is expensive............most near $67,0000. That's before filling the cooler...:cool:

On another note I wonder how many of the complainers about match fees ACTUALLY SHOOT, and if they do, have they ever in any way, for free, helped run the match.

I do not need a boat to fish from, nor an over sized motor.
I can fish from shore, and i can shoot club matches.
br is NOT expensive.
( and in case you have not noticed..that is the part that is dying)

How have you been Mike?
I was correct, when someone does not agree with you,
the name calling starts. Mikeinco seems to be your catch
all for those that chose to differ with you.
Changing the subject does not make your problem
go away.

Sorry if you thought I was name calling. It may have been a compliment. Don't make any hasty decisions. Are you related to Mike, or maybe under a witnessprotectionprogram? Btw, I see we posted at the same time. I'm thinking maybe I should head over to the 22 forum and tell them how to improve things as I have an old Remington. Thank you for your support.

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Go buy a new Ranger bass boat with a 250 Merc on it and tell me Br is expensive............most near $67,0000. That's before filling the cooler...:cool:

On another note I wonder how many of the complainers about match fees ACTUALLY SHOOT, and if they do, have they ever in any way, for free, helped run the match.


Hellsbells guys it's just money!!

I spent over $10,000 last season just for the Super Shoot trip. Don Powell's engine alone was $17,000 for his 2016 Super Shoot trip. So far this year River Brnd and Shamrock my rolling loading table has cost me over $2,800 not including fuel at 6.5 MPG.

THEN, Dave Coots, my puddly little 18.5' Triton, which only does 48 on the GPS didn't cost half that much.

AND, Francis have Jan use a needle and thread like my wife does!! Five thousand for a sewing machine. No wonder Singer got rich!! Poof!.,
I did some research trying to decide if it was a compliment or not.
Pages of his name in posts. The one that caught my eye was his winning
the 600 yd nationals. Do not think I can do that with my 22's.
I saw lots of crying and some support, but generally just what I said,
you did not agree with what he said, so the name calling began.
I guess I will have to stay on the 22 forum to stay away from the children.

There is only one person in the world who would care or remember about Mike and the 600 yard nationals.
Hellsbells guys it's just money!!

I spent over $10,000 last season just for the Super Shoot trip. Don Powell's engine alone was $17,000 for his 2016 Super Shoot trip. So far this year River Brnd and Shamrock my rolling loading table has cost me over $2,800 not including fuel at 6.5 MPG.

THEN, Dave Coots, my puddly little 18.5' Triton, which only does 48 on the GPS didn't cost half that much.

AND, Francis have Jan use a needle and thread like my wife does!! Five thousand for a sewing machine. No wonder Singer got rich!! Poof!.,

Dang it Jerry, seems as though you have been on a roll......a bad one........:cool: What happened at RB? I would bet you have FISHPOLES stacked in your Triton worth more than that bass boat I was talking about....:eek::eek::eek::eek::eek: And, at only 48mph, I would say you are short a couple of engines. Did you ever thing of taking that new engine out of your motor home and sticking it in your bass boat and making your boat an IO? Or, due to the fact I am full of ideas right now, you could make your motor home amphibious and save yourself a lot of work...............

Maybe better luck is coming.
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Jerry, what happened to your ride? I saw a post from you or Tim regarding him helping you.

Between River Bend and the Shamrock the power steering hose, on the pump end, sprung a leak..$1,800 and change.

Then, when the guy in Ashland Kentucky put the New engine in he didn't put the heat shields on that 460 gas Ford. So, on the way back from the Shamrock, a side trip to Ken Wilsons Ford/RV in Canton, NC for another $1 K.

Just so happens that Tim Singleton picked me up at Wilsons and loaned me his new Ford Explorer, a Ken Wilson Ford purchase. That way I finished the 120 mile drive home instead of spending 2 days in Canton.

BTW, Ken Wilson Ford is in Haywood County and they only have one car rental, Enterprize. Those bastards charged me $120/ day for my Super Shoot trip in 2016 and wanted to charge me $60/ day for a pickup truck, the only available vehicle, they said. What about these $22/ day cats that advertise on TV.

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Dang it Jerry, seems as though you have been on a roll......a bad one........:cool: What happened at RB? I would bet you have FISHPOLES stacked in your Triton worth more than that bass boat I was talking about....:eek::eek::eek::eek::eek: And, at only 48mph, I would say you are short a couple of engines. Did you ever thing of taking that new engine out of your motor home and sticking it in your bass boat and making your boat an IO? Or, due to the fact I am full of ideas right now, you could make your motor home amphibious and save yourself a lot of work...............

Maybe better luck is coming.

Dave, not long ago I had a Skeeter that did 83 through the clocks. Too much fuel. I can set a hook fine at
48. Back then I had to use cane poles and red worms to save money. Now I can afford 12 bearing

And,due to a death in the family I'm going to miss the Hickory Egg shoot tomorrow??

The topic comes up from time to time and is sometimes used as a reason why there aren't more people in our games. Welllll - - - -,

I use to race Flat Track Cycles back in the sixties and 70's. Back then, money seemed to go a lot furtherer than it does today. 3 years before I quit racing I built a new bike from the best custom parts available at the time. I had around 3K into the project, as I recall, including a new engine.

