Inside neck lubing with MOLY


Hi guys would like to ask how to prepare the Moly or which Moly type is used to Lube inside case neck ?
The method im after is the one ive seen in video by Lou Murdica in which he dips a brush in a solution, not sure if dry or wet and proceeds to Lube inside case neck , if wet would like to ask how to prepare and which solvent is used to do this ?

Thanks to amo reply in Advance,

Cheers Remy
Hi guys would like to ask how to prepare the Moly or which Moly type is used to Lube inside case neck ?
The method im after is the one ive seen in video by Lou Murdica in which he dips a brush in a solution, not sure if dry or wet and proceeds to Lube inside case neck , if wet would like to ask how to prepare and which solvent is used to do this ?

Thanks to amo reply in Advance,

Cheers Remy

Im curious as well.
50/50 Moly/Dry Mica Neck Lube

I use a 50/50 mixture of Moly and Dry Mica to lube necks for LR BR bullet seating. I put the mixture in a shot glass to the depth of the case case need for steel balls.

I merely sink the case neck into the mixture give it a twist, and click the case on sides of the shot glass while retracting it, and then wipe off the outside of the neck. A fine film of the moly/Mica is left on the neck interior.

I found that this technique significantly reduces the seating force variance on a a K&M force pack......especially after cleaning with pins.

I don't recall why or how I came up with the 50/50 mixture......that was nearly 20 years ago.
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I use Neco Molyslide 800-451-3550 I use a Q tip and a toothbrush and nylon brush Stu Harvey showed me this one. Chuck up a case. . USE THIS stuff very very sparingly. As case spins run brush dabbed in molyslide in the neck. Run toothbrush over neck. Turn. Clean up with. A tiny tiny bit goes a long way. Hope this helps. Michael Taner
..turn ??
we are talking SEATING bullets, yes ??

I use Neco Molyslide 800-451-3550 I use a Q tip and a toothbrush and nylon brush Stu Harvey showed me this one. Chuck up a case. . USE THIS stuff very very sparingly. As case spins run brush dabbed in molyslide in the neck. Run toothbrush over neck. Turn. Clean up with. A tiny tiny bit goes a long way. Hope this helps. Michael Taner
been using graphite since 1973 works fine.

Been doing this for years.
Bunch of fine lead shot with graphite all over it.
Works good for turning and sizing.

I would not anticipate using it to lubricate the inside of the neck for shooting.
For the most part you need a decent amount of neck tension to get good powder burn.
it all depends.
if the bullet is at or in the ands less actual mechanical neck tension is required. a slow burning powder in a case limited by mag length MAY benefit from a bunch of tension.
best to try various amounts in each case.

and yes it is being used on loaded ammo.

Been doing this for years.
Bunch of fine lead shot with graphite all over it.
Works good for turning and sizing.

I would not anticipate using it to lubricate the inside of the neck for shooting.
For the most part you need a decent amount of neck tension to get good powder burn.