Is Photobucket pissing...

Dick, I've never used photobucket so can't say this will be easier but it what I use.
The homepage looks a little spooky but it is easy for me at least. All I do with it though is post a picture on a board once every couple months or so. Don't know what else it really has to offer.

everybody else off too?

Are there sensible and, hopefully, easy alternatives?

Hey Dick, Photobucket took a huge dump awhile back. It takes a long time to access photos on it. I hear tell it is due to the ads that they have added to the website. I stopped using it - it just isn't worth the hassle.

No Problems...

I have a ton of pics in my photobucket acct, and I have had it forever.

They have not asked me for money and service is fast - I could not ask for more.
It has been a while since I used Photobucket, so after reading your post, I went to the site. It might as well have disappeared forever. Everything loaded very slowly, if at all, and there were a ton of advertising popups. After trying three different browsers to see if that made any difference, I did a little looking around and that took me to a Wikipedia article. It seems that I have a lot of work to do. Effectively, I have lost all of the pictures that are on that site. At that point, I did a search for a new free image hosting site to try and my first try is going to be Imgur. I plan on opening a number of accounts on various free hosting sites and uploading a few pictures on each, so that I can compare them. I uploaded one picture to Imgur. It did not take long. Things moved along pretty snappily. I have yet to look into whether there is any editing software on the site. Usually I make a copy that is about 600 pixels wide and use that for posting. In this case I am going to just post a link to the original, so it will probably not fit.
Post Photos

When I want to post a photo really fast,I usually use,"Postimage.Org". Its free.

There are a number of free image posting sites available on the Web. Check em out until you find one that suits your fancy.

I've been a long time user of Photobucket. Sadly, as many are finding out, it's now a hot mess. :( On a good note, the pics or videos you have there are still safe. But the formerly free features like 3rd party hosting are going to cost $399 a year. I'll pass on that 'offer'.

Imgur is easy to use. :)

Are they really? What are they called?

I don't know if they had a name but Gene Bukys sold them. He glued up the scope so it would quit changing it's P.O.I. and used the mounts to sight-in. I had two sets and they worked perfectly for me.
I don't know if they had a name but Gene Bukys sold them. He glued up the scope so it would quit changing it's P.O.I. and used the mounts to sight-in. I had two sets and they worked perfectly for me.

I inherited a couple of them, one based on a Weaver T36 and, I believe, one on a Leupold. I haven't looked at them in a while. I just wan't sure what to do with them.
Not to take the thread too far afield...I have pretty much abandoned Photobucket, too. Too many ads and so very slow. Went with a combination of Google Photos for bulk storage and Imgur for posting on forums that require 3rd party image hosting. A lot of the forums seem to be going over to a more direct upload and storage setup, but not all.
Tim - I'll look into that again but the last time I looked the space required would cost more than what the site produces. That's my fault for sure!
Direct upload. Click thing to right of yellow smile face thing, above. Going to try it. From my tablet. OR

Take a screen shot. Save to tablet or computer. Direct upload it .


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