I happened to notice that there was a First Time TT race on Thursday of the Daytona Bike Week a couple of weeks ago so I watched it on YouTube a couple of days after. The first two places were won by the new Indian 750 Flat Tracker, a limited production racing model from Polaris. Got to wondering if a Citizen could purchase one of this model.

After a bit of looking around I discovered that YES, a Citizen can buy one for a mere $50,000. I can't make those numbers come out right but has $3K turned into $50 K since 1968?

So, it begs the question, I guess, "Is our Sport expensive"? The 50K is just for openers. There is also the van and the spares and the travel, etc. etc. etc. that must be procured.


Pete, it is expensive but everything we do these days is. A sign of the times I suppose.
Before I started rfbr I fished. That didn't seem any less expensive. I probably spent $100 a weekend to fish.
If you figure a 1 day club match locally it $30 for the match fee & lets say $60 in ammo(4 boxes)=$90. About the same.
Start up costs for my boat were much more expensive than my Eck guns, rest, flags, etc. Much more. Even more expensive adding the cf gun & another rest into the fray. It wasn't a very big boat either!
As far as traveling to matches, I always go with someone else & we split the cost of fuel & hotels. Its really a non- issue for me as far as deciding whether to go or not. It is what it is.
I don't think that's why people aren't getting into the sport at least up here in NE. The reason is WE don't do enough promoting it IMO. That & I feel it takes a special breed to want to do what we're trying to do.
See ya soon.

Between River Bend and the Shamrock the power steering hose, on the pump end, sprung a leak..$1,800 and change.

Then, when the guy in Ashland Kentucky put the New engine in he didn't put the heat shields on that 460 gas Ford. So, on the way back from the Shamrock, a side trip to Ken Wilsons Ford/RV in Canton, NC for another $1 K.

Just so happens that Tim Singleton picked me up at Wilsons and loaned me his new Ford Explorer, a Ken Wilson Ford purchase. That way I finished the 120 mile drive home instead of spending 2 days in Canton.

BTW, Ken Wilson Ford is in Haywood County and they only have one car rental, Enterprize. Those bastards charged me $120/ day for my Super Shoot trip in 2016 and wanted to charge me $60/ day for a pickup truck, the only available vehicle, they said. What about these $22/ day cats that advertise on TV.


It sounds like this BR shooting is pretty expensive; maybe I'd better stick with checkers. My condolences for the vehicle problems -- but, what do you expect from a Ford? :)

Jerry, surely you didn't pay $120/day for that van you had in Orrville.

BTW, kudos to Tim for helping -- the world needs more folks like him.
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other expesive endeavors

want to try fast horses for a money pit?

buy a semi competitive 2 d [ second division ] barrel horse for 20 grand and then feed it for at least 5 to 7 bucks a day and shoes every 6 weeks at 20 $ per shoe [x4 ]

and dont forget the saddle and trailer to haul it. oh yeah, and a truck to pull it. we will ignore entry fees and the barn and vet bills.

if you board out the costs go WAY up!
BTW, kudos to Tim for helping -- the world needs more folks like him.

There are a handful of people that made an extra effort to help me and make me feel welcome
You and Jerry are a two of them
I owe Jerry a lot more than the use of a car a day or two

Thanks tho
Expensive for WHO?

As a shooter, I don't find it expensive. As a Past Range operator, I found it quite expensive. Lease the land, built twenty concrete benches, prepared Target frame and removable supports,( couldn't leave them in place due to vandals shooting them up). Purchase Steel Shipping container to store them securely, rent Port-a-potty because we had no trees, bushes. Total initial cost, $12,000. Lease for 12 years, $7,000, Repairs and upkeep of target frames averaged $50 per match event. Of course, wife have to provide refreshments, but I won't tell you how much that cost for 12 years Collect $5 per target for club matches and $8 for tournaments. Average less that 15 shooters per event. You tell me who it expensive for. Sure not the shooter, unless he chooses to spend excessive amounts of his equipment and ammo.
It sounds like this BR shooting is pretty expensive...

Jerry, surely you didn't pay $120/day for that van you had in Orrville.

BTW, kudos to Tim for helping -- the world needs more folks like him.

Enerprize Rent a Car charged me $120/day for the 11 days I had their car. They wanted even more for a box van!, At that time I was at Logan, WV where my coach was towed, and it was dark, and it was raining, and Enerprize was the only thing available.

This time it was daylight and not raining but that band of theves were the only game around, till I called Tim.
The topic comes up from time to time and is sometimes used as a reason why there aren't more people in our games. Welllll - - - -,

I use to race Flat Track Cycles back in the sixties and 70's. Back then, money seemed to go a lot furtherer than it does today. 3 years before I quit racing I built a new bike from the best custom parts available at the time. I had around 3K into the project, as I recall, including a new engine.

I happened to notice that there was a First Time TT race on Thursday of the Daytona Bike Week a couple of weeks ago so I watched it on YouTube a couple of days after. The first two places were won by the new Indian 750 Flat Tracker, a limited production racing model from Polaris. Got to wondering if a Citizen could purchase one of this model.

After a bit of looking around I discovered that YES, a Citizen can buy one for a mere $50,000. I can't make those numbers come out right but has $3K turned into $50 K since 1968?

So, it begs the question, I guess, "Is our Sport expensive"? The 50K is just for openers. There is also the van and the spares and the travel, etc. etc. etc. that must be procured.


And I thought Enduro racing was expensive. It was AMA too but my YammyHammrr only cost about $4k.
